The Key to Eternal Life. Trayana Harizanova
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Название: The Key to Eternal Life

Автор: Trayana Harizanova

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9785005188410


СКАЧАТЬ hypnosis to treat with COSMIC ENERGY, which obviously is against God’s laws. With the help of hypnosis, being in a trance, one remembers the past, almost all the conflicts and problems of real life – the so-called SINS and MISTAKES, which in reality we cannot admit because we either do not want it or our Ego does not allow.

      Despite many sessions, this woman failed to cope with the “family curse” of our family. During the sessions, she prayed, read the Bible, but eventually realised that she was failing and lacking energy.

      The trance during the sessions provided a connection to the subconscious, and I saw many episodes of my life. Then I felt and realised that this curse could only be destroyed by a male’s capability.

      While visiting this woman, I listened to what she read from the Bible, and then I began to pray in Russian every day. Every day, getting out of bed in the morning, I prayed to the icon of Saint Nicholas of Myra (also known as Nicholas of Bari, was an early Christian bishop of Greek descent from the maritime city of Myra in Asia Minor during the time of the Roman Empire. Because of the many miracles attributed to his intercession, he is also known as Nicholas the Miracle worker), I prayed to God to forgive me all my sins and mistakes, committed by me willingly or unwillingly, I prayed for LIGHT IN THE TUNNEL to show me the direction or give me a sign on how to see the road again. I prayed with all my heart and soul and asked:

      – Why, Lord? Why did this happen to me, what did I do wrong? Show me the way, Dear God, give me instructions, give me the Light in the tunnel – what am I doing here in Cyprus?!” I prayed to give me strength, hope, patience and a way to the Light. Shipwrecked, I drifted into the darkness of the unknown.

      And God heard me: on March 2, 2012 (I remember it was Friday), I met Igor Borisovich Ivanov, the Man – “Miracle” from St. Petersburg, from Russia. Our meeting took place in one of the online clubs, where I was “accidentally” (of course, there is nothing accidental in this world).

      Approaching, he asked me:

      – Do you deal in real estate?

      – Yes.

      – I want to rent a two-bedroom apartment…

      That is how we have met. I started listing what vacant apartments we had, and he suddenly said:

      – A large black spot hangs on the right above your head…

      I almost jumped in surprise, because I already knew about it from the same woman I went to so unsuccessfully! Tears flowed from my eyes…

      He said:

      – I need to help you destroy this as soon as possible!

      I answered:

      – Yes, I know about this, but I do not have anything and I cannot pay you, Igor!

      – No problem! More importantly, you need help right now! Your three angels brought you to me, and one of them is Vanga’s angel. You, of course, know who Vanga (Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, commonly known as Vanga, was a blind Bulgarian mystic, clairvoyant, and herbalist, who spent most of her life in the Rupite area in the Kozhuh mountains in Bulgaria. Zheni Kostadinova claimed in 1997 that millions of people believed she possessed paranormal abilities) is?

      I only managed to say through tears:

      – Yes, of course, I know very well who the prophetess Vanga is.

      – Yes. You are the future Vanga, but in a much stronger form. I see many people waiting at your door. You will be able to see the future and heal. Your energy will be so strong that people will heal as soon as they sit next to you. You must wake up the Bulgarian people, Trayana! In Bulgaria 98% are still asleep, there are only 2% spiritually developed.

      And again:

      – You need to be helped quickly, to heal.

      – How?

      – I do sessions with my hand – this is how I treat. This method of medicine will come to this world only in 30 years. I can cure all diseases in the physical body of a person, I see it as through a scanner, I destroy all the negative energy in the organs…

      This happened on March 2, 2012, on Friday. The next day we immediately started the therapeutic sessions. Even during the first session, Igor destroyed OUR FAMILY CURSE, which was made in the line of my grandfather. Igor said that because of this curse, all men of the family were doomed to die young. I saw this myself, being in a trance, during the sessions with the Russian woman. Then I saw this male hand that was written to heal me. Igor’s session helped me quit smoking and alcohol, which was very important to me. The next day we visited the Convent Ayia Glossa (“Holy Tongue”). There is an icon there that is over 500 years old, which cures those who cannot walk, cannot speak, and cures many other diseases.

      When Igor prayed in front of this icon, he said that he saw live paintings related to him (the man). He told me that I would live in Paradise, and also that for the first time in so many years of living in Cyprus, he saw a man with such a pure soul as mine (he sees human souls).

      From that day on, my real treatment began. Every day during the sessions, he cleaned the negative energy from my body.

      How does Igor heal? – Puts a hand on the person’s heart or the affected area and heals in about 50—60 minutes. There were times when during the sessions I saw different images like a movie or as a picture.

      First we began to heal my heart. Then clear the lungs contaminated by cigarettes (after 22 years of smoking!) And free the body from nicotine addiction.

      How does Igor see people’s diseases?

      He has GOD’S GIFT to see people’s souls. He sees every disease in a person from the very beginning: where it came from, in what rebirth it appeared, in what situation. Of course, modern medicine is not familiar with such ways of diagnosis. For example, while clearing my lungs of the effects of the smoking, he said he saw a lot of soot and flies flying out of me (on an energy level). Moreover, when he was treating the severe pain in my right leg, he said that this pain in me was due to (conflicts) in the family. Indeed, there were many unpleasant events in our family during this period. In general: all diseases in our body, no matter what they are – diseases of the arms, legs, neck, spine, kidneys, etc. – appear because of certain situations in our lives through our THOUGHTS (I emphasize!)

      He began to treat my kidneys, which had formed sand and were in danger of forming a stone. I learned from Igor that all human malice accumulates in the kidneys. Negative energy and malice towards MEN gathers on the left, and on the right – towards WOMEN. And this is natural, because our body is divided into two parts: YAN is the male – the left side, and IN is the right – the female side.

      From the very beginning, from the first session, I began to see how everything changes in my life, as well as the people around me. When he was treating my asthma, I cried during the session, and Igor saw energy BATS crawling out of my chest and flying away… Of course, these visions may seem funny or childish to you, but Igor saw them that way.

      The treatment of asthma was very complicated and, I would say, a painful treatment for me, but he, Igor, managed to free me energetically from this disease forever. Igor’s energy is СКАЧАТЬ