The suppressed Gospels and Epistles of the original New Testament of Jesus the Christ, Complete. William Wake
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      12 But the light gradually

       decreased, until the infant appeared,

       and sucked the breast of his mother,


      13 Then the midwife cried out,

       and said, How glorious a day is

       this, wherein mine eyes have seen

       this extraordinary sight!

      14 And the midwife went out

       from the cave, and Salome met


      15 And the midwife said to her,

       Salome, Salome, I will tell you a

       most surprising thing which I saw,

      16 A virgin hath brought forth,

       which is a thing contrary to


      17 To which Salome replied, As

       the Lord my God liveth unless I

       receive particular proof of this

       matter, I will not believe that a

       virgin hath brought forth.

      18 If Then Salome went in, and

       the midwife said, Mary, shew thyself,

       for a controversy is risen

       concerning thee.

      19 And Salome received satisfaction.

      20 But her hand was withered,

       and she groaned bitterly;

      21 And said, Woe to me, because

       of mine iniquity; for I have

       tempted the living God, and my

       hand is ready to drop off.

      22 Then Salome made her

       supplication to the Lord, and said,

       O God of my Fathers, remember me,

       for I am of the seed of Abraham,

       and Isaac, and Jacob.

      23 Make me not a reproach

       among the children of Israel, but

       restore me sound to my parents.

      24 For thou well knowest,

       O Lord, that I have performed many

       offices of charity in thy name,

       and have received my reward from


      25 Upon this an angel of the

       Lord stood by Salome, and said,

       The Lord God hath heard thy

       prayer, reach forth thy hand to

       the child, and carry him, and by

       that means thou shalt be restored.

      26 Salome filled with exceeding

       joy, went to the child, and said,

       I will touch him.

      27 And she purposed to worship

       him, for she said, This is a great

       king, which is born in Israel.

      28 And straightway Salome was


      29 Then the midwife went out

       of the cave, being approved by God.

      30 And lo! a voice came to Salome.

       Declare not the strange things

       which thou hast seen, till

       the child shall come to Jerusalem.

      31 So Salome also departed,

       approved by God.


      1 Wise men come from the east.

       3 Herod alarmed;

       8 desires them if they find the child to bring him word.

       10 They visit the cave and offer the child their treasure,

       11 and being warned in a dream, do not return to Herod,

       but go home another way.

      THEN Joseph was preparing to

       go away, because there arose

       a great disorder in Bethlehem by

       the coming of some wise men

       from the east,

      2 Who said, Where is the King

       of the Jews born? For we have

       seen his star in the east, and are

       come to worship him.

      3 When Herod heard this, he

       was exceedingly troubled, and sent

       messengers to the wise men, and

       to the priests, and enquired of

       them in the town-hall,

      4 And said unto them, Where

       have you it written concerning

       Christ the king, or where should

       he be born?

      5 Then they say unto him, In

       Bethlehem of Judaea; for thus it

       is written: And thou Bethlehem in

       the land of Judah, art not the least

       among the princes of Judah, for

       out of thee shall come a ruler,