Varney the Vampire. James Malcolm Rymer
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Название: Varney the Vampire

Автор: James Malcolm Rymer

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066382056



      "His second says so, and has, I daresay, influence enough with him to induce that person to act in conformity with his promise."

      "In course he will. Do you think he would be the man to hang back? Oh, no; he would be the last to leave Jack Pringle in the lurch—no. Depend upon it, Sir Francis, he'll be as sure to do what I say, as I have said it."

      "After that assurance, I cannot doubt it," said Sir Francis Varney; "this act of kindness will, indeed, lay me under a deep and lasting obligation to Admiral Bell, which I fear I shall never be able to pay."

      "You need not trouble yourself about that," said Jack Pringle; "the admiral will credit all, and you can pay off old scores when his turn comes in the field."

      "I will not forget," said Varney; "he deserves every consideration; but now, Mr. Chillingworth, I presume that we may come to some understanding respecting this meeting, which you were so kind as to do me the honour of seeking."

      "I cannot object to its taking place. I shall be most happy to meet your second in the field, and will arrange with him."

      "I imagine that, under the circumstances, that it will be barely necessary to go to that length of ceremony. Future interviews can be arranged later; name the time and place, and after that we can settle all the rest on the ground."

      "Yes," said Jack; "it will be time enough, surely, to see the admiral when we are upon the ground. I'll warrant the old buffer is a true brick as ever was: there's no flinching about him."

      "I am satisfied," said Varney.

      "And I also," said Chillingworth; "but, understand, Sir Francis, any default for seconds makes the meeting a blank."

      "I will not doubt Mr. Pringle's honour so much as to believe it possible."

      "I'm d——d," said Jack, "if you ain't a trump-card, and no mistake; it's a great pity as you is a wamphigher."

      "The time, Mr. Chillingworth?"

      "To-morrow, at seven o'clock," replied that gentleman.

      "The place, sir?"

      "The best place that I can think of is a level meadow half-way between here and Bannerworth Hall; but that is your privilege, Sir Francis Varney."

      "I waive it, and am much obliged to you for the choice of the spot; it seems of the best character imaginable. I will be punctual."

      "I think we have nothing further to arrange now," said Mr. Chillingworth. "You will meet with Admiral Bell."

      "Certainly. I believe there is nothing more to be done; this affair is very satisfactorily arranged, and much better than I anticipated."

      "Good morning, Sir Francis," said Mr. Chillingworth. "Good morning."

      "Adieu," said Sir Francis, with a courteous salutation. "Good day, Mr. Pringle, and commend me to the admiral, whose services will be of infinite value to me."

      "Don't mention it," said Jack; "the admiral's the man as'd lend any body a helping hand in case of distress like the present; and I'll pledge my word—Jack Pringle's too, as that he'll do what's right, and give up his turn to Mr. Henry Bannerworth; cause you see he can have his turn arterwards, you know—it's only waiting awhile."

      "That's all," said Sir Francis.

      Jack Pringle made a sea bow and took his leave, as he followed Mr. Chillingworth, and they both left the house together, to return to Bannerworth Hall.

      "Well," said Mr. Chillingworth, "I am glad that Sir Francis Varney has got over the difficulty of having no seconds; for it would not be proper or safe to meet a man without a friend for him."

      "It ain't the right thing," said Jack hitching up his trousers; "but I was afeard as how he would back out, and that would be just the wrong thing for the admiral; he'd go raving mad."

      They had got but very few paces from Sir Francis Varney's house, when they were joined by Marchdale.

      "Ah," he said, as he came up, "I see you have been to Sir Francis Varney's, if I may judge from the direction whence you're coming, and your proximity."

      "Yes, we have," said Mr. Chillingworth. "I thought you had left these parts?"

      "I had intended to do so," replied Marchdale; "but second thoughts are sometimes best, you know."


      "I have so much friendship for the family at the hall, that notwithstanding I am compelled to be absent from the mansion itself, yet I cannot quit the neighbourhood while there are circumstances of such a character hanging about them. I will remain, and see if there be not something arising, in which I may be useful to them in some matter."

      "It is very disinterested of you; you will remain here for some time, I suppose?"

      "Yes, undoubtedly; unless, as I do not anticipate, I should see any occasion to quit my present quarters."

      "I tell you what it is," said Jack Pringle; "if you had been here half-an-hour earlier you could have seconded the wamphigher."


      "Yes, we're here to challenge."

      "A double challenge?"

      "Yes; but in confiding this matter to you, Mr. Marchdale, you will make no use of it to the exploding of this affair. By so doing you will seriously damage the honour of Mr. Henry Bannerworth."

      "I will not, you may rely upon it; but Mr. Chillingworth, do I not see you in the character of a second?"

      "You do, sir."

      "To Mr. Henry?"

      "The same, sir."

      "Have you reflected upon the probable consequences of such an act, should any serious mischief occur?"

      "What I have undertaken, Mr. Marchdale, I will go through with; the consequences I have duly considered, and yet you see me in the character of Mr. Henry Bannerworth's friend."

      "I am happy to see you as such, and I do not think Henry could find a better. But this is beside the question. What induced me to make the remark was this—had I been at the hall, you will admit that Henry Bannerworth would have chosen myself, without any disparagement to you, Mr. Chillingworth."

      "Well sir, what then?"

      "Why I am a single man, I can live, reside and go any where; one country will suit me as well as another. I shall suffer no loss, but as for you, you will be ruined in every particular; for if you go in the character of a second, you will not be excused; for all the penalties incurred your profession of a surgeon will not excuse you."

      "I see all that, sir."

      "What I propose is, that you should accompany the parties to the field, but in your own proper character of surgeon, and permit me to take that of second to Mr. Bannerworth."

      "This cannot be done, unless by Mr. СКАЧАТЬ