The Bee Keeper's Daughter. Kingdom of Meridian. Vol 1.. Shian Serei
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СКАЧАТЬ denying him anything he wanted.

      Maria’s thoughts faded into dreams as she laid in her bed. The ship gently rocked and cradled her into a deep sleep where she drifted in images of a man’s bare body and his hands on her. It was the first time she had dreamt of such erotic and powerful sensations. As if a fire had been lit inside her soul that would not easily be controlled or extinguished.

      A Storm at Midnight

      A rushing sound crashed and knocked at the sides of the ship as Maria awoke in her bed. She felt the room spinning and dropping as she realized something was very wrong. A few seconds later another crash from the opposite side followed by creaking boards and shouting from the deck above.

      She quickly got dressed, stumbling about the cabin as she tried to keep her balance. She looked out the small window, but there was no light only the loud crash of waves knocking the ship in all directions. She could hear the oarsman moving things about on the deck below, everyone clamoring and shouting.

      The door burst open as Sveta returned. «Good you’re up!» She said quickly.

      «What has happened, did we crash into something?» Maria asked.

      «It’s a storm; it came in fast before we could get to the port so we will have to ride it out,» Sveta said as she put on her coat.

      «I have to get to the kitchen and secure everything, or it will be a mess in the morning! You can stay here or come with me, but it’s dreadful at the front of the ship.» Sveta added as the floor seemed to drop from under them and suddenly boom as it caught the next wave.

      «I’ll go with you!» Maria replied as she grabbed her shoes.

      The two made their way down to the kitchen where pots and pans were rolling in all directions. It was dark and confusing as people shouted at each other to act quickly.

      «Can we light a candle?» Maria asked in frustration as she stumbled over the cookware.

      «No it’s too dangerous, no fires are allowed when there is a storm, it turns the ship into a burning prison if it gets out of control!» Sveta replied as she reached and felt around in the kitchen blindly searching for the nearest object. «I know it seems impossible but grab everything that moves!»

      Maria felt a large pan rolling towards her and put her hand out to catch it. Her fingers were greeted by a tumbling iron pot that rolled into her grasp. Piece by piece they held on to the walls for balance grabbing the tumbling cookery until the sea of clanging metal was silenced. They sat on the floor of the galley, listening to the ship creaking against the thud of the river’s waves.

      Sveta sighed, «I knew I should have locked everything down before I left the kitchen.» She said with a sarcastic laugh. «Thanks for your help, though!»

      «You’re welcome.» Maria said, «I think the storm is calming!»

      «We’re lower on the ship, it’s not as noticeable down here,» replied Sveta.

      The captain shouted orders from above the decks that were repeated by the quartermaster through the hallways down to the oarsman, «Hard port, only port!»

      The shuffle of extending and retracting oars drummed through the ships timbers in response to the orders. The crew was in complete unison with every word that came from the captain’s lips.

      «What are they doing?» asked Maria.

      «The storm is pushing us toward shore, so they drop the sail and steer us into the current to keep us straight.» Said Sveta as she motioned for them to sit against the wall.

      Their eyes adjusted to the limited visibility in the dark galley. The clouds moved quickly, letting occasional moonlight work its way through the windows and stairwells.

      «Are we safe?» Maria asked nervously.

      «Sure, it’s a lot of spinning about but the captain’s good at keeping us away from danger. You realize why he is the captain at times like this.» Sveta said admirably.

      Maria listened to her words and began to realize Sveta had feelings for the captain, regardless of her objections to being his servant. She thought to ask about the evening’s meeting but decided this was a question that should wait.

      Flashes of lightning silently lit the hallways followed moments later by explosive thunder that shook every part of the ship. Maria had seen many thunderstorms during summers on her farm, but she had never heard one so fierce and close. She moved closer to Sveta feeling safer near her friend.

      Sveta put her arm around Maria, «Ladno, just another day on the river» She said as she patted her back.

      Maria’s arms wrapped around Sveta, she couldn’t help the fear of such an unknown experience as it shook and terrified her. Sveta realized Maria was still a young girl, tender and easily frightened. Her womanly instincts to nurture took over as she held Maria in the dark.

      Lightning flashed again in an almost blinding brightness then absolute silence. Finally, a dark distant roll of thunder echoed across the sky booming and shaking with less intensity. Sveta kissed Maria’s head and patted her back, «It’s moving away from us, we can go back to the cabin soon,» Sveta said reassuringly.

      Maria looked up feeling encouraged and felt calmed by Sveta’s words.

      «Thanks.» She replied, «I’ve never experienced such a storm in my life.»

      The ship began to slow its hard shifting and soon the sounds of the oarsman returned to their normal pace.

      «Those poor men, we probably lost half a day’s progress up the river. They will be rowing extra tonight.» Sveta explained.

      The ladies soon returned to their cabin, the waves had calmed slightly but continued to batter the ship. Sveta was extremely tired, but Maria wanted to know how it went with the captain.

      As Sveta took off her dress, Maria asked, «So, how was it… with him?»

      Sveta paused, «I’ll tell you in the morning, I’m exhausted.» She replied.

      As Sveta’s clothes dropped to the floor, she fell to her bed, exhausted. Maria looked at her in the dark, she looked cold and didn’t have the strength to pull the blankets beneath her over herself.

      Maria went and took the blanket from her own bed and returned to Sveta’s bedside. Without a word, she draped the blanket over Sveta’s body and lay alongside her.

      «Such a paradise,» Sveta whispered as she fell asleep instantly.

      Maria felt such an appreciation for all Sveta did for her, and wanted to return her kindness in some way. She curled up behind Sveta and let her arm drape over her. Sveta shifted slightly then took Maria’s hand, holding it to her breast.

      It was shocking at first, Maria wanted to pull her hand away thinking it was an unconscious mistake. But the sensation of Sveta’s breast, so warm and soft in her hand, felt very different from her own. She dared not to move a single finger, feeling the tender impression of Sveta’s nipple against her palm.

      Maria felt awkward, speechless, uncomfortable but also aroused as she had admired Sveta’s СКАЧАТЬ