Название: Urban and suburban transport intelligent management. Textbook
Автор: Vadim Shmal
Издательство: Издательские решения
isbn: 9785005931375
As noted in the study [66], in addition to the Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems (CPS) are used to manage transport facilities, and then cyber-physical transport systems (TCPS). They allow you to monitor and control physical devices in real time. An important feature of IoT is the use of mobile smart devices.
Communications between particularly responsible elements in transport play a key role. The functioning of modern rolling stock as a set of interconnected parts is largely provided by smart mobile devices. [66]
In addition to the types of IoT information interaction in TCPS transport cyberspace, V2V (Vehicular-to-Vehicular communications) interaction is often used, based on information interaction between single vehicles based on a variety of sensors that are installed on each mobile object. At the same time, information from individual vehicles enters a single information space for optimal control and interaction of moving objects. [66]
In the field of transport, a special wireless mobile communication network VANET is used. This network allows vehicles to exchange a variety of information over a wireless environment and contributes to the intensification of transportation. [66]
The transport industry plays a direct and significant role in the country’s economy. Many aspects depend on the efficient functioning of the transport system, such as timely delivery of goods to consumers, mobility of passengers in cities, logistics of large industrial institutions. [23,24,27,30]
Experts [30] identify several IoT functions in the transport industry, which include:
– obtaining the necessary data from the transport system;
– measurement of read data;
– providing a wireless connection for the exchange of sent data;
– functioning of a cloud platform to support management decision-making based on predictive analytics;
– implementation of the regulatory impact according to the decisions taken.
For the successful operation of the Internet of Things, several functional levels are distinguished:
– the level of communication channels;
– analytical level;
– service level;
– the level of infrastructure.
The communication channel layer helps in transmitting data from the analytical layer through various networks. An important factor in the development of the level of communication channels is the issue of data transmission security. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the speed and transparency of data transmission.
At the service level, actions are performed that are transferred from the technical level in accordance with customer requirements. The service layer receives detailed information from the analytical layer through the communication channel layer. The received information is processed in different ways and detailed analysis is carried out by various computing tools.
The infrastructure layer is the layer that creates the technology necessary to perform various services and store the information received. This includes the geoinformation system service, cloud computing platform, cloud storage, Big Data analysis tools, etc.
In the transport industry, digital technologies should allow the transition to paperless technologies in the operation and design of any transport services, provide comprehensive monitoring of the state of transportation and transport infrastructure facilities.
It is worth noting the very important role of IoT in the tasks of monitoring infrastructure and vehicles, the use of which allows:
– to take into account the work done, as well as the energy or resources spent on it;
– to predict based on the results of data analysis of the pre-failure condition of the facility, for the implementation of operational measures and prevention of traffic safety violations;
– automate maintenance and determination of pre-failure states;
– to carry out operational changes in the vehicle control mode on the studied infrastructure in case of detection of dangerous failures. [51]
With the help of IoT technologies, it is possible to conduct intelligent tracking of the movement of vehicles, their location at the current time, working hours and parking time, attempts to enter the body of the vehicle, etc.
The use of elements of the Internet of Things technology allows you to measure the internal conditions inside the vehicle body during transportation (temperature, humidity, lighting conditions, etc.). The Internet of Things can also be used in vehicle control and navigation systems. Real-time monitoring of vehicles using IoT tools allows for efficient delivery of products to consumers in megacities.
The use of IoT makes it possible to significantly improve the quality of public transport services, to reorient the vector of preferred use of vehicles in the structure of the transport process from personal to public transport and, thus, reduce the load on the road network. [38]
Systems based on geolocation technologies in conjunction with the Internet of Things have also been widely developed, which allow linking information in a single network about the movement of vehicles, which allows real-time forecasting of the exact time of arrival of the desired object to the stopping point [69,70,71] Wide access for a large number of users via devices connected to the Internet, allows significantly improve the quality of decisions made by passengers on the implementation of a convenient travel option.
An important criterion for the implementation of the development of the transport infrastructure of the passenger complex is the accuracy of the analysis and forecasting of passenger flows. Most of this data is obtained by consolidating information about the number of people who have passed, taking into account the time of day, from sensors located in turnstiles [25,26,28].
The development of predictive analytics systems on the impact of weather events and weather emergencies on the restriction of transport, based on IoT data, allows for early adjustment of the timetable, notifying the population and transmitting a signal about the mobilization of emergency services.
1.2.1 IoT application in railway transport
In the context of the implementation of trends for the development of the digital economy in the Russian Federation and particularly important sectors of the national economy, the Digital Railway project is also being implemented, which is based on the concept of automatic collection of all necessary primary information about the state of the transportation process. Particularly important information affecting traffic safety and requiring operational control can include: the current state of the SCB, the speed and weight of trains, the dislocation of mobile units and their current condition, the presence of restrictions, etc.
The core of the formation of digital railway technologies is the full integration of intelligent communication technologies between the user, vehicle, traffic management system and infrastructure.
The main tasks of using IoT in railway transport include:
– reducing СКАЧАТЬ