1 Law 4 All - Gator. Billy Angel
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Название: 1 Law 4 All - Gator

Автор: Billy Angel

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Зарубежная драматургия

Серия: 1 Law 4 All

isbn: 9781456635466


СКАЧАТЬ Foundation’s video meeting refocused as Juan’s said, “Hey, anyone remember that Dom is missing?” As he said this he reflected on any possible connection to their clients, Fair and Free’s actions.

      “Are there any leads?” Mac asked.

      Juan said, “I did get a call from my soon to be father-in-law. He said not to worry about Dom. That he has the situation under control. Now that could mean anything.”

      Jimmy having lived on the edge of the Seattle mob as a young adult, he empathized with Juan. “He’s telling you its family business. I hate to speculate, but here goes. Do you think she’s been kidnapped to get her father’s attention?”

      Juan sprang out of his chair. “Why would anyone kidnap Dom to get her father’s attention? If she was kidnapped, no one’s contacted me.” Juan mussed.

      Kitiona stepped in. “That’s the point. You’re important to Dom, but not the kidnappers. They must want something from her father. What does he have of value to them?”

      Carol immediately spat out, “Money, daah!”

      Mac laughed when asking, “Besides money, what business is Nicholas Bianca NOT into?”

      Juan scratched his head. “Dom and I have rarely discussed anything specific about her dad’s businesses. But you can imagine all the mob’s businesses. She did mention, when she was around four or five years old, that he brought her to the trucking company escrow signing. She remembered because of her practicing writing her name. He told her that the company may be hers someday, and that she needed to sign lots of papers as a business owner. So, she practiced while her dad signed the escrow’s paperwork.”

      Ben clarified. “So Nickolas bought a trucking company. Does he own more than one? In any case we can assume he’s running the trucking company, now.”

      Carol asked. “Where’s the company?” Thinking of any easy connection to their F&F situation, she followed with, “Is his company in Florida?”

      “No, I think it’s in Boston or Providence. It’s headquarters are in the northeast for sure.” Juan said.

      Jimmy, thinking like a mob guy said, “I’ll bet he has ties to the truckers union. There’s no way he could operate a trucking company without being involved with the unions.”

      Juan nodded his head. “I remember Dom having to go to some trucker’s union get-together when we first started dating. I’ll bet he has lots of trucker union officials in his work contacts.”

      Mac was getting confused. “Let’s sum up what we know. F&F hires the Foundation to essentially watch their legal backs. Some nasty people take an interest in scaring them and us off this case. Election machines get funded for refitting in China. Dominica gets kidnapped and her father is into trucking. Is anyone connecting the dots yet?”

      Ben adds. “We need to know if Nicholas Bianca and the kidnappers are negotiating for Dominica’s release. That could start to explain this situation.”

      Carol’s deduced, “Let’s say that Bianca has ties to east coast trucking. This Fair and Free group is investigating election fraud in the upcoming Florida election.” After a slight pause she asks, “Where are the voting machines now?”

      Nobody answered. Ben suggests to everyone, “Let's find the whereabouts of those machines. Volunteer anyone?”

      Carol pops, “That sounds like something Carl and I can check into.”

      “Good,” chirped a satisfied Ben. “You work with Carl. Find out all you can about where the Florida election machines are warehoused. While you’re at it, get as much information about this election machine refit. What needed changing?”

      Mac thinks out loud. “We also need to trace the campaign money back to the original sources. Kitiona, would you like to help me do that?”

      Carol, comically remarks, “No, she hates working with you. She only wants hugs and kisses from you!”

      Kitiona elbows Carol, then says, “Mac you’re in San Francisco. I’m in Washington DC, right now.”

      Juan recommends, “Since we’re taking this F&F group as a client, we should work together, at least in the beginning. Considering you were all planning on coming to Dom’s and my wedding, why don’t you come to Tampa early? Assuming Dom’s father takes care of business like he said he would, we can coordinate everything else from here.”

      The long pause came from each member considering rearranging their immediate schedules. Juan said that the wing he reserved for the group at the Tampa Yacht and Country Club was available for early arrivals. “I had Nancy check and added from tomorrow on to our current wedding reservations.”

      Jimmy grinned. “Is that gunslinger Nancy going to be around? I want to meet this modern day Annie Oakley!”

      The mood lightened. Ben started dishing out assignments. “I’ll investigate this Nanotechnology stuff. I’m sure Bob can help me.” Bob was Ben’s go to technology wizard.

      Ben continued. “Mac and Kitiona follow the donation money. Jimmy, you investigate Nicholas Bianca, his transportation company and ties to trucker unions. Juan, you have the hardest job. Connect with Nickolas and find out all you can about the situation he’s handling.”

      Juan remembered the Fair and Free representatives mentioned some sort of conspiracy involving a group called ‘The Club’. Juan said, “I have one more thing that needs investigating. F&F’s representatives mentioned a group that may be the influencing instigators behind any voter fraud associated with these machine refits.”

      Jimmy bounced up from his seat. “Mac, you’re on - Mr. Conspiracy.”

      Mac accepted the assignment knowing that meant more work for Kitiona and him. “Sure, and if there is a conspiracy, you're going to owe Kitiona and me the most expensive dinner at Tampa’s Bern’s Steak House!”

      “You’ve done your eatery research. But Bern’s as is burning the meat? Bring it on.” Jimmy taunted wondering how Nancy ordered her rib eye cooked.

      Mac answered, “Since Jimmy’s in a betting mood, I’ll on beating him to Tampa.”

      Jimmy chuckled, “I’ll beat you and Kitiona. I know you’re antsy to see your Samoan beauty. Loser buys dinner for everyone who shows. What time can we arrive for our reservations?”

      Juan said, “I’ll have Nancy make reservations starting tomorrow night for late check-ins.”

      Jimmy interrupted Juan. “Invite Nancy, ok?”

      Juan gave him an acknowledging nod and smile. He closed the video meeting expressing a calm reassurance. “I’ll tell the Yacht Club to have your rooms ready. Kitiona, the Foundation’s paying for first class tickets, right?”

      Chapter 22

      In Providence, the brothers Bianca met the following morning. They both enjoyed eating at the Italian deli close to Nick’s nightclub. The My Amore restaurant served their favorite sandwiches and Italian desserts. Frank ordered the Biscotti with his espresso. Nick had the Brioche. He liked СКАЧАТЬ