Moses and Aaron: Civil and Ecclesiastical Rites, Used by the Ancient Hebrews. Goodwin Thomas Aiken
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СКАЧАТЬ shall I do? &c. and at last replyed, All these I have done from my youth upward, Luke 18.

      5. Pharisæus mortarius; so called because he wore a hat in manner of a deep Mortar, such as they use to bray spice in, in so much that he could not look upward, nor of either side; onely downward on the ground, and forward or forthright.

      6. Pharisæus ex amore; Such a one as obeyed the Law for the Love of Vertue.

      7. Pharisæus ex timore; Such a one obeyed the Law for fear of punishment. He that conformed for fear had respect chiefly to the negative Commandements; but he that conformed for love, especially respected the Affirmative.

       Of the Sadduces.

       Table of Contents

      Their Dogmata, Canons, or Constitutions, were, 1. They rejected[137] the Prophets, & all other Scripture save only the five books of Moses. Therefore our Saviour when he would confute their errour, concerning the resurrection of the dead, he proves it not out of the Prophets, but out of Exod. 3. 6. I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, Mat. 22. 32.

      [137] Joseph. Antiq. lib. 13. c. 18.

      [138] Elias de ‎‏שרק‏‎.

      3. They said there was no reward for good works, nor punishment for ill, in the world to come. Hence Saint Paul perceiving that in the Councel the one part were Sadduces, the other Pharisees, he cried out, Of the hope of the reward expected, and of the resurrection of the dead, I am called in question, Act. 23. 6.

      4. They denied the resurrection of the body, Act. 22. 8. Matth. 22. 23. Luke 20. 27.

      5. They said the souls of men are annihilated[140] at their death.

      [140] Joseph. de bello Judaic. lib. 2. c. 12.

      6. They denied Angels and spirits, Act. 23. 8.

      7. They wholly denied[141] Fate or Destiny, and ascribed all to mans Free-will.

      [141] Joseph. l. 13. c. 9.