The Republic of Virtue. F. H. Buckley
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Название: The Republic of Virtue

Автор: F. H. Buckley

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Юриспруденция, право


isbn: 9781594039713


СКАЧАТЬ 6. What Corruption Meant to the Framers

       Extensive Virtue

       Governing Above Faction

       Private Virtue

       Religious Virtue—and Vice

       7. The Promise of Virtuous Government

       Reining In the Presidency

       Electing a President


       8. How Did That Work Out?

       Minoritarian Misbehavior

       The Democratic Presidency

       Power and Corruption

       A Grim Logic


       9. Federalism and Corruption

       Bigness and Badness

       Smallness and Badness

       10. The Mississippi Story

       Mississippi Burning

       Mississippi Cashes In

       11. Designing a Virtuous Justice System

       The Genius of the Framers’ Constitution

       Genius Frustrated

       12. The Silver Bullet

       The Way Back

       State Judicial Elections

       A Judicial Aristocracy

       IV. MONEY

       13. Bribes

       The Ordeal of Francis Bacon

       Corruption of the Heart

       The Limits of Bribery Law

       14. The Republic of Defection

       The Dismal Dialectic

       Crimes of Democracy

       The U-Curve

       15. Policing Crony Capitalism: What Doesn’t Work

       Disclosure Requirements

       Contribution Limits

       Spending Caps

       16. Three Reforms

       Mandated Anonymity

       Suspect Donors

       Chinese Walls

       17. The Heavenly City of the Enlightened Reformer

      Appendix A. The Determinants of Public Corruption

       Appendix B. Fairness in Interstate Litigation Act




Maximilien Robespierre: “Terror is an emanation of...

      Maximilien Robespierre: “Terror is an emanation of virtue.” Page 31. (Wikimedia Commons)

Gouverneur Morris: “If the Legislature...

      Gouverneur Morris: “If the Legislature elect, it will be the work of intrigue, of cabal, and of faction: it will be like the election of a pope by a conclave of cardinals.” Page 50. (Wikimedia Commons)

Jacques-Louis David, The Lictors Bring to Brutus...

      Jacques-Louis David, The Lictors Bring to Brutus the Bodies of His Sons. 1789. Page 57. (Wikimedia Commons)

“The Life of Dr. Franklin was a Scene of...

      “The Life of Dr. Franklin was a Scene of continual discipation.” W.O. Geller, Franklin’s Reception at the Court of France, 1778. 1853. Page 63. (Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, LC-DIG-pga-01591)

Deputy Sheriff Cecil Price and Sheriff Lawrence...

      Deputy Sheriff Cecil Price and Sheriff Lawrence Rainey of Philadelphia, Mississippi, with their supporters at their arraignment in federal court, January 1965. Page 107. (© Bettmann/Bettmann Collection/Getty Images)

       PART ONE


       All plans of government, which suppose great reformation in the manners of mankind, are plainly imaginary.

       —David Hume

       — 1 —

       Our Machiavellian Moment

      FOR FOREIGN INVESTORS, America is always a good bet, and that’s especially true when they come from corrupt countries, as Kambir Abdul Rahman and Yassir Habib did. Together the two formed Abdul Enterprises and deposited a million dollars in Chase Manhattan Bank to give themselves credibility. Then they hired Melvin Weinberg to approach American politicians for their support. If this is beginning to sound familiar, that’s because it’s the Abscam sting of 1978–80, and the basis for the 2013 film American Hustle.

      Kambir Abdul Rahman and Yassir Habib didn’t exist. The entire СКАЧАТЬ