Introducing Second Language Acquisition. Kirsten M. Hummel
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Название: Introducing Second Language Acquisition

Автор: Kirsten M. Hummel

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 9781119554295


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      35 Rescorla, L.A. (1980). Overextension in early language development. Journal of Child Language 7: 321–335.

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      38 Searchinger, G. (1995). Acquiring the Human Language: Playing the Language Game. The Human Language (Part II), Video. New York: Ways of Knowing, Equinox Films.

      39 Vihman, M.M., Kay, E., de Boysson‐Bardies, B. et al. (1994). External sources of individual differences? A cross‐linguistic analysis of the phonetics of mothers' speech to 1‐year‐old children. Developmental Psychology 30: 651–662.

      40 Vouloumanos, A. and Werker, J.F. (2007). Listening to language at birth: evidence for a bias for speech in neonates. Developmental Science 10: 159–164.

      41 Werker, J. and Tees, R. (1984). Cross‐language speech perception: evidence for perceptual reorganization during the first year of life. Infant Behaviour and Development 7: 49–63.

      1 Berko Gleason, J. and Bernstein Ratner, N. (2017). The Development of Language, 9e. Boston: Pearson.A thorough review of various aspects of first language acquisition. Comprehensive examination of phonological, morpho‐syntactic, vocabulary, and pragmatic aspects of language acquisition. Includes a glossary as well as project ideas and references for further reading.

      2 Clark, E.V. (2016). First Language Acquisition, 3e. New York: Cambridge University Press.A classic volume written by a renowned scholar, with numerous examples illustrating first language acquisition.

      3 Eliot, L. (2000). What's Going On in There? How the Brain and Mind Develop in the First Five Years. New York: Bantam.Written by a neurobiologist, this book goes beyond language development to explore various aspects of early child development, and references the nature vs nurture debate.

      4 Foster‐Cohen, S.H. (1999). An Introduction to Child Language Development. New York: Longman.A concise yet thorough overview of first language acquisition. The book includes concrete exercises and discussion questions related to chapter topics.

      5 Foster‐Cohen, S.H. (ed.) (2009). Language Acquisition. London: Palgrave Macmillan.Edited book with chapters from various scholars on first language acquisition.

      6 Golinkoff, R.M. and Hirsch‐Pasek, K. (1999). How Babies Talk: The Magic and Mystery of Language in the First Three Years of Life. New York: Dutton.An informative overview of child language acquisition which includes advice for parents who want to know more about their child's language learning.

      7 O'Grady, W. (2005). How Children Learn Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.A concise and accessible overview of first language acquisition.

      8 Pinker, S. (1994). The Language Instinct. New York: W. Morrow and Co.A wide‐ranging, thought‐provoking and engagingly written book about language acquisition. This book demolishes a number of popular beliefs about child language acquisition.

      video links

      1 Casby, M. (n.d.). Child Language Development Video Companion. Available at: videos illustrating child language acquisition at different ages.

      2 Gopnik, A. (2011). What Do Babies Think? Available at: talk on infant thinking capacities by psychologist Alison Gopnik (TED, Technology, Entertainment, Design series).

      3 Kuhl, P. (2010). The Linguistics Genius of Babies. Available at: talk on language acquisition in young infants by psychologist Patricia Kuhl (TED Technology, Entertainment, Design series).

      4 Murza, K. (n.d.). Noam Chomsky Speaking on Universal Grammar and the Genetics of Language. Available at:‐9n5qmc