A Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms or, Synonyms and Words of Opposite Meaning. Fallows Samuel
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      KEY: Condole.

      SYN: Sympathize, console, commiserate.

      ANT: Congratulate, exhilarate, disregard, rally, discompassionate, discommiserate.


      KEY: Condolence, [See CONDOLE].


      KEY: Condonation.

      SYN: Indulgence, excuse, amnesty, pardon, forgiveness.

      ANT: Expiation, satisfaction, atonement.


      KEY: Conduce.

      SYN: Concur, contribute, avail, aid, tend, coincide, converge, assist, help, make_for, conspire, lead, subserve.

      ANT: Indispose, counteract, defeat, neutralize.


      KEY: Conducive, [See CONDUCE].

      SYN: Contributive, promotive, subsidiary, causative, effective, productive.

      ANT: Preventive, counteractive, contrariant, repugnant, destructive.


      KEY: Conduct_\v.\.

      SYN: Lead, bring, carry, transfer, direct, guide, control, manage, administer.

      ANT: Mislead, miscarry, mismanage, misconduct, misadminister.


      KEY: Conduct \n.\, [See BEHAVIOR].


      KEY: Confabulation, [See COLLOQUY].


      KEY: Confection \n.\, [See CONCOCTION], [See CONDIMENT_and_COMPOUND], {Used_of_sweet_compounds]}.


      KEY: SYN:, Sweetmeat, sugarplum, cake, condiment.

      ANT: [See CONDIMENT].


      KEY: Confederacy, Confederation.

      SYN: Alliance, treaty, league, union, association.

      ANT: Disruption, secession, disunion.


      KEY: Confederate.

      SYN: Leagued, allied, united, combined.

      ANT: Disunited, dissolved.


      KEY: Confederate \n.\, [See COMPANION].


      KEY: Confer.

      SYN: Compare, collate, discuss, deliberate, converse, consult, give, present.

      ANT: Dissociate, contrast, hazard, conjecture, withhold, withdraw.


      KEY: Conference.

      SYN: Discussion, discourse, consultation, parley, contravention, convocation, meeting.

      ANT: Monologue, silence, [See CONVENTION].


      KEY: Confess.

      SYN: Avow, aver, own, reveal, disclose, acknowledge.

      ANT: {[Disaver]?}, disavow, suppress, silentiate, deny.


      KEY: Confession.

      SYN: Creed, catechism, articles, doctrines, tenets, profession, declaration, subscription.

      ANT: Heresy, apostacy, protest, condemnation, refutation, index, renunciation, abjuration.


      KEY: Confidant.

      SYN: Confessor, adviser, confederate.

      ANT: Traitor, betrayer, rival.


      KEY: Confide.

      SYN: Trust, lean, hope, believe, depend, rely.

      ANT: Doubt, distrust, disbelieve.


      KEY: Confidence.

      SYN: Trust, faith, belief, self-reliance, assurance, dependence, reliance.

      ANT: Distrust, mistrust, doubt, misgiving.


      KEY: Confident.

      SYN: Positive, assured, sure, certain, impudent, bold, sanguine.

      ANT: [See CERTAIN].


      KEY: Confidential.

      SYN: Private, secret, trustworthy, intimate.

      ANT: Public, open, patent, official, treacherous, insidious.


      KEY: Configuration.

      SYN: Shape, outline, delineation, form, figure, conformation, contour.

      ANT: Shapelessness, amorphousness, formlessness, undelineation, contortion, distortion, deformity.


      KEY: Confine.

      SYN: Immure, limit, bound, imprison, circumscribe, restrict, enclose, narrow, incarcerate, bind.

      ANT: Dilate, expand, extend, widen, unfasten, liberate, loosen, disenclose.


      KEY: Confined, [See CIRCUMSCRIBE].


      KEY: Confirm.

      SYN: Strengthen, stabilitate, establish, substantiate, settle, prove, fix, perpetuate, sanction, corroborate, ratify.

      ANT: Weaken, shake, upset, cancel, abrogate, repeal, annul, confute, refute.


      KEY: Confirmation, [See CONFIRM].


      KEY: Confiscate.

      SYN: Seize, escheat, dis, possess, sequestrate, СКАЧАТЬ