One Summer At The Ranch. Rebecca Winters
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Название: One Summer At The Ranch

Автор: Rebecca Winters

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781474054935



      And there was Johnny.

      It was one thing to be the man who taught him how to horseback ride. But it was something else again if he sensed someone was trying to get close to his mother. She’d said Johnny showed signs of being overly protective.

      No man would ever be able to replace his father. It would take her son’s approval and tremendous courage on Carson’s part before he could begin to establish a personal relationship with her, even if she were willing.

      Last but not least would be the great obstacle of the Baretta family, who would resent another man infiltrating their ranks. Worse would be their fear of Carson influencing Tony’s son. He was their beloved flesh and blood.

      Frustrated, he turned on his side. His thoughts went back to a certain conversation his grandfather had initiated.

      “What are you looking for in a woman?”

      “That’s the whole point. I’m not.”

      “You don’t want children some day?”

      “I don’t know.”

      “One of the things I love most about you is your honesty, Carson. Wherever the military takes you, don’t ever lose that quality no matter what.”

      “Grandpa, are you really okay about my becoming a marine?”

      “The only thing I can imagine being worse than your staying home for me when you want to be elsewhere, would be for me to have to leave the ranch when it’s the only place I want to be. Does that answer your question?”

      Oh yes, it answered it, all right. Carson had gone to do his tour of duty until it was cut short because he could no longer perform. Then he’d come home to the birthright his grandfather had bequeathed him without asking anything in return.

      What tragic irony to be back for good, wanting to tell his grandfather that, at last, he could answer those questions. He wanted that talk so badly, tears stung his eyes. But it was too late to tell him what this woman and her son already meant to him.

      When he couldn’t stand it any longer, he got up to shower and change clothes. There was always ranch business that required his attention. Work had proved to be the panacea to keep most of his demons at bay. But when he left his room, instead of heading for the den, he turned in the other direction and kept on walking right out the back door to his truck.

      After reaching the barn, he saddled Blueberry. On his way out he saw Bert and told him he’d be back at seven to give the children another riding lesson. The other man said he’d have the ponies ready.

      Carson thanked him and rode off. His horse needed the exercise, and needing the release, Carson rode hard to a rise overlooking the Snake River. In his opinion, this spot on the property captured the view of the granddaddy Teton at its most magnificent angle. He’d often wondered why his ancestor, Silas Lundgren, hadn’t chosen to build the original ranch house here.

      While he sat astride Blueberry, his mind’s eye could imagine a house of glass, bringing the elements inside every room. Not a large house. Just the right size for a family to grow. Maybe a loft a little boy and his dog would love. From their perch they could watch a storm settle in over the Tetons, or follow the dive of an eagle intent on its prey.

      The master bedroom would have the same view, with the added splendor of a grassy meadow filled with wildflowers coming right up to the windows. While she marveled over the sight, he would marvel over her, morning, noon and night.

      A cough eventually forced him to let go of his vision. When he checked his watch, he saw it was almost seven o’clock. He had to give his horse another workout in order not to be too late.

      As he came galloping up to the corral, he saw Tracy’s hair gleaming in the evening rays of the sun. She was surrounded by both families, mounted and ready for another lesson. He brought Blueberry to a sliding stop.

      “Wow—” Johnny exclaimed from the top of Goldie. “Will you teach me how to do that? It was awesome!”

      The man and horse truly were one.

      Talk about rugged elegance personified in its purest form!

      Except for Johnny, everyone else sitting on their mounts was speechless. Tracy realized she was staring and looked away, but she’d never get that picture of him out of her mind. The quintessential cowboy had been indelibly inscribed there.

      “If you’ll follow me,” came his deep voice, “we’ll take a short ride past the cabins. On the way back, I have a surprise for you.”

      “Won’t you tell us?” Sam called to him.

      “No,” his sister chided him. “Then it won’t be a surprise.”

      Tracy exchanged an amused glance with the Harrises. The three of them rode behind the children. Johnny caught up to Carson. Two cowboys—one short, one tall—both wearing black Stetsons. She would love to hear their conversation, but the only sound drifting back was the occasional cough.

      To see her son riding so proudly on his pony next to his mentor brought tears to her eyes. They’d been here such a short time, yet already he was loving this and showed no fear. Coming to the Tetons had been the right thing to do!

      In the last twelve hours she hadn’t heard him talk once about his father. In truth, Tony hadn’t been actively in her thoughts, either. Neither she nor Johnny had memories here. The new setting and experiences had pushed the past to the background for a little while. As Natalie had reminded her, this was what the right kind of vacation was supposed to do for you.

      Tracy hadn’t believed it was possible, but this evening she was confronted with living proof that Johnny was enjoying life again. So was she. The old adage about a mother being as happy as her saddest child could have been coined with her and her son in mind. But not tonight. Not tonight.

      At one point, Carson turned his horse around. Flashing everyone a glance he said, “We’re going to head back now. The first person to figure out my surprise gets to choose the video for us to watch in the game room afterward.”

      The children cried out with excitement and urged their horses around, which took a little doing. Carson gave them some pointers. Tracy listened to his instructions so she wouldn’t be the only one who had trouble handling her horse.

      Pretty soon they were all facing west. Sam’s hand went up like he was in school. Johnny’s hand followed too late.

      “Tell us what you think, Sam.”

      “The mountains have turned into giants!”

      “That’s what I was going to say,” Johnny muttered. Tracy hoped he wouldn’t pout.

      Carson’s horse danced in place. “They do look pretty imposing, but I’m still waiting for the special answer.”

      “I know.”

      “Go ahead, Rachel.”

      “The sun has gone down behind them, lighting up the whole sky with СКАЧАТЬ