Война на Тихом океане и общество США (1941–1945). С. О. Буранок
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Название: Война на Тихом океане и общество США (1941–1945)

Автор: С. О. Буранок


Жанр: История


isbn: 978-5-9765-1780-6


СКАЧАТЬ P. 1570.


      The Campaigns of the Pacific War. United States Strategic Bombing Survey (Pacific). Naval Analysis Division. Washington, 1946. P. 15–17.


      Report of Japanese Raid on Pearl Harbor, 7 December, 1941 by Commander-in-Chief, United States Pacific Fleet. Operational Archives, Naval Historical Centre, World War II Action Reports; Report by Secretary of Navy to the President // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 24. Washington, 1946. P. 1749; The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941 // Navy Department communiques 1—300. Washington, 1943. P. 140–141; Report of the Joint committee on the investigation of the Pearl Harbor attack. Washington, 1946. P. 57–58.


      Report of Admiral H. Kent Hewitt to Secretary of Navy, dated July 12, 1945 // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 39. Washington, 1946. P. 496–503.


      Хорикоши Д., Окумия M., Кайдин М. «Зеро!»: Японская авиация во Второй мировой войне. М., 1999. С. 76.


      Футида М., Окумия М. Сражение у атолла Мидуэй. М.; СПб., 2001. С. 61.


      Report of Japanese Raid on Pearl Harbor, 7 December, 1941 by Commander-in-Chief, United States Pacific Fleet. Operational Archives, Naval Historical Centre, World War II Action Reports; The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941 // Navy Department communiques 1—300. Washington, 1943. P. 140–141; Report of the Joint committee on the investigation of the Pearl Harbor attack. Washington, 1946. P. 57–63.


      Report for Pearl Harbor Attack by Commander Battleships, Battle Force. Operational Archives, Naval Historical Centre, World War II Action Reports.


      The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941 // Navy Department communiques 1—300. Washington, 1943. P. 141.


      Report of the Joint committee on the investigation of the Pearl Harbor attack. Washington, 1946. P. 57–63.


      Report of action of 7 December 1941 by Admiral H.E. Kimmel // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 24. Washington, 1946. P. 1570.


      Partial narrative of events occurring during Japanese Air Raid on Pearl Harbor, 7 December 1941 //Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 24. Washington, 1946.P. 1571–1601.


      Report of action of 7 December 1941 by Admiral H.E. Kimmel // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 24. Washington, 1946. P. 1571.


      Report of Japanese Raid on Pearl Harbor, 7 December, 1941 by Commander-in-Chief, United States Pacific Fleet. Operational Archives, Naval Historical Centre, World War II Action Reports.


      Футида M., Окумия M. Сражение у атолла Мидуэй. М.; СПб., 2001. С. 60.


      The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941 // Navy Department communiques 1—300. Washington, 1943. P. 140–141; Report for Pearl Harbor Attack by Commander Battleships, Battle Force. Operational Archives, Naval Historical Centre, World War II Action Reports; Report of Japanese Raid on Pearl Harbor, 7 December, 1941 by Commander-in-Chief, United States Pacific Fleet. Operational Archives, Naval Historical Centre, World War II Action Reports; Report of Admiral H. Kent Hewitt to Secretary ofNavy, dated July 12,1945 //Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 39. Washington, 1946. P. 496–503; Report of the Joint committee on the investigation of the Pearl Harbor attack. Washington, 1946. P. 57–63.


      The Campaigns of the Pacific War. United States Strategic Bombing Survey (Pacific). Naval Analysis Division. Washington, 1946. P. 15–18.


      Report of action of 7 December 1941 by Admiral H.E. Kimmel // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 24. Washington, 1946. P. 1571; The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941 //Navy Department communiques 1—300. Washington, 1943. P. 140–141; Report for Pearl Harbor Attack by Commander Battleships, Battle Force. Operational Archives, Naval Historical Centre, World War II Action Reports; Report of Japanese Raid on Pearl Harbor, 7 December, 1941 by Commander-in-Chief, United States Pacific Fleet. Operational Archives, Naval Historical Centre, World War II Action Reports; Report of Admiral H. Kent Hewitt to Secretary of Navy, dated July 12,1945 // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 39. Washington, 1946. P. 496–503; Report of the Joint committee on the investigation of the Pearl Harbor attack. Washington, 1946. P. 57–63.


      Hough F.O., Verle E.F. History of U.S. Marine Corps Operations in World War II. vol. 1: Pearl Harbor to Guadalcanal. Washington, 1958. P. 70–73; Heiteiman R. U.S. Navy in World War II. Eondon, 1978. P. 64–65; Маслов M.C., Зубков С. Л. Пёрл-Харбор: Ошибка или провокация? М., 2006. С. 352–358; Морисон С.Э. Восходящее солнце над Тихим океаном: 1941 —апрель 1942: пер. сангл. М.; СПб.,2002. С. 129–131.


      Более ранними являются деления Нокса и Киммеля: Report of action of 7 December 1941 by Admiral H.E. Kimmel// Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt.,24. Washington, 1946. P. 1570–1571; Report by Secretary of Navy to the President // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 24. Washington, 1946. P. 1749.


      Partial narrative of events occurring during Japanese Air Raid on Pearl Harbor, 7 December 1941 //Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 24. Washington, 1946. P. 1571–1601.


      Её перенесёт в свою работу профессор Еарвардского университета С.Э. Морисон: Морисон С.Э. Восходящее солнце над Тихим океаном: 1941 – апрель 1942: пер. с англ. М.; СПб., 2002. С. 129. А вслед за ним и другие авторы, например: Блон Ж. Война в океанах СКАЧАТЬ