The Cowboy's Faith. Danica Favorite
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Название: The Cowboy's Faith

Автор: Danica Favorite

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

isbn: 9781474096751


СКАЧАТЬ construction firm in Denver because he couldn’t pass the background check they needed to get clearance on one of their jobs. And he hadn’t been able to get hired elsewhere because of his record.

      Though he was grateful his uncle was offering him a job, he was also a bit resentful that Sergio knew of his skill but was taking advantage of his desperation and offering him something so beneath him. Fernando would probably end up doing the job of the foreman while accepting the pay of a helper. His uncle was a known cheapskate, and he recognized Fernando had no other options.

      It was too bad Fernando couldn’t get a job working with horses. Fresh out of prison, he’d tried, thinking that the horse training he’d done there would give him the necessary qualifications. And it did—to an extent. But just like with construction work, people saw the felony on his record and used it as either an excuse to pay him peanuts or not hire him. Or worse, if something went wrong, the felon was always the convenient scapegoat. So he’d gone back into construction, something he’d done since he was young, hoping that someday he’d have enough money to buy a small place and a couple of horses for himself.

      The familiar motion of working the horse blocked out all the nagging thoughts. He touched Snookie’s back firmly, assuring her that he was there and he wasn’t going to hurt her. The harsh breath coming out of the horse’s nostrils slowed, and he could feel the rhythm of her heartbeat.

      As he ran his hand along the horse, looking for sensitive places, she tensed up under his touch. A couple of unusual places for most horses, but to Fernando, they told a story. A sad story of someone who had asked too much, too soon, and hurt her when he didn’t get it.

      “Who hurt you, girl?” he asked softly, touching her in another way to comfort her. He said a prayer that God would guide him and lead him as he helped her. Lord, show me exactly what I need to do to help this horse.

      As he began the process of earning her trust, he could feel her leaning in and trusting him more. He continued bringing her through the exercises. She was a smart horse, a good horse, and she already knew all the things he was trying to teach her.

      Snookie calmed down, and once she had settled, he knew it was time to stop.

      He turned to Nicole. “We should put her away for the day. She’s been worked hard, but we’re in a good place.”

      She stared at him. “What just happened there? I’ve seen things like that on videos, but never in person.”

      “That was amazing,” Leah said, coming around Nicole. “I’ve never seen that horse so calm.”

      He gave a quick nod to acknowledge Leah’s compliment, even though he’d done nothing special. Anyone trained to work with mustangs could have done what he just did, but it seemed rude to say so.

      Nicole frowned. “How do you even have experience with horses? Adriana said the only horses you were interested in were under a car’s hood.”

      He figured he’d get this question, but he wasn’t ready to answer it.

      “There are a lot of things you don’t know about me, just as I’m sure there are things I don’t know about you. I’ve spent a great deal of time working with horses, and I’ve been trained by some of the best. Maybe if we took some time to learn about each other...”

      Nicole’s face darkened. “I don’t want to get to know you. I thought I made it very clear that I don’t want you in my life. You’re just here to help Snookie.”

      His only concern was with making sure she was safe. But it was hard not to take her attitude toward him as a challenge. A defiant horse was often a hurting horse. Which made him wonder if her treatment of him was about her deeper pain. Could he help Nicole as well as the horse?

      Even though she’d just told him she only wanted his help with Snookie, he couldn’t help but smile in response to her words.

      * * *

      Of all the nerve.

      She’d just told him she didn’t want him here, and he’d smiled. Smiled!

      “Let’s get Snookie put away,” he said. “And we can worry about the rest later.”

      She’d have liked to have come back with a snappy retort or something, but Nicole could tell that her irritation was grating on her sister’s nerves. Leah had questioned her negativity earlier, and it wasn’t really directed at her sister, but she’d taken it that way.

      Mostly, Nicole’s life was good. Other than the fact that she was still struggling with her fiancé and best friend running off together and getting themselves killed. Oh yeah, and they’d been carrying on behind her back for months.

      Fernando could’ve saved her a whole lot of humiliation and heartbreak, and maybe even kept Brandon and Adriana from dying because they wouldn’t have needed to run off together in the middle of the night. They could’ve just been together in the open, because Nicole would’ve dumped Brandon’s sorry self and told Adriana thanks but no thanks.

      But apparently, Fernando wasn’t willing to give her credit for being strong enough to deal with that information. Clearly, he didn’t think she could handle her horse, either. But he’d already proven that he knew way more about horse training than she did, so she couldn’t tell him to bug off.

      “Her stall’s this way,” Nicole said, taking the rope out of his hands and leading the horse. He might have shown some skill in training, but this was her horse.

      Fernando nodded and stepped in line behind her.

      Why did he have to be so agreeable? It was like he knew she was only grudgingly allowing him to be here, and he was doing his best to make her like him.

      She took a deep breath and willed the threatening tears to stay back. She wouldn’t cry over this. Especially not in front of anyone else. Nicole’s job in the family had always been to make them smile. Maybe it wasn’t her official title, but that’s what she knew her sisters counted on her for. Being cheerful, happy and the life of the party.

      Maybe that was who she used to be, but it wasn’t who she was anymore. The animals were the only safe things in her life. More important, they weren’t telling her what to do, how she should live her life. They just let her be her, without judging her.

      Fernando opened the barn door for her, a task she could have done on her own, but he seemed determined to prove that he could help her.

      So Fernando felt bad about what happened? Good for him. Maybe he thought that by doing a few good deeds for Nicole, everything would be all right. But it didn’t work that way. And even though everything that happened technically wasn’t his fault, it was nice to have someone to blame, since the real people she was mad at were dead.

      She led Snookie into her stall and removed the halter. “There you go, girl. Nice job today. Are you ready for your supper?”

      It was tempting to add that the silly horse was a traitor, falling so easily for her sworn enemy’s charms. Because he was charming. And once, back when her life seemed simpler, she’d even joked to Adriana that were Nicole not happily engaged, she’d have thought Fernando a hottie.

      “I can help, if you like. Two flakes of hay?”

      Once again, Fernando was trying to be helpful. Were it any other СКАЧАТЬ