Метеорологические и геофизические исследования. Г. В. Алексеев
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СКАЧАТЬ 17. С. 7–30.

      Aldukhov O.A. Lagun V.E., Chernykh I.V. About Cloudiness Low Boundary over Antarctic Peninsula // Research activities in atmospheric and oceanic modelling. CAS/JSC Working Group on Numerical Experimentation Report (Ed. Ritchie H.). 2003. (www.cmc.ec.gc.ca/rpn/wgne/2003/ chapters/02.pdf).

      Chernykh I.V., Alduchov O.A. Correlations of Cloudiness Parameters and Air Surface Temperature for Western, Eastern and Central Part of Antarctic / 9th IAMAS Beijing Scientific Assembly. 2005. Beijing. CD, F-5–F-6. (http://web.lasg.ac.cn/IAMAS2005/download.html).



      Jagovkina S.V., Lagun V.E. Climatology of Antarctic upper-air parameters // Polish Polar Studies. Gdynia. 2004. P. 131–142.

      Kejna M. Trends of air temperature of the Antarctic during the period 1958–2000 // Polish Polar Research. 2003. V. 24, № 2. P. 99–126.

      Kejna M., Lagun V. Comparison of the climate of the stations Arctowski and Bellingshausen (King George Island, South Shetland Islands) in the years 1977–1999 // Polish Polar Studies. Gdynia. 2004. P. 149–166.

      Lagun V., Ivanov N., Jagovkina S. Antarctic Peninsula Warming. Event: Diagnosis and Possible Causes // MOCA-09, the IAMAS / IAPSO / IACS 2009 Joint Assembly. Montreal.19th–29th July 2009. (www.moca-09.org/f/documents/MOCA-09Program16w.pdf).

      Marshall G.J. Trends in the Southern Annular Mode from Observations and Reanalyses // Journal of Climate. 2003. V. 16. P. 4134–4143.

      Marshall G.J., Lagun V.E., Lachlan-Cope T.A. Changes in Antarctic Peninsula tropospheric temperatures from 1956–99: a synthesis of observations and reanalysis data // International Journal of Climatology. 2002. V. 22. № 2. P. 291–310.

      Monaghan A.J., Bromwich D. H., Chapman W., Comiso J. C. Recent variability and trends of Antarctic near-surface temperature // J. Geophys. Res. 2008. V.113. (D04105, doi:10.1029/2007JD009094).

      SCAR’s Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment (ACCE) Review Report. 2009. (http://www.scar.org/treaty/atcmxxxii/Atcm32_ip005_e.pdf).

      Smith K.L. Jr., Glatts R.C., Baldwin R.J., Chereskin T.K., Ruhl H., Lagun V. Weather, ice, and snow conditions at Deception Island, Antarctica: long time-series photographic monitoring // Deep-Sea Research II (Topical Studies in Oceanography. Ecosystem studies at Deception Island, Antarctica, Edited by K.L. Smith, Jr.). 2003. Vol. 50. Issues 10–11. P. 1649–1664.

      Turner J., Colwell S.R., Marshall J., Lachlan-Cope T., Carleton A.M., Jones P.D, Lagun V.E, Reid P.A., Jagovkina S. The SCAR READER project: Towards a high-quality data base of mean Antarctic meteorological observations // Journal of Climate. 2004. V. 17. №. 14. P. 2890–2898.

      Turner J., Colwell S.R., Marshall J., Lachlan-Cope T., Carleton A.M., Jones P.D., Lagun V.E., Reid P.A., Iagovkina S. Antarctic climate change during the last 50 years // International Journal of Climatology. 2005. V. 25, № 2. P. 279–294.

      Turner J., Lachlan-Cope T.A., Colwell S., Marshall G.J., Connolley W.M. Significant Warming of the Antarctic Winter Troposphere // Science. 2006. V. 311. № 5769. P. 1914–1917. (DOI: 10.1126/science.1121652).

A.I. Danilov, V.E. Lagun, A.V. Klepikov. Antarctic climate current changes (Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St-Petersburg, Russia)


      The review of preliminary results of three large interdisciplinary clusters for South Polar area executed in International Polar Year (IPY) 2007–2009 is presented. These three are COMPASS (Comprehensive Meteorological dataset of active IPY Antarctic measurement phase for Scientific and applied Studies), CLICOPEN (impact of CLImate induced glacial melting on marine and terrestric COastal communities on a gradient along the Western Antarctic PENinsula) and ANTPAS (Antarctic Permafrost And Soils).

      The outcome of the IPY COMPASS Project is the multiuser meteorological and aerological current data base of all Antarctic stations with longtime observations, which came to be available for Antarctic community for the first time. These data after applying of the quality control procedure, are used for dataware of climate investigations in Antarctica, for improving of regional numerical models and of reanalysis, and for applied investigations.

      The warming impact on local ecosystems over Antarctic Peninsula area for last decades, indicated in decreasing of sea ice cover, in shortening of icy period and, as a consequence, in removing of sediments, in changes of salinity exchange and of sea water dissolved oxygen content, in changes of specific structure, of food chains and biota communities structure and so on became a subject of study in CLICOPEN cluster.

      The outcome of The ANTPAS Project aimed at generalization of historical and current data about the distribution, the thickness, the age, the physical and geochemical properties of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic islands permafrost and soils is the creation of geocryological polygons National net.

      The estimations of climate parameters trends for South Polar area for instrumental observation period with account of data obtained during IPY activity are executed. The results of calculations demonstrated that, in spite of remarkable Western Antarctic warming manifestations, the meteorological regime of Antarctic is characterized by atmospheric processes natural variability in whole.

      А.П. Макштас[1], И.И. Большакова[2], Р.М. Гунн[3], О.Л. Жукова[4], Н.Е. Иванов[5], С.В. Шутилин[6]

      Климат района Гидрометеорологической обсерватории Тикси


      Приведено описание созданных в ААНИИ при участии Тиксинского Филиала Якутского УГМС электронных архивов всех доступных данных аэрологических, стандартных метеорологических и гидрологических наблюдений, выполненных на полярной станции Тикси с августа 1932 по декабрь 2007 года. Описаны методы анализа в диапазонах межгодовой изменчивости, годового хода, изменчивости синоптического СКАЧАТЬ


Арктический и антарктический научно-исследовательский институт, Санкт-Петербург, Россия


Якутское управление по гидрометеорологии и мониторингу окружающей среды, Якутск, Россия


Арктический и антарктический научно-исследовательский институт, Санкт-Петербург, Россия


Арктический и антарктический научно-исследовательский институт, Санкт-Петербург, Россия


Арктический и антарктический научно-исследовательский институт, Санкт-Петербург, Россия