One Kiss In... Hawaii. Jill Monroe
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Название: One Kiss In... Hawaii

Автор: Jill Monroe

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781474028035


СКАЧАТЬ went first, and then David lightly touched the small of Mia’s back for her to proceed. A triangular cutout at her waist exposed bare skin, allowing his fingertips to graze the sensitive area. Her entire body reacted. The tingling started at her nape and slithered down her spine. Goose bumps surfaced on her arms and back.

      She picked up the pace so that contact was quickly broken, but he’d have to be blind not to see what his touch had done. The restaurant was outdoors, and even though it was twilight, strings of white lights were woven through the surrounding palm trees to illuminate the walkway—and reactions Mia preferred weren’t so obvious.

      They arrived at the table, an excellent one, private yet affording a breathtaking view of the water. She’d bet an expensive bottle of wine that David had greased the host’s palm to get this baby.

      The host pulled out a chair, and so did David. Shelby and Mia exchanged secret smiles as they settled in. David’s manners didn’t surprise Mia. Not once had she seen him sit or enter an elevator before a woman. He probably opened car doors, too, but she’d never had the opportunity to see him in action.

      “Your server will be Cole. He’ll be here shortly to offer you cocktails.” The host passed out the menus, leaving the wine list with David. “In the meantime, is there anything else I can do for you?” he asked as he shook out Shelby’s white linen napkin and draped it across her lap.

      Shelby smiled and shook her head. Mia didn’t bother. She knew the question was mainly addressed to David, who said, “I think we’re fine for now. Thank you, Ryan.”

      “Oh.” Mia stopped the man. “If you could be on the lookout for the fourth person who’s joining us—”

      “Of course.” The glance at David told her he’d already taken care of that, too.

      The situation was kind of weird for her. When she and her friends were out, she was usually the one in charge, or at least they automatically deferred to her.

      “I could get used to this,” Shelby said, surveying the other diners, mostly dressed in subdued aloha shirts and lightweight floral dresses. “Houston can be casual, especially in the summer when it’s so hot, but this rocks.”

      David followed her gaze. “I’m practically over-dressed.”

      Shelby grinned. “Feel free to take your shirt off.”

      Mia chuckled when David blinked, his normally expressionless face slightly startled. Nothing that came out of Shelby’s mouth surprised her, but she doubted David was used to being teased. That’s why she didn’t feel threatened by Shelby, who looked too damn cute in her strapless yellow dress. She simply wasn’t his type.

      There. She’d acknowledged the evil little thought that had consoled her after she’d foolishly suggested David and Shelby come to dinner.

      “Think I could get away with it?” David asked, his eyes filling with warm amusement.

      Shelby laughed. “What’s the worst that can happen?” She shrugged her bare bronzed shoulders. “They’ll ask you to put it back on.”

      “I think I’ll let a braver soul than me test the boundaries of their dress code.” His gaze met Mia’s.

      She forced a smile. How could she have underestimated Shelby? It wasn’t that she blamed her for being so charming and irresistible.

      “So, Shelby—” David set the wine list aside “—I understand you went to school with Mia. Are you also an attorney?”

      “No,” she said with a startled laugh, as if that was a joke. “No offense. Nothing wrong with being a lawyer. I’m in PR. As soon as we get the business off the ground I’ll be handling the publicity, advertising, networking, that sort of thing.”

      His brows went up, and Mia cringed inside. She hadn’t told him about Anything Goes. It wasn’t as if it were a big secret. But David would never understand how she could walk away from the law to start a business like that.

      He didn’t ask the expected question, but rather stared past Mia. “I believe your date is here.”

      She swung a gaze toward the entrance, and there was Jeff headed toward them. He’d cleaned up nicely, having changed into white jeans and a blue Hawaiian shirt. He waved, acknowledging them, and then stopped to talk to a waitress carrying a full tray of food. With her chin, she gestured to a passing waiter, and after Jeff had a word with the guy, he finally joined them at the table.

      “I’m not late, am I?” he asked, kissing Mia on the cheek before taking his seat beside her.

      She immediately smelled the booze on his breath. Great. “We’ve only been here a few minutes.”

      Frowning and totally ignoring David, who’d gotten to his feet, Jeff’s gaze skimmed the table. “They haven’t served drinks yet.”

      “Our server is coming,” Mia said tightly. “I don’t know if you remember Shelby, and this is David.”

      “Jeff.” David extended his hand. “Thanks for allowing us to join you.”

      Jeff half rose and accepted the handshake. “No problem. I should’ve brought my friends, too.”

      Mia tried not to shudder. She tried even harder not to look at David, who’d reclaimed his seat. Though maybe she was the only one who knew Jeff was slightly off.

      “How did the surfing go?” she asked.

      “Shit. I nearly broke my neck. Check this out.” He yanked up the hem of his shirt to show where the skin across his ribs was beginning to bruise. “I banged up my back, too.”

      Oh, God. They didn’t need to see that. “Bummer,” Mia said, and picked up the leather-bound menu. “We should look at the menus.”

      Jeff dropped his shirt in place and craned his neck. “Where’s our waiter? I gave him my drink order.”

      Mia glanced at Shelby and David. They both had taken her suggestion and were studying their menus. Neither of them seemed put off by Jeff, but they were probably just being polite.

      The waiter arrived with Jeff’s Scotch and an apologetic look for the rest of them, then he took everyone else’s drink order. While they waited, Mia quickly decided on an entrée and urged Shelby with a pointed look to do the same. David diplomatically handled the selection of the wine, something Mia gladly would have skipped altogether.

      Other than Jeff reaching under the table to squeeze her thigh, an attempt that was immediately rejected, the rest of the meal went smoothly enough. David and Shelby got along fabulously, chatting away as if they’d known each other for ages. Mia should’ve been grateful they were distracted, but their rapport only helped to darken her mood. She was jealous, and she had no one to blame but herself. And Jeff. Rational or not, she totally blamed him. Why did he have to turn out to be such an ass?

      When the bill came, there was a brief struggle between David and Jeff. No surprise to her, David won. Any other time, Mia might have offered to pick it up herself since she’d invited Shelby and David, but all she wanted was to get back to her room. No way was she spending another minute with Jeff, who’d had a glass in his hand throughout dinner. Only one thing could make the night worse—if Shelby stayed out with David.

      “Well,” СКАЧАТЬ