A Life on the American Frontiers: Collected Works of Henry Schoolcraft. Henry Rowe Schoolcraft
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СКАЧАТЬ a. Suzzai gizzi.

      Avarice, s. —— win.

      To avenge, v. Azhitow´iewai.

      Avenger, s. Iazhitowiewaid.

      August, s. Monô´mini, Gizis. Rice Moon.

      Aunt, uncle’s wife, or father’s sister, Nizhigwoos´.

      Aunt, mother’s sister. Ninwishai´.

      Aurora borealis, Jiby nimi iddiwug. Dancing ghosts.

      Autumn, s. Tagwâ gi.

      Next autumn, Tagwâgig´.

      Last autumn, Tagwâgoong´.

      To authorize, v. Inugimâ´.

      Authority, s. ——win.

      Awake, a. Gooshkooz´zi.

      Away, ad. Ningood´ji.

      Awkward, a. Namu´nji.

      Awl, s. Migôs´.

      —— s. dim. —— ais.

      —— s. der. —— ish.

      —— s. local, —— ing.

      —— s. dim. & der. —— aisish.

      —— s. dim. der. & loc. —— aisishing.

      Axe, s. Wagâ´kwut.

      —— s. dim. —— ais.

      —— s. der. —— ish.

      —— s. local, —— ing.

      —— s. dim. & der. —— aisish.

      —— s. dim. der. & loc. —— aisishing.


      To babble, v. Ozâmidôn, or Kâgidooshkai.

      Babble, s. Ozâmidôniwin, or Kâgidooshkaiwin.

      Babbler, s. Kâgidooshkid.

      Babe, baby, Abbinôji.

      This is the term for child. A male child is usually denominated Pinai´shi, (bird,) during its infancy.

      Bachelor, s. Pizhishigôwizzi.

      This term being in the animate form, is not indicative of sex, and strictly indicates an unmarried, (or uncoupled) person.

      Back, s. Opik´wun.

      Backbone, s. Tuttagâ´gwun.

      Backwards, ad. Uzhai.

      To step backwards, v. Uzhaigâ´bôwi.

      Bacon, s. Kôkôsh Wiôs. Hog flesh.

      Bad, a. animate, Mud ji.

      — a. inanimate, Monâ´dud.

      Badger, s. Missukâkud´jish.

      Bag, s. Mush´kimoot.

      — s. dim, —— ais.

      — s. dim & der, —— aisish.

      — s. local, —— ong. Implying in the bag.

      Bait, for animals, Mijimikunjigun.

      Balance, s. Tibâbishkôjigun.

      A compound derivative from the words equal, cord, and instrument.

      Baldheaded, Wâshkain´dibai.

      Bald Eagle, Wabizhuk´wai.

      Ball, metallic, Unwi´.

      — wooden, Pikwâ´kwut.

      Balsam of fire tree, Shingooban´dug.

      Balsam, s. Pigiuan´dug.

      Band, s. Pizoon´.

      Banner, s. Kikiwai´aoon.

      Bank of earth, Ishpakum´iga.

      Bandy legged, Wawushkigâ´dai.

      To baptise, v. Siginun´dowâ.

      Bare, (in body,) a. Pingwashâ´giddi.

      Barge, or boat, s. Millig´ôchiman, or Nabug´ôchiman.

      Any vessel intermediate in size and mode of construction, between a bark canoe and a ship. The first term is a derivative from tree and canoe, the second, from plank or board, and canoe.

      To bark, v. Migih´.

      This is a generic word for barking. The eagle derives its name from this word.

      Bark, of the birch tree, Wig´wos.

      Bark, of the bass, Wigood.

      Bark, of any other species, Wunagaik´.

      Bark dish, s. Onâ´gon.

      Applied to crockery.

      Bark sap dish, Nimibâ´gun.

      Bark box, s. Mukkuk´.

      Applied to any box, trunk, barrel, &c. also with a prefix, to a coffin.

      Bashful, a. Bakâdizzi.

      Basin, s. Onâgon.

      ——, s. dim. Onâgons

      Other terminations regular.

      Basket, s. Wadub´imukkuk´.

      A derivative from the word for cedar root, and box. Diminutive in ons.

      Bass tree, s. Wigoobimizh.

      A derivative from base bark, and the generic for plants.

      Bat, s. Apukwunaji.

      Battle, s. Migâ´diwin.

      Battle field, Katapin´uniding.

      Battle club, Pugamâ´gun.

      To bathe, v. Pugizzoo.

      Bay, s. Wikwaid´.

      — s. dim.——ôns.

      To bawl, v. Mowi´.

      Bayonet, СКАЧАТЬ