Rise of French Laïcité. Stephen M. Davis
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СКАЧАТЬ in France. It has been estimated that “Kingdom-wide, for every person killed in the St. Bartholomew’s massacres, dozens returned to the Catholic fold or fled abroad.”94 One Catholic historian reports that Pope Gregory XIII (1502–1585), upon receiving the news of the massacre, decreed a jubilee of thanksgiving, struck a commemorative medal, and commissioned Italian artist Vasari to immortalize the event by a fresco on the walls in the Vatican Sala Regia.95 Protestants and Catholics were both prisoners of a system of thought that considered heresy the greatest enemy and mutual extermination an act of justice in the name of God.96 One major consequence of the massacre was “a flurry of publications about the limits of obedience to royal authority that made the years after 1572 one of the most fertile periods of political reflection in all of French history.”97 Another consequence was the change in relations between Catholics and Protestants shocked by the brutality of the massacre on a previously unknown scale: