The Bee Keeper's Daughter. Kingdom of Meridian. Vol 1.. Shian Serei
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СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      Sveta paused, “Well…no, there was more» she laughed, embarrassed and covering her face with her hands.

      «We must’ve kissed for an hour or more, and we kept getting closer to one another, I could feel his hands were eager to touch me more but he kept them right at my hips, or he would run them up my back kind of playfully. Then during the kisses, I noticed his fingers would just move a little closer to my breasts or lower down my back right above my bottom. So, of course, I’m pretending not to notice but how can you not, right?» Sveta teased.

      Maria’s mouth fell open as she knew this story was going to get more interesting by the second.

      «I decided to see what he would do if he thought I was in agreement for more, so I hold my breath and just… pushed my tongue deep into his mouth, daring him to be bolder. He starts to moan a little bit, so I know he likes it. And I don’t know where the idea came from, but as I pulled away from the kiss I sucked his bottom lip real slow… pulling it between my lips as I slowly let it go. And that must have done it because he pressed me against the wall and his hands went right over my breasts squeezing me like there is no tomorrow. I could feel his hardness right through my clothes, like a rock down there pushing against me!»

      Maria smiled imagining every detail, «Then what?!» she snapped wanting Sveta to continue.

      «Then I pushed him away and told him I needed to go. I mean… as much as I liked it, I was young, and it felt a little wrong if you know what I’m saying? It was wonderful and terrifying for a first-time.» Sveta said looking for Maria’s agreement.

      Maria nodded, disappointed that the story had to end, but she completely understood. She could not bring herself to confess she had hardly experienced such things with a man yet.

      «I remember my first kiss.» Maria began, then a knock suddenly came at the door.

      They both looked at each other curiously, not expecting anyone.

      Sveta went and opened the door, and two of the oarsmen entered the cabin.

      «Well… back for more, both of you?» Sveta teased.

      «Da.» they both nodded

      «And you already washed?» Sveta commanded.

      «Da.» They quickly agreed like children agreeing with their mother.

      «Alright, which one goes first while the other one watches?» she replied seductively as she walked toward her bed.

      Maria was shocked, it seemed so businesslike and crude.

      «Two men at the same time!?» she thought as she quickly put her shoes on and said, «I’ll go get some fresh air!»

      «Don’t be silly you can stay and help!» Sveta replied calmly.

      Maria looked horrified as she turned to Sveta in shock. Suddenly, Sveta understood what Maria must be thinking.

      «Ah! Net dorogaya, it’s not that.» Sveta gasped and laughed as the full weight of the scene began to unfold in her mind. «They are here for haircuts.» She added with a riotous laugh as she reached behind her bed and pulled out a small sharp knife.

      Maria’s sighed in deep relief, «Konechno, haircuts» She said as her face turned red in embarrassment.

      «Have you ever cut hair before?» Sveta asked.

      «I watched my mom cut my dad’s hair a few times,» Maria replied

      «Well come on I’ll show you,» Sveta said as she placed a small stool in the middle of the room and looked at the men waiting for one of them to sit.

      The larger of the two men stepped forward and sat on the stool like an obedient child.

      «They like their hair really short because it gets sweltering hot when rowing and with everyone so close together down there, head lice can spread like wildfire,» Sveta said as she ran her fingers through the man’s hair pulling it out word for examination. «I leave just a little bit to keep them from getting a sunburn and cut the rest.» She said as she began pulling the knife through the man’s hair.

      Maria watched as the man offered no objection as Sveta cut his hair vigorously with a knife. She pulled hard, yanking and hacking away at his locks, causing his head to bob from one side or the other while the man looked completely calm.

      «Now you try!» Sveta remarked while handing the knife to Maria.

      «Oh I’m not sure am ready, I think maybe I will just watch this time.» Maria contested.

      «Nonsense, you patched the mainsail today, we learn by doing not by watching, just like sex!» Sveta said as the men laughed.

      Maria jabbed her elbow at Sveta for embarrassing her as she stepped behind the man and began to cut his hair.

      She ran her fingers through the long last part of his hair and carefully began to cut. Her touch was so gentle the man’s eyes lit up, and he smiled. His friend noticed and decided to tease him.

      «Vse normalno Victor?» the other man asked.

      «Da, ochen horosho» Victor replied.

      Sveta could see what was happening, and nagged Maria to work faster and be firmer.

      «Right, we’re cutting hair tonight, not seducing the crew, get on with it!» Sveta said as she placed her hand over Marias to guide her to pull harder and finish.

      Maria had no idea her touch was so gentle in comparison, but she enjoyed the reaction that she saw.

      Victor stood and turned to face both ladies. «Spacibo!» He said as he rubbed his freshly shorn head.

      His friend laughed as if he looked ridiculous. «Davai, ti tozhe» Victor snapped as he pushed his friend into the seat.

      Sveta looked at Maria and shrugged her shoulders, «Go ahead.» She encouraged.

      Maria was determined to cut in the same way Sveta did, this time, she ran her fingers through the man’s hair and quickly pulled the knife through make stronger strokes them before. She was so intent on doing it the way she had been shown that she did not see the young man’s face wincing in pain by her firmer technique. She was done in seconds and tapped him on the back to stand.

      He turned and faced both ladies to thank them, and at that moment Maria could see the tears in his eyes that he tried to conceal by quickly blinking. «Spacibo,» the man said weakly. As he and his friend turned to leave the cabin.

      The moment the door closed the two of them burst into laughter, «Did you see his face?!» Sveta said as she covered her mouth in surprise.

      «So awful, he must think I’m a butcher!» Maria said regretfully.

      «Serves him right for making so many jokes.» Sveta said, «Don’t worry they will be back in a couple weeks.»

      Maria shook her head in disbelief, but couldn’t help but laugh about the situation.

      The two of them pushed the hair into a pile with a small broom.

      «What СКАЧАТЬ