Probability and Statistical Inference. Robert Bartoszynski
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Название: Probability and Statistical Inference

Автор: Robert Bartoszynski

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Математика


isbn: 9781119243823


СКАЧАТЬ polygons. The validity of this idea (i.e., the assumption of the continuity of the function images = area of images) was not really questioned until the beginning of the twentieth century. Research on the subject culminated with the results of Lebesgue.

      We may characterize countable additivity as follows:


      Theorem 2.6.1 If the probability images satisfies Axiom 3 of countable additivity, then images is continuous from above and from below. Conversely, if a function images satisfies Axioms 1 and 2, is finitely additive, and is either continuous from below or continuous from above at the empty set images, then images is countably additive.

      Proof: Assume that images satisfies Axiom 3, and let images be a monotone increasing sequence. We have


      (passing from the first to the second line, we used the fact that the infinite series is defined as the limit of its partial sums). This proves continuity of images from below. To prove continuity from above, we pass to the complements, and proceed as above.

      Let us now assume that images is finitely additive and continuous from below, and let images be a sequence of mutually disjoint events. Put images so that images is a monotone increasing sequence with images. We have then, using continuity from below and finite additivity,


      again by definition of a numerical series being the limit of its partial sums. This shows that images is countably additive.

      Finally, let us assume that images is finitely additive and continuous from above at the empty set images (impossible event). Taking again a sequence of disjoint events images let images. We have images and images. By finite additivity, we obtain


      Again, by the definition of series and the assumption that images, images is countably additive, and the proof is complete.

      As an illustration, we now prove the following theorem:


      Theorem 2.6.2 (First Borel–Cantelli Lemma) If images is a sequence of events such that

