Rise of French Laïcité. Stephen M. Davis
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СКАЧАТЬ and ecclesiastical properties were nationalized. The number of bishops was reduced. Priests and bishops were elected by districts and departments respectively and both became civil servants remunerated by the State. Pope Pius VI (1717–1799) condemned this action and priests were divided between those who swore loyalty to the Republic and those who looked to Rome for guidance. Persecution and division followed.177 Walker explains,

      Napoleon and Concordat of 1801

      Conservative monarchists and Catholics desired that France return to her status as elder daughter of the Catholic Church. The Republicans wanted to make France the daughter of the Revolution of 1789. The resolution to this struggle began in 1879 when Republicans gained a parliamentary majority and worked to remove the influence of religion and the Church from the Republic and from public school teaching. The Republicans abrogated the 1850 Law Falloux which was a major setback for the Church in its influence on education. This conflict between the two Frances of the monarchists and Republican anticlericalists would reach its summit with the arrival to power of Émile Combes in 1902 and continue until the Law of Separation in December 1905.