Самый полезный трэвэл-гайд на английском: Полное собрание необходимой лексики, фраз и возможных диалогов. Дарья Анатольевна Велимович
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СКАЧАТЬ диалоги на окне регистрации

      ▪ Jeff Kramer is flying to Denver. He’s at the airport check-in desk now

      Check-in: Your ticket, please, sir.

      Jeff: There you go.

      Check-in: Flight UA755 to Denver, then you’re going on to Aspen, on flight RM002?

      Jeff: That’s right.

      Check-in: Do you have any baggage to check, Mr. Kramer?

      Jeff: Yes, I do. Just two pieces.

      Check-in: And did you pack them yourself, Mr. Kramer?

      Jeff: Yes, I did.

      Check-in: And have they been with you all times?

      Jeff: Yes, they have.

      Check-in: Has anyone given you anything to take on the flight?

      Jeff: No, they haven’t.

      Check-in: Are any of the articles on this list in your carry-on baggage?

      Jeff: Um… No.

      Check-in: Would you like me to tag these bags through to Aspen? Then you won’t have to pick them up in Denver.

      Jeff: That’s would be great. Thanks.

      Check-in: Do you have a seating preference, Mr. Kramer?

      Jeff: An aisle seat. Extra legroom, if possible.

      Check-in: Yes, I have a seat, next to the emergency exit. So, that’s Flight UA755 to Denver, departing at 5:30 p.m., boarding at Gate Number 2. Report to the gate twenty minutes before departure. Here’s your boarding pass. Please report to the Transfer Desk in Denver for a seat assignment on your connecting flight.

      Jeff: Thank you.

      Check-in: You’re welcome. Have a good flight.

      ≡ Словарь:

      a seating preference – предпочтение посадочного места

      a piece – штука

      an article – артикул, наименование

      ▪ Alicia is at San Diego international Airport

      Check-in Clerk: Here’s your boarding pass, ma’am. Flight CG 186 to Vancouver, Seat 29K. Please be at Gate 11 at two thirty.

      Alicia: Thank you very much.

      Таможенный контроль

      Ваши фразы:

      I have nothing to declare.

             Мне нечего декларировать.

      I need a customs declaration form.

             Мне нужен бланк декларации.

      How much liquor / cigarette blocks can I take?

             Сколько спиртного / блоков сигарет я могу везти?

      I have only my personal belongings.

             У меня только личные вещи.

      Фразы сотрудников таможенного контроля:

      Put your tablet out of your bag, please.

             Достаньте, пожалуйста, ваш планшет из сумки.

      Take out your cell-phone and place it on the tray, please.

             Достаньте, пожалуйста, свой мобильный телефон и положите его на поднос.

      Take off any metallic items and put them on this tray, please.

             Снимите, пожалуйста, все металлические предметы и положите их на этот поднос.

      You can’t take this liquid on the plane.

             Вы не можете взять эту жидкость в самолет.

      Open the bag, please.

             Откройте, пожалуйста, сумку.

      Do you have anything to declare?

             У вас есть что-нибудь, подлежащее декларированию?

      Do you have anything forbidden in your suitcase: drugs, guns, explosive materials?

             У вас есть в чемодане запрещенные к провозу вещи: наркотики, оружие, взрывчатые вещества?

      Is there anything sharp or dangerous in your hand luggage?

             В вашей ручной клади есть острые или опасные предметы?

      I must confiscate these goods.

             Я вынужден конфисковать эти вещи.

      You may pass on.

             Вы можете проходить.

      Возможные диалоги на таможенном контроле

      ▪ Jeff Kramer is going to through the Security Check

      Security: Please put all carry-on baggage on the conveyor… Please put all carry-on baggage on the conveyor. Step right this way, ma’am. This way, sir. (Beep) Please empty your pockets СКАЧАТЬ