1 Law 4 All - Gator. Billy Angel
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Название: 1 Law 4 All - Gator

Автор: Billy Angel

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Зарубежная драматургия

Серия: 1 Law 4 All

isbn: 9781456635466


СКАЧАТЬ onto technological drawings from the crashed UFO. By accident, he became enlightened while researching technological papers released through a freedom of information search. From those drawings he invented a replacement for old fashioned tubes in radios and televisions. He dismantled the information and pieced it back together to form a transistor. With transistors, he miniaturized portable electronics. To sell his new electronics, he built Asia's first online shopping center in the early 1990’s. It initially sold electronics. But once the computer code for the online catalogue framework was operating smoothly, he expanded into a complete one-stop, Asian shopping website.

      Mr. West contorted his long, lean face into a warm half-smile. His thin, frail lips, parted to comment while reclining on a cushioned deck chair. “My favorite Woodrow Wilson quote is, ‘A little group of willful men, representing no opinion but their own, have rendered the great government of the United States helpless and contemptible’. Do you feel like your great-grandfather was part of that group?”

      Mr. West is headquartered in France. His Club charge included understanding and analyzing Western hemisphere politics. His wealth came from old family money dating to the middle 1800’s. He parlayed his inherited wealth to become the world's biggest luxury goods corporation.

      Mr. East responds through a smile framed with a pair of dark, beadlike eyes and inflated-like, ‘trumpet cheeks’. “Great-grandfather realized that we are all citizens of the world. The tragedy of our times is that today’s selfish citizens do not believe this.” He sits straighter. “That’s one of my favorite quotes because it’s so contemporary. Remember, Wilson said this almost one hundred years ago!”

      A tired face, Mr. South contributes to their discussion. His deep facial wrinkles and layers of eye-bags lent credibility to his stories of old. “My great-grandfather entertained Woodrow Wilson at our Saint Tropez villa on the French Rivera before World War I. He cautioned Woodrow not to reveal the world order’s direction. After World War I, he easily persuaded Wilson to avoid another world war. He doubted some of our methods, but eventually conceded that war was ugly and needed to be avoided at all costs.”

      Mr. South, a former Nazi living in Argentina, earned his deep worried wrinkle lines in World War II. When high ranking German officers conceded that Hitler’s war was lost, many fled their homes. Mr. South did the same. On his way out, he stole millions in gold from a secret Nazi camp at St. Georgen, Austria during WWII’s final weeks.

      Once established in Argentina, he studied the stock, bond and money exchange markets. Eventually, he worked his way into Argentina's social and financial institutions. He represented Argentina at his first Bilderberg meeting. He became the best investor of the 20th Century because of his windfall mega-earnings. He earned hundreds of millions during the 1997, Club initiated, Asian financial crisis.

      Mr. East said while raising his center-angled eyebrows, “Wilson did sign the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 into law. Then he followed with this disastrous quote that hastened his ‘natural’ death. ‘I am an unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country’. That was a major coup d'état benefiting our One World Economy system plan.”

      Mr. South acknowledged. “With Wilson’s death one of his most telling quotes died with him. ‘An invisible empire has been set up above the forms of government’.”

      Mr. North grew impatient with this nostalgic conversation. “A whole new economic paradigm has been in place for over one hundred years and still we and our fathers have yet to consolidate the One World System of government.”

      Mr. North was charged with examining and influencing northern hemisphere economics. Russian by birth, this former national president mysteriously retired after his first term. Privately, during his presidency, he had seized oil and gas companies that supply all of Europe and parts of Asia. His wealth needed full-time management so he abandoned the public life of government.

      Mr. South figuratively threw gasoline on their flaming discussion. “President Clinton severely crippled our efforts with his conversational remarks to the United Nations in 1994. Even our progressive United Nations supporters were taken aback when he said, “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis.”

      Mr. East shook his head in disgust. “How many wars do we need for the ‘right major crisis’? War is ugly and I hate supporting it. We have to get more imaginative.”

      “Let’s monitor the reactions to our Silicon Valley calamity. We may be on the right track. Getting another of our puppets elected U.S. President is the solution.” Mr. North encouraged.

      Mr. West laughed a guttural, enlarged-belly laugh. “That last puppet president couldn’t tie his shoes without that bossy wife. Unfortunately for us she couldn’t accompany him into those critical hostage negotiations. With one urging from her at the right moment, we could have had a containable nuclear crisis for FEMA to act. Idiot boy couldn’t follow our simple instructions. At that moment he gave up the ghost when General Warrens prevailed with his Seal Team rescue.”

      Mr. North’s complimented Mr. West on the precursor to his Project Florida election scheme. “The Silicon Valley EMP (Electrical Magnetic Pulse) strike was a magnificent diversion from the contents of the recently passed Clean Plastic Bill. I understand our media outlets are giving it wall to wall coverage. The usual congressional bill monitoring and election campaigning has all been removed from the front pages.”

      Mr. East asked Mr. West, “How's the kidnapping situation progressing?”

      Mr. West said the situation was stable and moving to completion. “Mr. Bianca knows not to mess with our allied Brighton Beach Russians. They have cut out an entire beach area in Brooklyn from the mob’s local gangs. He’ll do as we tell him to do. Mr. South’s stickers will be attached during the voting machines transport to Florida’s polling places.”

      Mr. South, rubbing the large facial burn scars on his right cheek, wonders, “What are our chances of the Project Florida being discovered?”

      Mr. West answers, moving slightly to hide his lazy left eyelid from Mr. South’s judgmental gaze. “The Russians are playing at frightening off the Fair and Free organization and the lawyer group they hired. But, for some reason these people don’t scare easily. The Russians have our blessing to hurt anyone trying to interfere with Project Florida.”

      Mr. East looks at Mr. South. “Your turn. Explain how our vote tampering ruse works."

      Mr. South begins. "To the best of my understanding we have a two component voting machine strategy."

      "One of these components is in the works." Mr. West says.

      "Exactly!" Mr. South. “Once we have access to the modified voting machines, we need to attach a sticker to the side of the display monitor."

      Mr. North questions, "What does this sticker say?"

      "Glad you asked." Smiling through a face full of wrinkles, Mr. South was ready for this question. "The sticker reads - Authorized Component of the Florida Elections Commission. The Florida State seal in superimposed over these words. Who could question the seal and such eloquent words?"

      Mr. North raised his thick, brown eyebrows and continued, “What does the sticker do?”

      Mr. South bobs his head. “The sticker is imprinted with nano-particles. Once activated by removing the sticker’s clear covering, the particles organize to form a WiFi receiver/sender. The sticker is now ready to receive signals from our central WiFi carrier. The nano-particles then communicate with the modified, nano-particle impregnated motherboards. Once communication is established СКАЧАТЬ