Probability and Statistical Inference. Robert Bartoszynski
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Название: Probability and Statistical Inference

Автор: Robert Bartoszynski

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Математика


isbn: 9781119243823


СКАЧАТЬ alt="images"/> occur” = images (because the unions images form a decreasing sequence). Consequently, using the continuity of images, subadditivity property (2.2), and assumption (2.10), we have


      Paraphrasing the assertion of the lemma, if probabilities of events images decrease to zero fast enough to make the series converge, then with probability 1 only finitely many among events images will occur. We will prove the converse (under an additional assumption), known as the second Borel–Cantelli lemma, in Chapter 4.

      In the remainder of this section, we will discuss some theoretical issues related to defining probability in practical situations. Let us start with the observation that the analysis above should leave some more perceptive readers disturbed. Clearly, one should not write a formula without being certain that it is well defined. In particular, when writing images two things ought to be certain: (1) that what appears in the parentheses is a legitimate object of probability, that is, an event and (2) that the function images is defined unambiguously at this event.

      With regard to the first point, the situation is rather simple. All reasonable questions concern events such as images and images, and hence events obtained by taking countable unions, countable intersections, and complementations of the events images. Thus, the events whose probabilities are discussed belong to the smallest images‐field containing all the events images (see Definition 1.4.2 and Theorem 1.4.3). Consequently, to make the formulas at least apparently legitimate, it is sufficient to assume that the class of all the events under considerations is a images‐field, and that probability is a function satisfying the probability axioms defined on this images‐field.

      From here, we may pass to areas of more complicated figures, the first of these being the circle. The area of the latter could be calculated by inscribing a square in it, and then taking areas of regular polygons with images sides and passing to the limit. The result is images. The same result is obtained if we start by inscribing an equilateral triangle, and then take limits of the areas of regular polygons with images sides. The same procedure could be tried with an approximation from above, that is, starting with a square or equilateral triangle circumscribed on the circle. Still the limit is images. We could then be tempted to conclude that the area of the circle is images. The result is, of course, true, but how do we know that we will obtain the limit always equal to images, regardless of the way of approximating the circle? What if we start, say, from an irregular seven‐sided polygon, and then triple the number of sides in each step?

      A similar situation occurs very often in probability: Typically, we can define probabilities on “simple” events, corresponding to rectangles in geometry, and we can extend this definition without ambiguity to finite unions of the simple events (“rectangles”). The existence and uniqueness of a probability of all the events from the minimal images‐field containing the “rectangles” is ensured by the following theorem, which we state here without proof.

      This means that if the function images is defined on a field images of events and satisfies all the axioms of probability, and if images is the smallest images‐field containing all sets in images, then there exists exactly one function images defined on images that satisfies the probability axioms, and images if images.

      A comment that is necessary here concerns the question: What does it mean that a function images defined on a field images satisfies the axioms of probability? Specifically, the problem concerns the axiom of countable additivity, which asserts that if events images are disjoint, then