Moses and Aaron: Civil and Ecclesiastical Rites, Used by the Ancient Hebrews. Goodwin Thomas Aiken
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СКАЧАТЬ of hands then in use, I much doubt. The manner of their meetings, when Disputations were had in their Synagogues, or other Schools, was thus.[76] The chief Rabbies sate in reserved Chairs; these are those chief seats of the Synagogues, which the Scribes and Pharises so affected, Mat. 23. 6. Their Companions sate upon Benches or lower Forms; their Scholars on the ground at the feet of their Teachers. Saint Paul was brought up at the feet of Gamaliel, Act. 22. 2. And Mary sate at Jesus feet, and heard his word, Luk. 10. 39. The positure of their body differed according to their degrees. The Rabbi is described[77] to be ‎‏יושב‏‎ Joscheb, one that sitteth: the Companion, ‎‏מוטת‏‎ Muteth, the word signifieth a kind of leaning upon a bed or bench, ones head lying in the others bosome, in manner of the ancient sitting at table; and it was a deportment of the body, inferiour to that of sitting: The Scholar was termed[78] ‎‏מתאבק‏‎ Mithabek, one that doth lie along in the dust, and this was a token of the Scholars humility, thus humbling and subjecting himself even to the feet of his Masters: This same custom it is thought,[79] Saint Paul laboured to bring into the Christian Church, 1 Cor. 14. Their Scholars were not all of equal capacity, whence they said,[80] some had conditionem spongiæ, others clepsydræ, others sacci fæcinacei, and others cribri. Some resembled the Sponge, and suck’d in all that they heard without judgment; others the Hour-Glass, they took in at one ear, and let out at the other; others the Winesack, through which Wine is so drained from the dregs, that only the dregs remain behind: Lastly, others the Rying-sieve, which in winnowing lets out the courser seed, and keepeth in the corn.

       Of their Nazarites and Rechabites.

       Table of Contents