Ролевые игры. Английский язык. Николай Зюзгин
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Название: Ролевые игры. Английский язык

Автор: Николай Зюзгин

Издательство: ЛитРес: Самиздат

Жанр: Педагогика


isbn: 978-5-532-98067-9


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      Квашеная капуста – sauerkraut

      Гарнир – garnish

      Зеленый горох – green pees

      Вино – wine

      Коньяк – brandy

      Редис – radish

      Репчатый лук – white onion

      Зеленый лук – spring onion

      Укроп – dill

      Подсолнечное масло – sunflower oil

      Нерафинированное – non-refined

      Нитраты – nitrates

      Поставлять – supply

      Бывший – former

      Доцент – dean

      Перестройка – perestroika

      Полуразрушенный – tumbledown

      Пустырь – wasteland

      Огородить – fence in

      Теплицу – greenhouse

      Лаборатория – lab

      Первое блюдо – the first course.

      Борщ украинский – Ukrainian borsch soup

      Порция – portion, helping;

      Вафельный торт – waffle cake

      Заливной судак – jellied pike-perch

In British English:

      – Good evening. What are you going to order?

      – Stake, maybe.

      – Natural or minced?

      – Natural.

      – Burnt to a crisp, medium or bloody?

      – Medium.

      – French fries, a little bit of sauerkraut for garnish?

      – Yes, and add some green peas.

      – Wine, brandy?

      – No, thanks. Fanta “Grapes” with ice.

      – Salad?

      – Yes. Summer salad. Cucumbers, tomatoes, onion, spring onion, radish, dill, sunflower oil… Can you do it that way?

      – We’ve got that kind of salad, it’s called “summer”, only it’s with olive oil.

      – Even better. The vegetables here are nitrates-free, aren’t they?

      – Yes, of course. The vegetables come here from a former assistant professor of one of local universities. He bought a tumbledown double-story house on a piece of wasteland, reconstructed it, fenced it, made a greenhouse, and began to produce top-quality vegetables for restaurants. He’s well off. We visit him sometimes.

      – So you don’t check the vegetables?

      – We do check them, every batch of vegetables. We have our own lab.

      – Oh!

      – Any soup?

      – Borsch-soup, not much.

      – Half a portion?

      – Yes, please.

      – Coffee, tea?

      – Black Ceylon tea with lemon.

      – For dessert?

      – Chocolate waffle cake.

      – Fruit?

      – A banana.

      – Anything else?

      – Some fish…

      – We have a very good jellied pike-perch.

      – Oh yes, please!

      – Anything else?

      – No, that’s it, I think, thanks. Yes, that’s it.

      – I’ll bring it in a few minutes.

In American English:

      – Good evening. What would you like to order?

      – I’ll go with a steak.

      – And how would you like that to be done?

      – Medium, please.

      – And for your side?

      – What are my options?

      – Mashed or fries for your starch or a side of rice.

      – Fries, please.

      – And would you like a salad or a vegetable?

      – Green peas, please, but I’d like a salad too.

      – Very well.

      – And to drink?

      – Grape pop, if you have it, and I’d also like black coffee too, please.

      – A summer salad, please, with cucumbers, tomatoes, onion, green onions, radish, dill, and sunflower oil. Can you make it that way?

      – That’s exactly what a summer salad is except that it comes with olive oil instead of sunflower oil.

      – Great! Do you happen to know if the vegetables here are nitrate-free or not?

      – They’re all nitrate free here. We actually get all of our vegetables from a former assistant professor from one of the agricultural departments here. He grows the best quality vegetables in the area.

      – Do you still go ahead and check all of the vegetables yourselves?

      – We check every batch of vegetables before we send any food out to the customer.

      – Wow!

      – Any soup?

      – Borsch СКАЧАТЬ