A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning. Fallows Samuel
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СКАЧАТЬ importune, crave, entreat, beseech, supplicate.

      ANT: Deprecate, protest, remonstrate, expostulate.


      KEY: Connect, [See UNITE].


      KEY: Connection.

      SYN: Junction, {[con]?}, junction, union, association, concatenation, relation, affinity, relevance, intercourse, communication, Unarm_an, relationship, kindred.

      ANT: Disconnection, disjunction, dissociation, independence, irrelevance, disunion.


      KEY: Connive.

      SYN: Wink, pretermit, pass, overlook.

      ANT: Notice, visit, censure, investigate.


      KEY: Connubial.

      SYN: Conjugal, matrimonial, nuptial.

      ANT: Single, celibate, illicit, adulterous.


      KEY: Conquer.

      SYN: Subdue, vanquish, surmount, overcome, overpower, overthrow, defeat, crush, master, subjugate, prevail_over.

      ANT: Fail, fall, retreat, succumb, fly, submit, surrender, lose, forfeit, sacrifice, resign, cede.


      KEY: Conquest, [See CONQUER].

      SYN: Victory, triumph, overthrow, discomfiture, subjugation.

      ANT: Failure, defeat, retreat, surrender, forfeiture, submission, discomfiture.


      KEY: Consanguinity.

      SYN: Kindred, blood, lineage.

      ANT: Disconnection, dissociation.


      KEY: Conscience.

      SYN: Sense, intuition, integrity, principle.

      ANT: [See PERTURB_and_STOICAL], license.


      KEY: Conscientious.

      SYN: Scrupulous, exact, equitable, strict, upright, highprincipled.

      ANT: Unscrupulous, lax, unprincipled, reprobate, unconscientious.


      KEY: Conscious.

      SYN: Aware, cognizant, sensible.

      ANT: Unaware, unconscious, insensible.


      KEY: Consciousness.

      SYN: Sense, sensation, intelligence, perception.

      ANT: Insensibility, unconsciousness.


      KEY: Conscription.

      SYN: Impressment, drafting.

      ANT: Enlistment, volunteering.


      KEY: Consecrate.

      SYN: Dedicate, devote, enshrine, hallow, sanctify.

      ANT: Desecrate, secularize, profane.


      KEY: Consecration, [See CONSECRATE_and_DEVOTION].


      KEY: Consecutive.

      SYN: Orderly, arranged, coherent, continuous.

      ANT: Disordered, undigested, incoherent, rambling, inconsequent, inconsecutive, discursive.


      KEY: Consent.

      SYN: Submit, agree, acquiesce.

      ANT: resist, disagree, dissent, deline, refuse.


      KEY: Consentaneous.

      SYN: Agreeing, correspondent, consonant, congruous, [See HARMONIOUS].


      KEY: Consequence.

      SYN: Effect, issue, result, inference, coherence, deduction, conclusion, outcome, importance, note, moment, dignity.

      ANT: Cause, causation, antecedence, premise, origin, datum, postulate, axiom, unimportance, insignificance, inconsequence, inconsecutiveness, irrelevance, meanness, paltriness.


      KEY: Consequent.

      SYN: Inferred, deduced, resultant, accruing, attendant.

      ANT: Assumed, conjectured, antecedent, conducive, productive, inconsequent.


      KEY: Consequential.

      SYN: Coherent, connected, nected, cogent, logical, pompous, arrogant.

      ANT: Incoherent, disconnected, in, valid, illogical, inconsequential, affable, conversible, accessible, easy, humble-minded.


      KEY: Consequently.

      SYN: Accordingly, therefore, [See ACCORDING].

      ANT: Irrelevantly, inconsequently.


      KEY: Conservation.

      SYN: Preservation, keeping, protection, guardianship, maintenance, stabilisation, perpetuation.

      ANT: Neglect, exposure, abrogation, destruction, abolition.


      KEY: Conservative.

      SYN: Undestroyed, unsuppressed, stationary, unrepealed.

      ANT: Changed, newfangled, radical, progressive, modifiable, alterable, transitional.


      KEY: Consider.

      SYN: Attend, revolve, meditate, think, reflect, investigate, regard, observe, judge, opine, infer, deduce, weigh, cogitate, deliberate, ponder, deem.

      ANT: Disregard, ignore, pretermit, despise, guess, conjecture, СКАЧАТЬ