The Bee Keeper's Daughter. Kingdom of Meridian. Vol 1.. Shian Serei
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СКАЧАТЬ he suddenly shifted and buried his face between her legs. His strong hands cupped her round bottom, squeezing her flesh as his tongue slipped inside her wetness. Maria could hear him kissing her there, and the sound of his sucking was rewarded when Sveta gasped.

      Sveta dug her fingers into his shoulders, it was too much for her to take and continue standing. She pulled him toward her bed and lay back waiting for him to satisfy her. Maria could see Sveta’s body easily as the window was closer to her bed. The light made her skin look ghost like, and the view of her large nipples made an erotic contrast to the shape of her full round breasts.

      The man untied his belt and let his clothes fall to the floor as he eagerly pulled his shirt off. Maria admired his masculine shape; he looked powerful compared to Sveta’s nubile body. He had broad shoulders and a defined back that tapered slowly toward his waist. She felt on fire as she looked at his masculine buttocks, it looked as if it were chiseled from solid marble and she wanted to reach over and feel it but knew she could not.

      He knelt on the bed, ready to take Sveta. Maria quietly turned her face, hoping to see the rest of his body.

      «Why doesn’t he turn this way?» she thought frustrated from the view. She wanted to see everything, all of him. Then she saw Sveta’s hand sliding down his back, coaxing him on top of her. He slowly lowered over her and reached down to guide his throbbing flesh inside her.

      Maria felt her breath failing her, as she watched him feeding his manhood to Sveta’s hungry cave. Sveta gasped and whispered, «Slowww, you’re so big!», As he moved deeper inside her. His body moved closer and closer until he covered her beneath him, Sveta’s hands traced down his back and clawed at his ass in ecstasy.

      From Maria’s view, they were an entanglement of legs and arms, joined in the center. They moved together, like a language without words, only gestures, touches, and gasps between movements. It was beautiful and erotic to watch, and seeing them secretly gave an intensity that excited Maria even more.

      The man lifted himself by his arms, hovering over Sveta as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He began to thrust his shaft into her. His back and ass became a rhythm of flexing muscle accelerating in each repetition. He rocked Sveta firmly against her bed and headboard with growing strength.

      «Surely they know the noise they are making would wake me up!» Maria thought as her hands began sliding quietly under the blanket, finding her erect nipples with her fingers. She pinched at them, wanting to imagine the pleasures taking place just out of reach. She was so aroused, so eager to feel the pleasure of sex and attention but kept absolutely quiet to maintain her secret view.

      Then her eyes caught the gaze of Sveta, who was now watching her as the man continued pumping his body into her. She could see Maria, and kept her eyes directed at Maria knowing she was watching. A slight smile crept over Sveta’s face as if she had gotten what she wanted, enjoying the twist of being seen.

      The man began to groan more intensely, with each thrust his voice grew louder, building to a final conclusion. Suddenly Sveta pushed the man off of her bed and onto the floor.

      «Wait! You have to finish another way!» She whispered as she got on her knees and turned him toward her mouth. Sveta seemed to position her body like an actor on a stage, she had situated herself and the man to be turned just enough for Maria to see their crescendo of pleasure.

      Sveta eagerly took his hard shaft to her lips and slid it deep into her mouth.

      «Finally!» Maria thought excitedly, as she could see the rest of his body.

      His penis was firm and looked massive compared to Sveta’s hands and mouth as she pleasured him. His strong legs were like iron that rose up from the ground to present his impressive shaft. She wondered if all men kept such wonders in their pants, and marveled at how big they could grow from a woman’s touch.

      The man placed his hand on Sveta’s head, guiding her to take all of him, it looked impossible to fit so much in her mouth, but Sveta slid him deep inside until her lips were at the end of his shaft. The man moaned in appreciation and stroked his fingers through her hair. He slid his hand to the back of her head and pulled at her hair, it looked almost brutal to Maria, but Sveta seemed to like it, gasping as she slid off of it and quickly returning.

      Maria noticed Sveta’s hand was between her legs, stroking herself as she took the man in her mouth.

      «Finish me, I am burning!» the man said.

      Sveta smiled as she squeezed his cock firmly in her grip and stroked him twisting her hand around his shaft. «Shhhh» Sveta moaned softly… reminding him, they were not alone. «I want it in your mouth» he sighed, as she responded eagerly.

      Her hands moved quicker as she took the tip of his penis, and sucked it while she stroked him. Her other hand cupped her breasts and pinched her nipple. She was trying to bring him to the point of no return….and then he suddenly grabbed her head, pulling her hair and thrusting his cock deep into her mouth.

      He gasped as she tried not to choke from his strength, then she placed her hands on each side of his hips and pulling herself off his shaft with a mouthful of his juice. She let it drip from her mouth back onto his penis and onto her breasts, as he caught his breath. She slowly stroked him as he placed his hand on the wall to keep from falling over.

      Maria’s hand had found its way down her body, reaching the place that begged for attention after watching the interlude unfold in front of her. As her fingers began to slide between her legs, she felt intense wetness, waiting to greet her welcome fingers. Her pulse seemed to push through her skin, where she began to stroke her fingers, curious and eager to see where this burning pleasure would take her, but it would have to wait until she was alone.

      Sveta looked like an enchantress; she had taken him on a journey and made him give her everything she wanted. Maria watched her as she stroked her hands through the juices that covered her breasts; it was like a trophy to Sveta. She seemed content to control him from her knees as she stopped stroking him, and reached for her dress to wipe herself off.

      Maria watched in a state of amazement; an entire world seemed to exist in the bedroom that escaped all boundaries of life, time and space. Her interest and curiosity to learn more grew by the minute.

      The man dressed quickly and prepared to leave as Sveta retreated to her bed. He sat beside her and quietly placed something in her hand.

      «No, it’s not right.» Sveta said, «You make me feel like…»

      The man interrupted as it clenched his hand around hers, to keep her from returning it. «I know the captain doesn’t pay you much, take it for your mother if not for yourself.» He said, as he kissed her hand and quickly exited the cabin.

      Sveta held her hand open revealing a few coins that reflected in the light. She sighed deeply and set them beside her bed. She looked over at Maria, seeing her eyes closed and assumed she had fallen asleep.

      Sveta looked at the ceiling of her cabin, it was dark and unremarkable in the night light. She seemed very far away from the place and time she was currently in. She wiped her body once more with her dress and set it on the floor as she pulled a blanket over her bare breasts. She rolled towards the cabin wall and sighed as she drifted into sleep.

      Maria quietly turned in her bed, her body still alive with hunger she could hardly contain, but she knew she had to remain silent. She ached to stroke herself but there was no way she could attempt it undetected.