One Kiss In... Hawaii. Jill Monroe
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Название: One Kiss In... Hawaii

Автор: Jill Monroe

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781474028035


СКАЧАТЬ hissed in a sharp breath.

      Mia’s back went ramrod stiff. She’d clearly figured out the problem and eased away from him. Though not much. Not enough to stop his body from reacting to the snug feel of that sweet, curvy ass.

      The white-haired woman considered the numbered panel, peering closely, both through and then over her glasses, while David prayed that the pair would get off on the next floor.

      Her gnarled finger hovered a moment, the doors already starting to close. “Is this elevator going down, dear?” she asked, turning to Mia.

      The woman blinked, then tilted her head and frowned over her glasses at David as if seeing him for the first time. Her gaze swept Mia’s face, and then went back to David, her eyes narrowing in indignation.

      He stuck his head out to the right so it wouldn’t look as if he were hiding. “We’re going up, ma’am,” he said politely, wondering why Mia hadn’t answered.

      With an air of disgust, the woman abruptly gave them her back. “Harold, we’re on the wrong elevator. We need to get off.” She stared up at the flashing floor numbers as they ascended.

      “So what,” the man snapped. “We’ll ride the darn thing back down.”

      The woman stubbornly searched the panel, but by the time she figured out which button to press, they arrived at David’s floor. “Excuse us,” he said, his hand pressed to Mia’s back as they both exited.

      He walked them out of view, then stopped to look at Mia. Her face was stained a guilty red, and she looked as if she were ready to explode at any second. They heard the doors sliding close, and she burst out laughing.


      “That woman—” Mia sniffed, dabbed at her watery eyes, laughed some more. “Did you see her face? I don’t know what she thought we were doing.”

      “We weren’t exactly innocent.” David couldn’t help but join in on the infectious laughter, though he wasn’t entirely comfortable that they’d been caught.

      “We were only kissing, and not even in front of them.”


      “Oh, David, she didn’t see you.” Mia automatically glanced at his fly.

      He said nothing as they continued toward the suite, while digging in his pocket for his key card. It wasn’t like him to behave in such an undignified manner. In fact, he’d indulged himself quite a few times today. Funny, he’d never pictured Mia letting her hair down that way, either.

      “You’re not upset, are you?”

      “No, of course not. No one knows us here.” He stopped at his door, opened it and stepped aside for her.

      Her brows had drawn together in a slight frown, but as soon as she stepped over the threshold, her pensive mood appeared to vanish. “Whoa. This is some hovel. And what a view.”

      She seemed to take everything in at once, her gaze sweeping the rich, dark hardwood floors, Oriental rugs, the Hawaiian artwork on the walls. At the sliding glass door to the ocean-side balcony, she paused to stare at the polished dining room table that could accommodate eight diners.

      “This place is bigger than my apartment,” she said, twisting around to survey the subdued tropical-print sofa and love seat. “I don’t even want to know how much this sucker costs for a night.”

      He snorted. “Trust me, you don’t. I only splurged because I haven’t taken a vacation in years.”

      She stepped out onto the balcony, noticed that it wrapped around the corner and laughed with delight. “I could spend the whole week right here and be happy.”

      He came up behind her, slid his arms around her and nuzzled her neck. “Okay,” he murmured against her warm sweet skin.

      She laughed softly and leaned back into him, hugging his arms to her waist. “From up here you can see the ocean’s different shades of blue,” she said in a shaky voice. “You drive me crazy when you kiss my neck like that. But you know that, don’t you?”

      He smiled. “We can have dinner out here if you want. We should be able to catch part of the sunset.”

      She turned in his arms to face him, the bewitching green of her eyes knocking the breath out of him. “But then we’d have to hurry our shower.”

      “Screw dinner,” he said, and covered her mouth with his.

      Her eager response pleased him, triggered a need in him impossibly greater than he’d experienced on the beach. She pushed against him so hard that he stumbled back a step. She went with him, clutching the front of his shirt, returning his kisses with a fervor that matched his.

      But it was no good, her arms shielding her breasts like that. He wanted to feel them pressed against his chest. He wanted to see her perfect round breasts bared again. He needed to see all of her.

      With Herculean effort, he pulled away, ignoring her wide startled eyes. “Inside,” he said, all but dragging her into the parlor.

      He headed straight for the bedroom, unable to tamp down the pressure building inside of him like a volcano ready to explode. This wasn’t him, nothing close to who he was or how he behaved with a woman. Normally he was patient, waited for the right mood. He tried to be thoughtful, even romantic at times, designing the right setting—candle, flowers, the whole thing.

      But with Mia, he couldn’t think straight. Around her it seemed that all he did was react, lose himself in the primal satisfaction of tasting her eager mouth, coaxing her nipples into tight buds flushed dark with arousal. The way he felt was crazy—animalistic—and he couldn’t seem to do a damn thing about it.

      MIA ENTERED THE BEDROOM ahead of David, both of them ignoring the light switch. The drapes to the balcony door were open halfway, and pinkish gold rays bathed the room in a sensual glow that made her heart lurch. The Asian-inspired armoire and headboard matched the tasteful parlor furniture, and the beautiful tan silk duvet that topped the king-size bed was a far cry from the floral spreads that serviced her economy room.

      She was startled to discover that her legs were trembling a little when she turned to face David. Maybe because there was something different about him. Nothing scary or awful, kind of thrilling really. The way he looked as if he were doing everything in his power not to strip her naked and force her back onto the bed.

      “David?” Her voice came out strange, husky and tentative.

      “I know, Mia,” he said quietly, brushing a gentle finger across her lips.

      What did he know? She wasn’t even sure what she was going to say herself. But when he drew his fingers down the front of her top and then slipped his hand underneath, she said, “Shower first.”

      “All right.” He splayed his fingers across her belly, grazed the underside of her breast through her bikini top.

      It wasn’t fair that his palm could feel so dry and cool when her skin was fever hot. Nor was it fair the he smelled so clean and masculine. “Don’t.”

      He met her eyes, his surprised and alarmed. СКАЧАТЬ