One Summer At The Ranch. Rebecca Winters
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Название: One Summer At The Ranch

Автор: Rebecca Winters

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781474054935


СКАЧАТЬ it’s all right with Carson.”

      “Anything goes around here. Come on.” He opened both passenger doors for them, avoiding eye contact with her. So much for the talk they’d had last night. Considering he was more aware of her than ever, it had accomplished absolutely nothing. “We’ll drive to the barn and mount up.”

      “How come Rachel and Sam didn’t come to breakfast?”

      In the rearview mirror he noticed a pair of hazel eyes fastened on him.

      “They ate early and went on an activity with Buck. He’ll bring them to the camp later, but they won’t be riding up with us.”


      “Johnny—” his mother scolded. “That wasn’t nice to say.”

      “I’m sorry, but their ponies always come right up to mine.”

      Carson glanced at him in surprise. “So you noticed.” He had natural horse sense. Everything the boy said and did pleased him.

      “Yeah. They get in the way.”

      “I know what you mean. When it happens again, I’ll teach you a simple trick so they’ll leave Goldie alone.”

      “Thanks! How come they do that?”

      “Have you ever heard of the three blind mice who hung around together?”

      Johnny giggled. “Yes.”

      “That’s what the ponies do, because they’re friends. When you’re on Goldie, you have to show them who’s the boss.”

      “But how?”

      “Have you ever heard the expression giddyup?”


      “Well, you’re going to practice saying that to Goldie today. And when you say it, you’re going to nudge her sides with your heels. That’ll make her go faster. Pretty soon she’ll start to go faster every time you say the word and you won’t need to use your heels. When she understands, then you wait until you’re riding with the other kids. If their ponies start to crowd in on you, just call out ‘giddyup’ and see what happens.”

      “But what if that makes the other ponies go faster, too?”

      Carson threw his head back and laughed, producing another cough. When it subsided, he could still hear Tracy’s laughter. “That’s a very astute question, partner. In all probability it will, so you’ll have to ride even harder and make a lot of noise. But you’ll also need to be prepared to pull on the reins so you don’t lose control.”

      “That’s going to be fun!”

      Johnny bounced up and down on the seat all the way to the barn where their horses and pony were saddled. Carson parked the Jeep outside before grabbing the bags, including his own. He fastened a set behind each saddle while Bert helped Tracy and Johnny to mount.

      Bert waved them off. “Have a good ride!”

      “Thanks. We will!” Johnny called back. “See ya tomorrow, Bert.”

      “Okay, young fella.”

      Add another fan to Johnny Baretta’s list. To charm old Bert wasn’t an easy feat. So far the waitresses and desk staff, not to mention Carson’s buddies, found him delightful.

      Carson hadn’t personally known Anthony Baretta, but he had a reputation in their division for being well liked and easy to get along with. Like father, like son.

      Carson led them along a track through the sage in a northeastly direction. Johnny followed, and Tracy brought up the rear. When they’d been going for a while, he fell back alongside Johnny and told him to start working on Goldie.

      The first few times the boy said giddyup, he didn’t use his heels fast enough and nothing happened. Johnny’s frustration started to build.

      “You have to be patient and listen to Carson, honey.”

      “But I am listening, Mom.”

      “Sure you are,” Carson encouraged him. “The trick is to use your heels at exactly the same time you call out. Try a louder voice the next time.”

      “What if it doesn’t work?”

      “Then you keep trying until it does. Did I ever tell you about the first time I learned to ride a bull?”

      “No. What happened?”

      “I was training for the junior bull-riding competition. It was awful. I got unseated so fast every time, I was ready to cry.”

      “Did you?” came the solemn question.

      “Almost. But then I looked at my grandpa. He was just standing there by the gate with a smile, telling me to try it again.”

      “What did you do?”

      “I got so mad, I walked back behind the barrier and climbed on another bull. When the gate opened, I concentrated on what I’d learned, and guess what? I stayed on long enough for the other cowboys watching to clap.”

      “I bet your grandpa was happy.”

      “Yup, but not as happy as I was.”

      “I think I’ll wait a little while before I try again,” he announced.

      Carson understood Johnny’s sentiments well enough. He’d been there and done that many times before. “That’s fine. We’re in no hurry.”

      Tracy drew up along the other side of her son. “I hope you don’t wait too long. We’re coming to the forest.”

      Carson could sense her desire for Johnny to conquer this moment. It managed to fire her son who got a determined look on his cute face. All of a sudden they heard a loud giddyup rend the air and Goldie took off trotting. Johnny let out a yelp.

      “Pull on the reins and she’ll stop.”

      To Carson’s delight, Johnny had the presence of mind to follow through and ended up doing everything right. He turned his pony toward them. “She minded me.”

      “Yup.” Carson couldn’t be more proud if Johnny were his own son. “Now she knows who’s boss.”

      “You were amazing, honey!”


      When Tracy beamed like that, her beauty took Carson’s breath. She stared at him through glistening eyes. “You’ve worked magic with him.”

      “He’s your son, don’t forget.”

      “I can’t take any credit for this. His confidence level is through the roof. How do I thank you?”

      “With that smile, you already have.”

      “Hey, СКАЧАТЬ