The suppressed Gospels and Epistles of the original New Testament of Jesus the Christ, Complete. William Wake
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СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">       him, and slew him. Then, said he, I will appease him; then he took the

       rabbis and slew them upon his (viz. Zacharias's) blood, and he was not

       yet appeased. Next he took the young boys from the schools, and slew them

       upon his blood; and yet it bubbled. Then he brought the young priests and

       slew them in the same place, and yet it still bubbled. So he slew at

       length ninety-four thousand persons upon his blood, and it did not as yet

       cease bubbling; then he drew near to it, and said, O Zacharias,

       Zacharias, thou halt occasioned the death of the chief of thy

       countrymen, shall I slay them all? then the blood ceased, and did bubble

       no more."


      [This Gospel is ascribed to James. The allusions to it in the ancient

       Fathers are frequent, and their expressions indicate that it had

       obtained a very general credit in the Christian world. The controversies

       founded upon it chiefly relate to the age of Joseph at the birth of

       Christ, and to his being a widower with children, before his marriage

       with the Virgin. It seems material to remark, that the legends of the

       latter ages affirm the virginity of Joseph, notwithstanding Epiphanius,

       Hilary, Chrysostom, Cyril, Euthymius, Thephylaet, Occumenius, and indeed

       all the Latin Fathers till Ambrose, and the Greek Fathers afterwards,

       maintain the opinions of Joseph's age and family, founded upon their

       belief in the authenticity of this book. It is supposed to have been

       originally composed in Hebrew. Postellus brought the MS. of this Gospel

       from the Levant, translated it into Latin, and sent it to Oporimus,

       a printer at Basil, where Bibliander, a Protestant Divine, and the

       Professor of Divinity at Zurich, caused it to be printed in 1552.

       Postellus asserts that it was publicly read as canonical in the eastern

       churches they making no doubt that James was the author, of it. It is,

       nevertheless considered apocryphal by some of the most learned divines in

       the Protestant and Catholic churches.]


       Table of Contents

      CHAPTER I.

      1 Caiphas relates that Jesus, when in his cradle,

       informed his mother that he was the Son of God.

       5 Joseph and Mary going to Bethlehem to be taxed, Mary's

       time of bringing forth arrives, and she goes into a cave.

       8 Joseph fetches in a Hebrew woman. The cave filled with

       great lights.

       11 The infant born,

       17 and cures the woman.

       19 Arrival of the shepherds.

      THE following accounts we found

       in the book of Joseph the

       high-priest, called by some


      2 He relates, that Jesus spake

       even when he was in the cradle,

       and said to his mother:

      3 Mary, I am Jesus the Son of

       God, that word, which thou didst

       bring forth according to the

       declaration of the angel Gabriel to

       thee, and my father hath sent me

       for the salvation of the world.

      4 In the three hundred and

       ninth year of the era of Alexander,

       Augustus published a decree that

       all persons should go to be taxed

       in their own country.

      5 Joseph therefore arose, and

       with Mary his spouse he went to

       Jerusalem, and then came to Bethlehem,

       that he and his family might be taxed

       in the city of his fathers.

      6 And when they came by the cave,

       Mary confessed to Joseph that her

       time of bringing forth was come,

       and she could not go on to the city,

       and said, Let us go into this cave.

      7 At that time the sun was very

       near going down.

      8 But Joseph hastened away,

       that he might fetch her a midwife;

       and when he saw an old Hebrew

       woman who was of Jerusalem, he

       said to her, Pray come hither,

       good woman, and go into that cave,

       and you will there see a woman

       just ready to bring forth.

      9 It was after sunset, when the

       old woman and Joseph with her

       reached the cave, and they both

       went into it.