Introducing Second Language Acquisition. Kirsten M. Hummel
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Название: Introducing Second Language Acquisition

Автор: Kirsten M. Hummel

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 9781119554295


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      Linguistics in the World is a textbook series focusing on the study of language in the real world, enriching students' understanding of how language works through a balance of theoretical insights and empirical findings. Presupposing no, or only minimal, background knowledge, each of these titles is intended to lay the foundation for students' future work, whether in language science, applied linguistics, language teaching, or speech sciences.

      The Sounds of Language, by Elizabeth Zsiga An Introduction to Language, by Kirk Hazen What Is Sociolinguistics? Second Edition, by Gerard Van Herk Understanding Sentence Structure: An Introduction to English Syntax, by Christina Tortora Applying Phonetics: Speech Science in Everyday Life, by Murray J. Munro Introducing Second Language Acquisition: Perspectives СКАЧАТЬ