Psalms Through the Centuries, Volume 3. Susan Gillingham
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Название: Psalms Through the Centuries, Volume 3

Автор: Susan Gillingham

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Религия: прочее


isbn: 9781119542261


СКАЧАТЬ different expressions of faith: despite its title, David is not at the centre of much interpretation. The theme shared in both Jewish and Christian reception is the importance of prayer.

      Psalm 87: God is King in Zion

      Psalm 87 relates to Ps 86:9 in that it amplifies the eschatological idea of all nations acknowledging the rule of God. This psalm is however more specific. Here Zion is described as a mother (verse 5) who gives birth not only to the people of Israel but, seemingly, to other peoples as well (verse 6). This *Korahite psalm, which is very different from the earlier *Asaphite psalms which view the nations in such a negative light, has generated a vast amount of interpretation over the centuries. It raises questions as to whether these ‘peoples’ are the Jews in the Diaspora, who will always be citizens of Zion; or perhaps proselytes in the Diaspora, thus explaining the references to Rahab and Babylon in verse 4; or perhaps a prophecy to be fulfilled by (Gentile) Christians, who are heirs to this hope. Its interests in Zion, and in God as King there, link it to Psalms 46–48 in the first Korahite collection.

      FIGURE 5 Interpretation of singing of Psalm 87 in its earliest setting.

      Reproduced with the kind permission of David Mitchell, Director of Music in Holy Trinity Pro-Cathedral, Brussels; website