The Witchcraft in New England. Calef Robert
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Название: The Witchcraft in New England

Автор: Calef Robert

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Зарубежная психология


isbn: 4064066393588


СКАЧАТЬ two single Shares or fourth Parts to Samuel Mather, Clerk, only surviving Son, and one Share each to the Rest of his Children, viz., Abigail Willard, deceased, Wife of Daniel Willard, also deceased, their Children and legal Representatives, and Hannah Mather, Spinster." Dated, 25th May, 1730.

      The Portrait now in Circulation of Dr. Mather was engraved from a beautiful Mezzotinto, half Size, with the following Inscription underneath it:

       "Cottonus Matherus S. Theologiæ Doctor Regiæ Societatis Londiniensis Socius, et Eccelsiæ apud Bostonum Nov˭Anglorum nuper Præpositus.

      Ætatis Suæ LXV. MDCCXXVII.

      P. Pelham ad vivum pinxit ab Origin Fecit."

      Those desiring genealogical Information of the Mather Family, I must refer to the Pedigree printed in Connection with Dr. I. Mather's Brief History, &c.


      [26] He was only 23 when the Work was published, which is indeed an Apology for its crude Style of Composition.

      The Wonders of the Invisible World.


      As well Historical as Theological, upon the NATURE, the NUMBER, and the OPERATIONS of the DEVILS.

      Accompany'd with

       I. Some Accounts of the Grievous Molestations, by DÆMONS and WITCHCRAFTS, which have lately annoy'd the Countrey; and the Trials of some eminent Malefactors Executed upon occasion thereof: with several Remarkable Curiosities therein occurring.

       II. Some Counsils, Directing a due Improvement of the terrible things, lately done, by the Unusual & Amazing Range of EVIL SPIRITS, in Our Neighbourhood: & the methods to prevent the Wrongs which those Evil Angels may intend against all sorts of people among us; especially in Accusations of the Innocent.

       III. Some Conjectures upon the great EVENTS, likely to befall, the WORLD in General, and NEW-ENGLAND in Particular; as also upon the Advances of the TIME, when we shall see BETTER DAYES.

       IV. A short Narrative of a late Outrage committed by a knot of WITCHES in Swedeland, very much Resembling, and so far Explaining, That under which our parts of America have laboured!

       V. THE DEVIL DISCOVERED: In a Brief Discourse upon those TEMPTATIONS, which are the more Ordinary Devices of the Wicked One.

      By Cotton Mather.

      Boston Printed, and Sold by Benjamin Harris, 1693.

      PUblished by the Special

       Command of His EXCELLENCY,

       the Governour

       of the Province of

       the Massachusetts-Bay in



      Decmb. 23.



      [34] Edmund Bohun was himself a Writer of considerable Note. The Work by which he is best known is probably that entitled The Character of Queen Elizabeth, a sizable Octavo, printed in 1693. His Writings are said to be Voluminous, yet but few of them are met with at this Day. One of the first Gazetteers was by him in a thick Octavo, 1688. He does not, however, call it a Gazetteer, but a Geographical Dictionary. His Descriptions compare singularly with those of the same Articles in Works of later Times: as for Example, he says Columbus discovered America in 1499. All the Notice Boston receives at his Hands is at the Close of an Article on Boston in Lincolnshire—"there is another Place in New England of the same Name." Under the Head of New England he gives it a much larger Notice; calls New England a Colony, "and they have built seven great Towns, the Chief of which is Boston, which in 1670, had fifty Sail of Ships belonging to it." He was Author of a Life of Bishop Jewell, and was living in 1700.


       Author's Defence.

       Table of Contents