One Kiss In... Hawaii. Jill Monroe
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Название: One Kiss In... Hawaii

Автор: Jill Monroe

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781474028035


СКАЧАТЬ I want to—”

      “No.” She put a hand over his mouth, and then laughed when he nipped at her palm. “Don’t you dare try to talk me out of it.”

      He took her by both wrists and stretched her arms over her head.

      Her pulse went nuts. He had to feel it. “What are you doing?”

      “Helping you undress.” He yanked her tank top off before she could respond.

      “I doubt that’s going to work out well,” she said, and gasped when he freed her bikini top and bared her breasts. The cool air danced over her nipples, and she knew without looking that they were fully extended.

      He tossed both tops over his shoulder, his gaze captured by her breasts.

      Then he hooked his fingers into the elastic of her bikini bottoms.

      All rational thought deserted her. The trembling started in her chest and moved down her legs, and there didn’t seem to be a damn thing she could do about it.

      David was crouched in front of her, urging her to step out of the bottoms, and she braced a hand on his shoulder, praying hard that she wouldn’t end up in an embarrassing heap.

      He kissed the area just above where her bikini wax ended, and then slowly got to his feet.

      At the raw hunger in his eyes, a wave of warm pleasure washed over her. He tenderly touched her breasts, and rubbed the pad of his thumb over one aching nipple. She swallowed hard, wishing his shirt were off, wishing he were as naked as she was. It would only mean trouble. She really did want that shower before they made love, but right now, like an addict craving a fix, she needed to feel the friction of his bare, muscled chest rubbing her naked breasts.

      “Go,” he whispered hoarsely.

      “Take off your shirt first.”

      “Go.” He gripped her by her upper arms, his fingers digging lightly into her flesh as he held her away from him. The anguished expression on his face should have been enough to keep her at bay, but a part of her was thrilled that she’d undermined this man of iron will. “Now.”

      She shook free and pushed his shirt up. “Come with me.”

      “Mia.” He hesitated, but only for a second, and then fumbled with the drawstring to his swim trunks, stopping long enough to help her pull off his shirt.

      She stepped back, watched him strip off his trunks, barely able to catch her breath. He was hard, really hard, and much bigger than she’d imagined. When he kicked his trunks out of the way, a sudden and totally inappropriate giggle tickled inside her throat.

      This was hardly the same man who was always impeccably dressed, never had a hair out of place, or God forbid, tolerated a cluttered desk or office.

      He didn’t notice her amusement. His gaze roamed her nude body, his lips damp and slightly parted, muscles tensed, like a hungry cougar ready to pounce on his next meal. His attention lingered on the recent wax job, and his small smile seemed just as predatory.

      “Shower,” she reminded him as she backed up, no longer feeling in control.

      “Right direction,” he said, “but you’re about to ram that cute behind of yours into the door frame.”


      “You can turn around. I won’t bite.” Amusement gleamed in his eyes. “Yet.”

      She lifted her chin, and then her gaze snagged on his twitching penis, and she got all wobbly inside again. When he touched himself, she forgot what she was doing and stared at him, a warm flush of excitement enveloping her entire body. It took her a second to snap out of it. She continued to back up, annoyed when she bumped her hip before crossing the threshold into the bathroom. She patted the inside wall, found the switch and flooded the bathroom with a soft golden light.

      The room was huge, lots of glass, brushed silver fixtures, glossy tile and granite. Her gaze went briefly to the big deep whirlpool tub. It would take too long, she promptly decided, and reached for the handle of the glass-enclosed shower.

      “Be careful.” David was right behind her, his hand touching her back, his thick arousal rubbing her ass, as he reached around to turn on the faucet. “The water gets hot quickly.”

      She smiled to herself. Who didn’t?

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