A Life on the American Frontiers: Collected Works of Henry Schoolcraft. Henry Rowe Schoolcraft
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СКАЧАТЬ composing the shore of Lake Superior, between White-fish Point and Grand Marrais. Also, on the island of Michilimackinac.

      CLASS IV. Ores and Metals.

      34. Native copper. West side of Keweena Point, Lake Superior. Imbedded in a vein with carbonate of copper, and copper black, in the trap rock.

      35. Copper black. With the preceding.

      36. Carbonate of copper, green. With the preceding.

      These two minerals (35 and 36) characterize the trap rock of the peninsula of Keweena, Lake Superior, from Montreal Bay, extending to, and around its extremity, west, to Sand-hill Bay. The entire area may be estimated to comprise a rocky, serrated coast of about seventy-five miles in length, and not to exceed seven or eight miles in width. The principal veins are at a point called Roche Verd, and along the coast which we refer to as the Black Rocks. At the latter, native copper is one of the constituents of the vein.

      Green and blue carbonate of copper, was also observed in limited quantity, in small rounded masses at one of the lead diggings near Mineral Point, Iowa county.

      38. Chromate of iron. Presque Isle, Lake Superior.

      39. Sulphuret of lead. Lead mines of Iowa county, Michigan Territory.

      40. Earthy carbonate of lead. Brigham’s mine, Iowa county, Mich. Ter. Also, in small masses, of a yellowish white, dirty color, and great comparative weight, at several of the lead mines (diggings) in the more westerly and southern parts of the county.

      3. Localities of plants collected in the north-western

       expeditions of 1831 and 1832.



      The localities of the following plants are transcribed from a catalogue kept during the progress of the expeditions, and embrace many plants common to our country, which were collected barely for the purpose of comparison. A more detailed account will be published at some future day.

      Aster tenuifolius, Willdenow. Upper Mississippi.

      “ sericea, Nuttall. River de Corbeau, Missouri Ter.

      “ loevis? Willdenow. St. Croix River, Northwest Ter.

      “ concolor, Willdenow. Fox River, Northwest Ter.

      “ (N. Spec.) Sources of Yellow River, Northwest Ter.

      Andropogon furcatus, Willdenow. do.

      Alopecurus geniculatus, Linneus. Sault Ste Marie, M. T.

      Aira flexuosa. Sault Ste Marie, M. T.

      Allium tricoccum, Aiton. Ontonagon River of Lake Superior.

      “ cernuum, Roth. River de Corbeau to the sources of the Miss.

      “ (N. Spec.) St. Louis River of Lake Superior.

      Amorpha canescens, Nuttall. Upper Mississippi.

      Artemesia canadensis, Mx. Lake Superior to the sources of the Miss.

      “ sericea, Nuttall. Keweena Point, Lake Superior.

      “ gnaphaloides, Nuttall. Fox River, Northwest Ter.

      Arabis hirsuta, De Candolle. Upper Mississippi.

      “ lyrata, Linn. Lake Superior to the source of the Miss.

      Arundo canadensis, Mx. Lake Superior.

      Arenaria lateriflora, Linn. Lake Superior to the sources of the Miss.

      Alnus glauca, Mx. St. Croix River to the sources of the Miss.

      Alliona albida, Walter. Yellow River, Northwest Ter.

      Aronia sanguinea. Lake Superior to the sources of the Miss.

      Alectoria jubata. do.

      Aletris farinosa. Prairies of Michigan Ter.

      Bidens beckii, Torrey. St. Croix River to the sources of the Miss.

      Bunias maritima, Willdenow. Lake Michigan.

      Baptisia coerulea, Michaux. Fox River, Northwest Ter.

      Blitum capitatum. Northwest Ter.

      Betula papyracea, Willdenow. Lake Superior to the sources of the Miss.

      Betula glandulosa. Savannah River, Northwest Ter.

      Bartramia fontana. Lake Superior.

      Bromus canadensis, Michaux. Upper Mississippi.

      Batschia canescens. Plains of the Mississippi.

      “ “ Var. (or N. Spec.) Lake Superior.

      Carex paucifolia. Sault Ste Marie. Mich. Ter.

      “ scirpoides, Schkuhr. do.

      “ limosa, Linn. do.

      “ curata, Gmelin. do.

      “ (apparently N. Spec. allied to C. scabrata.) Sources of the Miss.

      “ washingtoniana, Dewy. Lake Superior.

      “ lacustris, Willdenow. do.

      “ oedere, Ehrhart. Leech Lake.

      “ logopodioides, Schkuhr. Savannah River, Northwest Ter.

      “ rosea, Var. Lake Superior.

      “ festucacea, Schkuhr. St. Louis River of Lake Superior.

      Cyperus mariscoides, Elliott. Upper Mississippi.

      “ alterniflorus, Schwinitz. River St. Clair, Mich. Ter.

      Cnicus pitcheri, Torrey. Lakes Michigan and Superior.

      Coreopsis palmata, Nuttall. Prairies of the Upper Mississippi.

      Cardamine pratensis. Lake Superior to the sources of the Miss.

      Calamagrostis coarctata, Torrey. Lake Winnipec.

      Cetraria icelandica. Lakes Superior and Michigan.

      Corydalis aurea, Willdenow. Cass Lake, Upper Mississippi.

      “ glauca, Persoon. Lake Superior.

      Cynoglossum СКАЧАТЬ