The Bee Keeper's Daughter. Kingdom of Meridian. Vol 1.. Shian Serei
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СКАЧАТЬ running away, but he gives me special privileges because I take care of him when he asks for it.» replied Sveta.

      «Take care of him, how?» Maria said in a teasing voice.

      Sveta blushed as she raised an eyebrow and spoke in a sarcastic voice. «Oh, yesss… you’re So big… give it to me! You mad beast!»

      «Big?» Maria mused.

      Sveta held up her smallest finger, bending it limply, «Enormous» she replied in a high pitched tone.

      The two of them burst into laughter as passing citizens walked around them on the crowded streets. They visited several shops, makers of dresses, coats, shoes, confections and pastries. In each place, they received no news of Maria’s mother. Maria described her mother and left the store owners with the message that she would continue to Neva, should her mother appear in the following days.

      As they walked back to the ship, Maria was sad that she hadn’t found her mother or had any news of her whereabouts. Sveta could see her sad face and wanted to cheer her up. She pulled Maria into a nearby store and purchased some honey for her, «To remind you of home» Sveta said.

      Maria’s eyes filled with tears as she held the clay jar of honey close to her heart. She truly missed both her parents and felt so alone without them. But her new found friend gave her inspiration to keep going and make the most of her days. Maria knew her father and mother had done all they could to get her to freedom, and she didn’t want to disappoint them by giving up. She had to continue on the journey to Neva.

      As she and Sveta walked toward the ship, she asked Sveta about her life and how she felt about life onboard the ship.

      «I’ll lose my best years to this crazy life, I know it. By the time I’m done paying my father’s debt, I’ll be too old for most men to want me as a wife. Although some have said, they would take me as soon as I’m done. I won’t believe in that until the time comes.» Sveta said sadly.

      «But if that’s the way of it, why should I suffer and go without a man’s attention? Most of them are very generous and bring me nice things. Of course, they have wives back home, I’m just someone to fill in that need for variety while they’re away.» She continued.

      Maria interrupted, «What about love? Don’t you want love?» She said kindly as she placed her hand on Sveta’s back.

      Sveta paused, «Of course I want to be loved and to love. But that time is not now, it’s somewhere in the future when I can have a say over where I go and who I’ll be with.»

      Maria could hear the sorrow in Sveta’s voice, she knew she ached for love just like anyone would. Perhaps that’s why she allowed men to have her in bed so she could feel something other than despair.

      «It’s a hard life,» Maria said calmly

      «Indeed it is.» Sveta replied, «And that’s why I drink!»

      They laughed and continued back onboard the ship just as it was making ready to set sail. The new cargo was on the deck, and other items had been offloaded. The captain stood at the mast and shouted at Sveta as she walked toward the downward staircase, «Don’t wait till the last line is cast off to come back aboard!»

      «Sorry captain – won’t happen again!» She replied sarcastically.

      «Da, you say that every time!» he blasted as he reviewed the papers for the cargo.

      Maria returned to the cabin and placed the jar of honey by her bed as Sveta changed her clothes before going to the galley.

      Sveta’s naked body didn’t embarrass Maria as it had before; she was becoming used to seeing her cabin mate this way. It seemed almost natural to look at her now.

      Sveta pulled her clothes off and quickly washed with a wet towel. She stood with a small pan of water on the floor, dipping the cloth in the water then making long strokes along her body. Maria laid face down on her bed, propping herself up on her elbows as her ankles crossed and lifted up and down as she talked.

      Sveta told her more about the ship, the crew and the ports that they would see on the way. A trail of water trickled from Sveta’s shoulder, down across her breast, following a path unique to her body, slowing as it ran past her hips and down her leg. The cold water made her nipples harden as she finished washing her front.

      Sveta noticed Maria was watching her closely as they talked, she turned her back to Maria and playfully asked, «Wash my back?»

      Maria felt nervous but stood and walked toward Sveta, «Hold your hair.» Maria said as she reached for the wet towel.

      Sveta turned and lifted her hands to pull her hair out of the way. Maria began to slowly wipe from her neck, across her shoulders and down her back. Sveta sighed from the cold cloth against her skin. Maria’s hand continued down Sveta’s back until she reached the curves of her bottom. She paused there for a moment, wondering if she should stop.

      She held her breath and continued down Sveta’s body, gliding the towel over every inch of her backside. She couldn’t help but to look at every detail of Sveta’s body. She had never closely seen how a grown woman looked unclothed, her mother had always kept covered, and her friends at home had moved on or died before reaching that age.

      Her eyes took in the softness of Sveta’s skin, how her legs flowed upward to the soft hair that delicately covered her most intimate flesh. Maria wondered if her body looked the same, so impressive and wondrous.

      «I think my legs are clean dear,» Sveta said as Maria realized she had remained too long in one place.

      Maria quickly stood up to return the towel. Sveta smiled and thanked her, turning toward her to take the towel from her hand. Maria’s eyes glanced down and saw that Sveta’s nipples were absolutely firm with arousal. She quickly looked back into Sveta’s eyes.

      Neither lady said a word, they simply realized they had shared an intimate moment that was unexpected and pleasant. Sveta reached for her working dress and Maria returned to her bed.

      «See you at dinner!» Sveta said as she put on her shoes and headed for the door.

      «See you then!» Maria responded.

      The new found friendship between the two was filled with energy to explore and share. It was a comfort that made them feel closer and more confident about their lives. Someone they could say anything to and understand each other as they were, not as they should be.

      Maria opened her travel sack and found the small script she had carried since leaving her farm. She whispered the words in Latin thinking about their meaning for the first time, «In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram, In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.» She reached for a brush and pulled it through her hair as she continued reading in fascination at the creation of woman.

      «In the beginning, the last thing God made was a woman, the final crown of all creation, no wonder our bodies are so inspired to look at and touch.» She thought.

      The light in the room faded as the sun set on the Volga with the Kupala catching the last breeze northward, carrying it toward the next stop along the river.

      Fireflies on the Volga

      The СКАЧАТЬ