Acoustic and Vibrational Enhanced Oil Recovery. George V. Chilingar
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Название: Acoustic and Vibrational Enhanced Oil Recovery

Автор: George V. Chilingar

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Физика


isbn: 9781119760177


СКАЧАТЬ Publishers at Scrivener

      Martin Scrivener (

      Phillip Carmical (

      Acoustic and Vibrational Enhanced Oil Recovery

       George V. Chilingar

       Kazem Majid Sadeghi


       Oleg Leonidovich Kuznetsov

      This edition first published 2022 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA and Scrivener Publishing LLC, 100 Cummings Center, Suite 541J, Beverly, MA 01915, USA

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       Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      ISBN 9781119760153

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       The authors are greatly indebted to Dr. Henry Chuang and Nina Chuang, for all of their tireless and generous help in accomplishing the completion of this book. Dr. Chuang was former student and teaching assistant in Petroleum Engineering at the University of Southern California through the guidance of Professor George V. Chilingar. The authors wish to thank them for everything and send them the very best wishes for their health and happiness.

      List of Contributors

      List of Major Contributors

      Donald G. Hill

      Valery P. Dyblenko

      Rishard Ya. Sharifullin

      E. Y. Marchukov

      Ernst M. Simkin

      I. A. Chirkin

      Muhammad Haroun

      M. L. Surguchev

      Mehdi Shamsi

      Other Contributors

      Michael Gorfunkel

      Julia V. Korobeynikova

      Nurzhan Igissinov

      Rustem Akimov

      Mark S. Chilingar



      Physical fundamentals of vibration and acoustic actions on the reservoir for improving the oil yield and increasing the development tempo of depleted and water-encroached oil fields are presented in this book. It is shown that the area of most efficient application is reservoirs with crudes characterized by a high water content and heterogeneity, low permeability, high shaliness, etc. The developed techniques are ecologically neutral and do not cause damage to the well-designed elements. The book may be useful to students, scientists, and engineering-technical personnel engaged in geophysics and development of petroleum fields.

      The book is devoted to the theoretical and applied aspects of physics of the porous media saturated with oil, gas, and (or) water. A special attention is devoted to the hydro- and thermodynamic phenomena emerging in such media upon spreading within them of elastic waves with frequencies between infrasound and ultrasound. For expert analysis of the reviewed phenomena, the authors expended years of painstaking work (creating theoretical models and conducting specialized physical experiments on the reservoir models in the in situ conditions). In the 1970s to 1990s, the authors designed a complicated special equipment for the laboratory and field experiments and then conducted experimental and industrial testing. Beginning СКАЧАТЬ