The Nuremberg Trials (Vol.9). International Military Tribunal
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Название: The Nuremberg Trials (Vol.9)

Автор: International Military Tribunal

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066308506


СКАЧАТЬ Yes, of course.

      MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: And, therefore, you knew that turning them over to the SS and sending them to the concentration camps was a means of forcing them to produce more goods, was it not?

      MILCH: Yes, of course, these people should be forced to do so. They were Germans who refused to do their duty to their country.

      MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: Did this apply only to Germans?

      MILCH: As far as I know this applied to Germans only. By slackers—they were also called casual workers—was meant only those people who went from place to place, who practically every week changed their job and who were reported to us mainly by the representatives of our own workers. Our own workers complained that these people availed themselves of all privileges as to food, et cetera, while they did not do anything, that they always gave up their jobs soon, and that every establishment was glad to get rid of them.

      MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: And got rid of them by sending them to the concentration camps under the SS?

      MILCH: They had to be taught, and we were told that if these people had their additional—not their basic—rations made dependent on their output, as was the case in the concentration camps, they would very quickly learn.

      I do, however, remember that it was proposed to limit this treatment to 2 or 3 months, after which they would be brought back, and if they had learned their lesson they would be given full freedom again.

      MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: Now, did you have anything to do on the Central Planning Board with the work of prisoners of war?

      MILCH: No; I do not think so.

      MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: Well, I ask that you be shown the 22d conference of the Central Planning Board minutes of the meeting held on the 2d of November 1942, Page 1042, at Line 24, which quotes you. The English translation is on Page 27.

      I ask you to refresh your recollection by reading this paragraph.

      “Milch: I think that agriculture must get its labor quota. Assuming that we had given agriculture 100,000 more workers, we would now have 100,000 more people who would be decently fed, whereas, the human material we are now receiving, particularly the prisoners of war, are not sufficiently fit for work.”

      Did you make that statement?

      MILCH: I cannot remember details. But I suppose I did. I do not know if I have seen these minutes; but I know that we dealt with the question that agriculture, if possible, should get its workers because the food problem was so very important, and the farms could feed their people over and above the rations which the civilian population received. This proposal to put these people on the land was quite in accordance with my views, but these were merely suggestions by the Central Planning Board. I know Sauckel was present at that meeting. We also made suggestions to the armament representatives as to how their problems could be solved.

      MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: And you made recommendations to the Reich Marshal, did you not?

      MILCH: I cannot remember having done so, I do not know.

      MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: You never did?

      MILCH: I do not know, I cannot remember.

      MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: Then you knew the Reich Marshal’s wishes in reference to the utilization of prisoners of war, did you not?

      MILCH: That prisoners of war were also working was known to me. Especially on the land many prisoners of war were put to work.

      MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: Did you attend a meeting between the Führer and Minister Speer?

      MILCH: On which date?

      MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: The 5th of March 1944.

      MILCH: The 4th of March?

      MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: The 5th of March 1944.

      MILCH: On the 5th of March, yes, I attended a meeting with the Führer. At that time there was a question of creating a “fighter” staff, that is, a general effort by the entire armament industry to produce as many fighter planes as possible.

      MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: Well, now I will ask that you be shown Speer’s memorandum of that meeting with the Führer at which General Bodenschatz and Colonel Von Below were also present. Were they not?

      The English translation is on Page 35; the German on Page 139.

      I call your attention to this paragraph:

      “I told the Führer of the Reich Marshal’s wish to utilize the producing capacity of prisoners of war further by placing the Stalag under the SS, with the exception of the English and Americans? The Führer approves this proposal and has asked Colonel Von Below to take the necessary steps.”

      I ask you how the SS could increase the production of the prisoners of war; what steps you expected to be taken?

      Now, just answer my question. What steps did you expect the SS to take to increase the production of the prisoners of war?

      MILCH: I cannot remember now. At any rate at that time we did not know what was being done by the SS—about their methods as we now know them.

      MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: This was in March of 1944.

      MILCH: Yes.

      MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: Well, you have no knowledge of the methods by which the SS would be able to speed up production by prisoners of war. That is the way you want that to stand?

      MILCH: No, that is not the way I want it to stand. I have to think this point over for a moment. I believe the point was whether or not prisoners of war should be made available. It was not a question of prisoners of war working for the SS, but of their being made available for work. That, I take it was the point.

      MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: Put at the disposal of the SS, you mean?

      Well, let us go on to the 33d Conference by the Central Planning Board, held on the 16th of February 1943, at which Speer and Sauckel among others appear to have been present. The English translation is on Page 28; the German, Pages 2276 to 2307. There was at this meeting, to summarize, considerable discussion of the labor situation, first a report from Schreiber, and then Timm gave a general account of the labor situation, and I call your attention to your contribution on Page 2298 at the top.

      MILCH: Yes, I have just read it.

      MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: It is as follows:

      “Milch: We have demanded that in the anti-aircraft artillery a certain percentage of personnel should consist of Russians. Fifty thousand in all should be brought in. Thirty thousand are already employed as gunners. This is an amusing thing, that Russians must work the guns . . .”

      What was amusing about making the Russian prisoners of war work the guns?

      MILCH: The words “We have demanded,” do not mean the Central Planning Board, but that Hitler made this demand.

      MR. JUSTICE JACKSON: “We” means Hitler?

      MILCH: Yes, the German Government. And I myself find it strange that prisoners of war should be made to shoot at planes of their allies. We did not like it СКАЧАТЬ