Varney the Vampire. James Malcolm Rymer
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Название: Varney the Vampire

Автор: James Malcolm Rymer

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066382056


СКАЧАТЬ if such should be my fate."

      "Do with you! D——d if I'll do anything with you."

      "I don't expect you will regret me; you will eat."


      "Yes, and drink as usual, no doubt, notwithstanding being witness to the decease of a fellow-creature."

      "Belay there; don't call yourself a fellow-creature of mine; I ain't a vampyre."

      "But there's no knowing what you may be; and now listen to my instructions; for as you're my second, you cannot very well refuse to me a few friendly offices. Rain is falling. Step beneath this ancient tree, and I will talk to you."


       Table of Contents



      "Well," said the admiral, when they were fairly under the tree, upon the leaves of which the pattering rain might be heard falling: "well—what is it?"

      "If your young friend, Mr. Bannerworth, should chance to send a pistol-bullet through any portion of my anatomy, prejudicial to the prolongation of my existence, you will be so good as not to interfere with anything I may have about me, or to make any disturbance whatever."

      "You may depend I sha'n't."

      "Just take the matter perfectly easy—as a thing of course."

      "Oh! I mean d——d easy."

      "Ha! what a delightful thing is friendship! There is a little knoll or mound of earth midway between here and the Hall. Do you happen to know it? There is one solitary tree glowing near its summit—an oriental looking tree, of the fir tribe, which, fan-like, spreads its deep green leaves; across the azure sky."

      "Oh! bother it; it's a d——d old tree, growing upon a little bit of a hill, I suppose you mean?"

      "Precisely; only much more poetically expressed. The moon rises at a quarter past four to-night, or rather to-morrow, morning."

      "Does it?"

      "Yes; and if I should happen to be killed, you will have me removed gently to this mound of earth, and there laid beneath this tree, with my face upwards; and take care that it is done before the moon rises. You can watch that no one interferes."

      "A likely job. What the deuce do you take me for? I tell you what it is, Mr. Vampyre, or Varney, or whatever's your name, if you should chance to be hit, where-ever you chance to fall, there you'll lie."

      "How very unkind."

      "Uncommon, ain't it?"

      "Well, well, since that is your determination, I must take care of myself in another way. I can do so, and I will."

      "Take care of yourself how you like, for all I care; I've come here to second you, and to see that, on the honour of a seaman, if you are put out of the world, it's done in a proper manner, that's all I have to do with you—now you know."

      Sir Francis Varney looked after him with a strange kind of smile, as he walked away to make the necessary preparation with Marchdale for the immediate commencement of the contest.

      These were simple and brief. It was agreed that twelve paces should be measured out, six each way, from a fixed point; one six to be paced by the admiral, and the other by Marchdale; then they were to draw lots, to see at which end of this imaginary line Varney was to be placed; after this the signal for firing was to be one, two, three—fire!

      A few minutes sufficed to complete these arrangements; the ground was measured in the manner we have stated, and the combatants placed in their respective positions, Sir Francis Varney occupying the same spot where he had at first stood, namely, that nearest to the little wood, and to his own residence.

      It is impossible that under such circumstances the bravest and the calmest of mankind could fail to feel some slight degree of tremour or uneasiness; and, although we can fairly claim for Henry Bannerworth that he was as truly courageous as any right feeling Christian man could wish to be, yet when it was possible that he stood within, as it were, a hair's breadth of eternity, a strange world of sensation and emotions found a home in his heart, and he could not look altogether undaunted on that future which might, for all he knew to the contrary, be so close at hand, as far as he was concerned.

      It was not that he feared death, but that he looked with a decent gravity upon so grave a change as that from this world to the next, and hence was it that his face was pale, and that he looked all the emotion which he really felt.

      This was the aspect and the bearing of a brave but not a reckless man; while Sir Francis Varney, on the other hand, seemed, now that he had fairly engaged in the duel, to look upon it and its attendant circumstances with a kind of smirking satisfaction, as if he were far more amused than personally interested.

      This was certainly the more extraordinary after the manner in which he had tried to evade the fight, and, at all events, was quite a sufficient proof that cowardice had not been his actuating motive in so doing.

      The admiral, who stood on a level with him, could not see the sort of expression he wore, or, probably, he would have been far from well pleased; but the others did, and they found something inexpressibly disagreeable in the smirking kind of satisfaction with which the vampyre seemed to regard now the proceedings.

      "Confound him," whispered Marchdale to Henry, "one would think he was quite delighted, instead, as we had imagined him, not well pleased, at these proceedings; look how he grins."

      "It is no matter," said Henry; "let him wear what aspect he may, it is the same to me; and, as Heaven is my judge, I here declare, if I did not think myself justified in so doing, I would not raise my hand against this man."

      "There can be no shadow of a doubt regarding your justification. Have at him, and Heaven protect you."


      The admiral was to give the word to fire, and now he and Marshal having stepped sufficiently on one side to be out of all possible danger from any stray shot, he commenced repeating the signal—

      "Are you ready, gentlemen?—once."

      They looked sternly at each other, and each grasped his pistol.


      Sir Francis Varney smiled and looked around him, as if the affair were one of the most common-place description.


      Varney seemed to be studying the sky rather than attending to the duel.

      "Fire!" said the admiral, and one report only struck upon the ear. It was that from Henry's pistol.

      All eyes were turned upon Sir Francis Varney, СКАЧАТЬ