Studies in the Theory of Descent, Volume I. Weismann August
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СКАЧАТЬ there are butterflies which produce two perfectly similar34 generations wherever they occur, and which, nevertheless, appear in different climates as climatic varieties. This is the case with Pararga Ægeria (Fig. 23, Plate II.), the southern variety of which, Meione (Fig. 24, Plate II.), is connected with it by an intermediate form from the Ligurian coast. This species possesses, therefore, a decided power of responding to the influence of temperature, and yet no distinction has taken place between the summer and the winter form. We can thus only attribute this different deportment to a different kind of heredity; and we may therefore plainly state, that changes produced by alternation of climate are not always inherited alternatingly, i.e. by the corresponding generations, but sometimes continuously, appearing in every generation, and never remaining latent. The causes which determine why, in a particular case, the one or the other form of inheritance prevails, can be only innate, i.e. they lie in the organism itself, and there is as little to be said upon their precise nature as upon that of any other process of heredity. In a similar manner Darwin admits a kind of double inheritance with respect to characters produced by sexual selection; in one form these characters remain limited to the sex which first acquired them, in the other form they are inherited by both sexes, without it being apparent why, in any particular case, the one or the other form of heredity should take place.

      The foregoing explanation may obtain in the case of sexual selection, in which it is not inconceivable that certain characters may not be so easily produced, or even not produced at all, in one sex, owing to its differing from the other in physical constitution. In the class of cases under consideration, however, it is not possible that the inherited characters can be prevented from being acquired by one generation owing to its physical constitution, since this constitution was similar in all the successive generations before the appearance of dimorphism. The constitution in question first became dissimilar in the two generations to the extent of producing a change of specific character, through the action of temperature on the alternating broods of each year, combined with cyclical heredity. If the law of cyclical heredity be a general one, it must hold good for all cases, and characters acquired by the summer generation could never have been also transmitted to the winter generation from the very first.

      I will not deny the possibility that if alternating heredity should become subsequently entirely suppressed throughout numerous generations, a period may arrive when the preponderating influence of a long series of summer generations may ultimately take effect upon the winter generation. In such a case the summer characters would appear, instead of remaining latent as formerly. In this manner it may be imagined that at first but few, and later more numerous individuals, approximate to the summer form, until finally the dimorphism entirely disappears, the new form thus gaining ascendency and the species becoming once more monomorphic. Such a supposition is indeed capable of being supported by some facts, an observation on A. Levana apparently contradicting the theory having been already interpreted in this sense. I refer to the fact that whilst some butterflies of the winter generation emerge in October as Prorsa, others hibernate, and appear the following spring in the Levana form. The winter form of Pieris Napi also no longer preserves, in the female sex, the striking coloration of the ancestral form Bryoniæ, a fact which may indicate the influencing of the winter generation by numerous summer generations. The double form of the spring generation of Papilio Ajax can be similarly explained by the gradual change of alternating into continuous heredity, as has already been mentioned. All these cases, however, are perhaps capable of another interpretation; at any rate, the correctness of this supposition can only be decided by further facts.

      Meanwhile, even if we suppose the above explanation to be correct, it will not apply to the absence of seasonal dimorphism in cases like that of Pararga Ægeria and Meione, in which only one summer generation appears, so that a preponderating inheritance of summer characters cannot be admitted. Another explanation must thus be sought, and I believe that I have found it in the circumstance that the butterflies named do not hibernate as pupæ but as caterpillars, so that the cold of winter does not directly influence those processes of development by which the perfect insect is formed in the chrysalis. It is precisely on this point that the origin of those differences of colour which we designate as the seasonal dimorphism of butterflies appears to depend. Previous experiments give great probability to this statement. From these we know that the eggs, caterpillars, and pupæ of all the seasonally dimorphic species experimented with are perfectly similar in the summer and winter generations, the imago stage only showing any difference. We know further from these experiments, that temperature-influences which affect the caterpillars never entail a change in the butterflies; and finally, that the artificial production of the reversion of the summer to the winter form can only be brought about by operating on the pupæ.

      Since many monogoneutic species now hibernate in the caterpillar stage (e.g. Satyrus Proserpina, and Hermione, Epinephele Eudora, Furtina, Ithonus, Hyperanthus, Ida, &c.), we may admit that during the glacial period such species did not pass the winter as pupæ. As the climate grew warmer, and in consequence thereof a second generation became gradually interpolated in many of these monogoneutic species, there would ensue (though by no means necessarily) a disturbance of the winter generation, of such a kind that the pupæ, instead of the caterpillars as formerly, would then hibernate. It may, indeed, be easily proved à priori that whenever a disturbance of the winter generation takes place it only does so retrogressively, that is to say – species which at one time pass the winter as caterpillars subsequently hibernate in the egg, while those which formerly hibernate as pupæ afterwards do so as caterpillars. The interpolation of a summer generation must necessarily delay till further towards the end of summer, the brood about to hibernate; the remainder of the summer, which serves for the development of the eggs and young caterpillars, may possibly under these conditions be insufficient for pupation, and the species which hibernated in the pupal state when it was monogoneutic, may perhaps pass the winter in the larval condition after the introduction of the second brood. A disturbance of this kind is conceivable; but it is certain that many species suffer no further alteration in their development than that of becoming digoneutic from monogoneutic. This follows from the fact that hibernation takes place in the caterpillar stage in many species of the sub-family Satyridæ which are now digoneutic, as well as in the remaining monogoneutic species of the same sub-family. But we cannot expect seasonal dimorphism to appear in all digoneutic butterflies the winter generation of which hibernates in the caterpillar form, since the pupal stage in these species experiences nearly the same influences of temperature in both generations. We are hence led to the conclusion that seasonal dimorphism must arise in butterflies whenever the pupæ of the alternating annual generations are exposed throughout long periods of time to widely different regularly recurring changes of temperature.

      The facts agree with this conclusion, inasmuch as most butterflies which exhibit seasonal dimorphism hibernate in the pupa stage. Thus, this is the case with all the Pierinæ, with Papilio Machaon, P. Podalirius, and P. Ajax, as well as with Araschnia Levana. Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that seasonal dimorphism occurs also in some species which do not hibernate as pupæ but as caterpillars; as, for instance, in the strongly dimorphic Plebeius Amyntas. But such cases can be explained in a different manner.

      Again, the formation of a climatic variety – and as such must we regard seasonally dimorphic forms – by no means entirely depends on the magnitude of the difference between the temperature which acts on the pupæ of the primary and that which acts on those of the secondary form; it rather depends on the absolute temperature which the pupæ experience. This follows without doubt from the fact that many species, such as our common Swallow-tail (Papilio Machaon), and also P. Podalirius, in Germany and the rest of temperate Europe, show no perceptible difference of colour between the first generation, the pupæ of which hibernate, and the second generation, the pupal period of which falls in July, whereas the same butterflies in South Spain and Italy are to a small extent seasonally dimorphic. Those butterflies which are developed under the influence of a Sicilian summer heat likewise show СКАЧАТЬ


When Meyer-Dürr, who is otherwise very accurate, states in his “Verzeichniss der Schmetterlinge der Schweiz,” (1852, p. 207), that the winter and summer generations of P. Ægeria differ to a small extent in the contour of the wings and in marking, he has committed an error. The characters which this author attributes to the summer form are much more applicable to the female sex. There exists in this species a trifling sexual dimorphism, but no seasonal dimorphism.