Война на Тихом океане и общество США (1941–1945). С. О. Буранок
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Название: Война на Тихом океане и общество США (1941–1945)

Автор: С. О. Буранок


Жанр: История


isbn: 978-5-9765-1780-6


СКАЧАТЬ следующих источниках: Report of Admiral Н. Kent Hewitt to Secretary ofNavy, dated July 12,1945 //Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 39. Washington, 1946. P. 496–503; The Campaigns ofthe Pacific War. United States Strategic Bombing Survey (Pacific). Naval Analysis Division. Washington, 1946. P. 15–18; Report of the Joint committee on the investigation ofthe Pearl Harbor attack. Washington, 1946. P. 57–63.


      Report by Secretary ofNavy to the President // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 24. W ashing – ton, 1946. P. 1749. Особенно подробно вопрос о мнении командующих в Пёрл-Харборе о возможностях внезапного нападения рассмотрен в итоговом отчёте Объединённой следственной комиссии Конгресса: Report of the Joint committee on the investigation of the Pearl Harbor attack. Washington, 1946. P. 75–81.


      Report by Secretary ofNavy to the President // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 24. Washington, 1946. P. 1749–1756; Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 5. Washington, 1946. P. 2338–2345.

      Cm.: Action Report U.S.S. Arizona (BB39) December 7,1941. December 13, 1941; Report of Raid, December 7,1941. U.S.S. CALIFORNIA December 13, 1941; Narrative of events of action in Japanese Air Raid on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941. U.S.S. PENNSYLVANIA December 11,1941; Action Report – Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor, December 7,194 l.USS TENNESSEE; Action of December 7,1941 U.S.S. West Virginia December 11, 1941; Offensive Measures on Seven December. U.S.S. MINNEAPOLIS December 13,1941; Report of actions taken during Air Raid of December 7,1941.U.S.S. NEW ORLEANS. December 13, 1941; Report of engagement of December 7, 1941. U.S.S. SAN FRANCISCO. December 10,1941. Все доку менты хранятся в «Оперативном архиве» Военно-морского исторического центра США: Operational Archives, Naval Historical Centre, World War II Action Reports. А также см: Attacks by Japanese of December 7; report on participation by Destroyer Division EIGHTY. December 12, 1941; Japanese Air Attack, December 7, 1941 by Commander Mine Division ONE. December 10,1941; Offensive measures taken during air raid by The Commander, Motor Torpedo Squadron One. December 12, 1941; Summary of action and damage during Air Raid on December 7, 1941 by The Commander Patrol Squadron TWENTY-TWO. December 13, 1941; Attack on Pearl Harbor from 0755 to 0930, 7 December 1941 by Rear Admiral R.H. Jackson, U.S. Navy (retired). December 12, 1941. Operational Archives, Naval Historical Centre, World War II Action Reports.


      Report of action of 7 December 1941 by Admiral H.E. Kimmel // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 24. Washington, 1946. P. 1570.


      См. итоговые отчёты следующих комиссий: Report of Roberts Commission // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 39. Washington, 1946. P. 1—23; Report ofNaval Court of Inquiry //Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 39. Washington, 1946. P. 297–323; Top Secret Report, Army Pearl Harbor Board // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 39. Washington, 1946. P. 220–231; Report of Anny Pearl Harbor Board // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 39. Washington, 1946. P. 23—179; Report of Admiral H. Kent Hewitt to Secretary of Navy // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 39. Washington, 1946. P. 390–527; Report of the Joint committee on the investigation of the Pearl Harbor attack. Washington, 1946. P. 3—57. А также: 78th Congress, 2nd Session, House Document № 541. Chore logical history of certain major international events leanig up to and during World War II with the ostensible reasons advenced for their occurrence 1931–1944. Washington, 1944. P. 307–308.


      Report by Secretary of Navy to the President // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 24. Washington, 1946. P. 1749; The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941 // Navy Department communiques 1—300. Washington, 1943. P. 140–141.


      Report of Admiral Н. Kent Hewitt to Secretary of Navy, dated July 12,1945 // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 39. Washington, 1946. P. 496–503.


      The Campaigns of the Pacific War. United States Strategic Bombing Survey (Pacific). Naval Analysis Division. Washington, 1946. P. 15–18.


      Report of the Joint committee on the investigation of the Pearl Harbor attack. Washington, 1946. P. 57–63.


      См. схемы представленных выше периодизаций.


      Narrative of events occurring during Japanese Air Raid on Pearl Harbor, 7 December 1941 // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 24. Washington, 1946. P. 1573; Report of Naval Court of Inquiry //Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 39. Washington, 1946. P. 298; Report of Army Pearl Harbor Board // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 27. Washington, 1946. P. 146.


      Футида М., Окумия М. Сражение у атолла Мидуэй. М.; СПб., 2001. С. 60;

      Хорикоши Д., Окумия М., Кайдин М. «Зеро!»: Японская авиация во Второй мировой войне. М., 1999. С. 74. Американский историк Дж. Гадминс ошибочно указывает время 7.40, что противоречит показаниям Футиды: Gudmens Staff Ride Handbook

      For The Attack On Pearl Harbor, 7 December 1941: A Study Of Defending America. Fort Leavenworth, 2005. P. 100.


      Должность и роль Футиды в налёте ясно видны из материалов его допроса: United States Strategic Bombing Survey [Pacific]: Interrogations of Japanese Officials. No. 40. Washington, 1946. P. 23. См. также книгу о Футиде авторитетного американского историка Г. Пранджа: Prange G. God’s Samurai. Washington, 1990.


      Report by Secretary of Navy to the President // Pearl Harbor Attack. Pt., 24. Washington, 1946. P. 1749; Report on the Navy and the War. Washington, 1943. P. 1.


      Japanese Plane Attack on Pearl Harbor: Narrative by Commander Minecraft, BATTLE FORCE, Rear Admiral William R. Furlong; Report of Action with Japanese at Oahu on December 7, 1941: Scouting Squadron Six Report for Pearl Harbor Attack; Report of Action with Japanese Air Force at Oahu, T.H., December 7, 1941: Enterprise Air Group, Report for Pearl Harbor Attack. Operational Archives, Naval Historical Centre, World War II Action Reports.
