Thieves of the Black Sea. Joe O'Neill
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Название: Thieves of the Black Sea

Автор: Joe O'Neill

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Учебная литература

Серия: Red Hand Adventures

isbn: 9780990546986


СКАЧАТЬ A German boy who helps Inez and Margaret.


      Morocco. 1912. In Book I, Rebels of the Kasbah, Tariq, Fez, and Aseem are three young boys kidnapped and sold into the Kasbah of Caid of Ali Tamzali to race in deadly camel races. Along with Margaret, an English girl who was also kidnapped and sold into the harem of Caid Ali Tamzali, they plan a daring escape with the help of an undercover assassin named Sanaa, who was dispatched to help Tariq by his guardian—the venerable sage Zijuan.

      Following their successful escape, the kids join a resistance tribe in the Rif Mountains led by a man named Malik. After gaining valuable information on the kasbah’s vulnerabilities, Malik and his warriors stage a daring raid on Caid Ali Tamzali and his kasbah.

      Meanwhile, Margaret’s father, Charles, is kidnapped by a pirate named Captain Basil and joins forces with him when he learns a corrupt British Lieutenant named Dreyfuss is attacking helpless African fishing boats and villages.

      In Book II, Wrath of the Caid, the Caid unleashes a man named The Black Mamba to find and kill, Tariq, Aseem, and Fez, and destroy the resistance tribe. Margaret is sent to live in England, as it’s no longer safe for her in Morocco. In England, she gets in a bit of trouble and is quickly sent to Saint Catherine’s boarding school outside of Marseilles, France where she befriends some French school girls.

      Lieutenant Dreyfuss sends a spy by the name of Sharif Al Montaro to capture Captain Basil and Charles Owen.

      Tariq, separated from his friends, meets a friendly Aborigine named Melbourne Jack who begins to explain the secrets of the Red Hand and the exploits of his mentor—Foster Crowe.

      In Book III, Legends of the Rif, Tariq, Fez, and Aseem are adrift in the Mediterranean Sea and clinging to life after their hot air balloon crash landed. Melbourne Jack, their friend and mentor, tragically died in the accident.

      Sanaa, Zijuan, and Malik successfully defeated Caid Ali Tamzali and his evil henchman, The Black Mamba, to free the countryside of Morocco from his iron grip. Inez was suddenly missing after identifying German spies near her school in the French countryside.

      Finally, Foster Crowe follows the mysterious Wu Chiang to Europe from the jungles of Ceylon after discovering Wu Chiang’s dark vision to plot a war the likes of which the world has never seen.

       Thieves of the Black Sea



      — 1



      Tariq awoke to the sounds of clinking glass and the smell of salt water. Shards of green, red, and blue glass moved rhythmically over him—a mobile gently swaying back and forth, blown by the wind from an open porthole just over his bed. The room creaked. It seemed to breathe, inhaling and exhaling, to the ebb and flow of the sea. Soft cotton sheets covered his bare skin. Slowly stretching his body and then his toes, Tariq tried to register his new surroundings.

      Around his bare neck was the medallion of a black panther worn by his best friend, Aji, and on a table next to him sat the diary of Alexander the Great, nestled in its protective bag. Lying next to the diary was a sheathed knife that Tariq always kept strapped to his right calf.

      For a few moments, Tariq was disoriented. He couldn’t shake the images of being stranded on the balloon basket for days without food or water after Melbourne Jack died.

      Then it came to him, the urgency of his mentor’s parting words: “You must return Alexander the Great’s diary to my circus in India. You must find Foster Crowe.”

      Flashing images filled his head—of falling into the sea, watching the surface fall away, and then a boy and shark. A boy and a shark?

      Where was he? He had to find some answers.

      He suddenly remembered Fez and Aseem and felt panic creep in. He had to find their whereabouts and if they had survived.

      As Tariq began to lift himself out of bed, he saw the doorknob slowly turn and then the door opened. It was an old woman. She smiled broadly and started talking in a foreign dialect. She sat on the side of Tariq’s cot, gently kissing him on each cheek and making the figure of the cross with her right index finger on his forehead. She brought her wrinkled hands down to his cheeks. As she held Tariq’s face in her hands, she looked into his eyes. Tariq saw pure joy in her expression.

      He tried to get out of bed, but she motioned for him to stay.

      Retreating to the hallway, the woman returned with a large glass and a beautiful ceramic pitcher painted with intricate designs in vibrant colors.

      She handed Tariq a glass of water, and when he had emptied it, she poured again and again, until Tariq had consumed four entire glassfuls and the pitcher was empty.

      Tariq’s entire body felt like one big bruise. His head was wobbly and felt full of cobwebs. He thought of nothing else but Fez and Aseem, and he had an urgent desire to discover if they were still alive or if they had perished in the sea along with Melbourne Jack. His chest felt tight as panic returned, worrying about his friends and their safety.

      His pants were hanging beside him on a wooden peg, only now they had been cleaned and smelled of soap and lemon. He put them on, dressing under the sheet. When he stood up from the bed, he instantly fell to one knee. His equilibrium was thrown off from being at sea for so long, and his lightheadedness from dehydration only added to his lack of coordination.

      The old woman came to him and urged him to lie back down. He shook his head and forced himself to stand up, and then stumbled to a wall, holding onto it for balance. He pointed out the door, hoping the old woman understood that he meant to find his friends.

      Understanding Tariq’s gesture, she held him by the arm and guided him as they wobbled and staggered out of the bedroom like two drunken sailors.

      Down a narrow and cramped hallway, they continued until they came to some stairs. The hallway smelled damp, and the weathered and warped floorboards creaked beneath his feet. It was difficult to balance as the boat rocked to and fro with every wave. The old woman motioned for him to climb up the stairs, which he did slowly, then he smiled and thanked her with a kind look and a small bow. He was still woozy and weak, but was able to slowly make his way up the stairs with the help of a handrail.

      At the top of the stairs, Tariq reached for the hatch, pushed it open and emerged to find himself on the deck of a large sailboat. Sunlight blinded him, and he stood still for a few seconds to allow his eyes to adjust.

      “Tariq!” Aseem yelled and ran to him and hugged him.

      Tariq smiled haggardly, still tired and dizzy, but managed to hug him back. Aseem’s strength seemed to have completely returned to him and even the sun sores on his face were largely healed.

      “You’re looking good, my friend. A bit skinnier, СКАЧАТЬ