Seven Mohave Myths. A. L. Kroeber
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Название: Seven Mohave Myths

Автор: A. L. Kroeber

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664591814


СКАЧАТЬ The narrator believes that he has seen and heard what he is relating.

      B. Two Brothers Go Off

      1b. Now there were two brothers there. They stood east of the house and told of it. They did not speak, but sang. They sang of its posts, the rafters, the sand heaped around and over it, and the other parts. (4 songs.)

      6. When they came back, Pukehane said, "Some tribes after a time will do like this: let me see how far you can shoot." They bet their arrows. The elder shot far. The younger did not shoot far and lost, lost all his arrows. The quiver was empty and he tied it around his waist. He said, "I will bet the rats that I killed." Then he lost all his rats. They came home and he had no arrows and no rats, only his bow. Their father's older brother saw them. He said, "Why do you not do right? This is wrong. Do not do it any more. That is not what I came here for. I came in order that when you go hunting you bring them here and I eat." (1 song.)

      C. The Brothers Get Wives