A Man to Believe In. Kathleen Pickering
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Название: A Man to Believe In

Автор: Kathleen Pickering

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Superromance

isbn: 9781472055248


СКАЧАТЬ seat. “Cassie Michaels, meet Eric Davidson. Surfer from up-island. Staying at the Oceanside.”

      A blond-haired guy nodded at her. “Hey.”

      She smiled in return, then noticed the surfboards on the roof. “You’re going in the water with your sutures?” she asked Peter.

      He shrugged. “It’s been over forty-eight hours. The salt water will be good for them.”

      She shook her head. “Nurses make the worst patients.”

      He smiled. “So you keep reminding me.”

      She wasn’t sure, but thought she could feel him discreetly checking her out from behind his sunglasses. “Are you finding your way around town okay?”

      “So far, so good, but I’m having trouble finding a place to live.”

      “I have to introduce you to my friend Brian. He’s just finishing renovations on a new duplex.”

      “That would be great.”

      She gestured toward the sand path. “I’m with Doc’s wife, Ellen, and their twin daughters. Stop by later, I’ll introduce you.”

      “You’re off today?”

      She shook her head. “No. Late shift. The girls are practicing for a sand-castle contest. We do this every year to kick off the season.”

      She waved goodbye, feeling the heat of Peter’s stare on her back. Damn it all if she didn’t like the thought of him watching her. Why was she telling herself it was wrong when it felt so right?

      Ellen watched her returning to the blanket. “Why the frown?”

      Cassie placed the chair next to Ellen’s beneath the shade of the umbrella. She pushed her sunglasses onto the bridge of her nose. “Just saw my accident victim.”

      “Peter Chapman? So you’re frowning?”

      She refused to admit what she was thinking. “He’s a bit of a flirt.”

      Ellen smiled. “Is that good or bad?”

      “It would make it easier to work with him if he wasn’t.”

      “I have to meet this guy.”

      “That’s good because I invited him to come by to introduce you.”

      Ellen looked over the top of her sunglasses. “Hmm. The blond-haired guy looks young, so I’d say Peter is the hunky surfer dude with the grin heading straight for us?”

      Cassie followed her gaze. Damn. Damn. Damn. He looked good in motion, surfboard under his arm. Sunglasses. Backpack slung on one shoulder. She made herself sound bored. “Yes, Ellen. That’s him.” She waved him over, aware her tune lightened when she spoke to him. “That was fast.”

      Peter carefully laid his board in the sand. Kneeling, he sat on his heels at the base of the blanket. “I know you won’t be here later when we’re finished in the water, so wanted to stop by now.” He held out a hand to Ellen, “I’m Peter Chapman. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

      Ellen shook his proffered hand. “I’ve heard about you from John. Welcome to Montauk.”

      “I’m glad to be here. Looking forward to working with Cassie and the crew.”

      Cassie did all she could to keep the heat from her cheeks when he smiled in her direction. What was wrong with her?

      He motioned to his companion. “My new friend, Eric. We’re neighbors at the Oceanside.”

      Eric waved hello. “Always start the season with a trip to Montauk. Didn’t think I’d meet a nurse, but I’m glad in case I run into a shark or something.”

      The women laughed. Cassie said, “I can hear the theme song from Jaws coming over the water. You’d better take care.”

      Eric shot a longing look toward the surf. He gestured down the beach. “Peter, I’ll set up over there. I’ve waited all week for these waves.”

      Peter stood. “I’ll go with you.” He smiled at the women. “Glad to meet you, Ellen. Cassie, I’ll catch up with you soon to get your friend’s number about the rental.”


      Cassie watched as the guys walked down the beach. Ellen exhaled a sigh. “Well, if word gets out that he’s the new E.R. nurse, a lot of women may start calling for ambulances.”

      Cassie scoffed. “Oh, please.”

      Ellen burst out laughing.

      * * *

      THE NEXT MORNING, Peter blew through the doors of the Mercy Hospital emergency room, justifying in his mind why it was perfectly okay for him to be there at eight o’clock in the morning. He didn’t want to spook Cassie and come off as if he were stalking her, but truth be told, he sure felt like he was.

      He had two days until starting work and he hadn’t found a place to live. Besides spending most of yesterday thinking about Cassie, he really needed to find a place and who could help him better than a local? And she’d mentioned knowing someone.

      He felt foolish. Under any other circumstances, he would have no problem following up on a lead. He hadn’t exchanged phone numbers with Cassie so showing up here would be legit. Only, his chest pounded a bit more asking for this favor because Cassie ignited a hunger in him that tweaked his guilt toward his motives to seek her out again. He liked her. A lot. She was comfortable to be around. Beautiful to watch. He loved the sultry sound of her voice. Her perfume. She was rapidly becoming an obsession. He kept blaming it on being new in a strange town, but who was he kidding? She intrigued him, something fierce. That feeling was brand-new and it was lighting a fire in him.

      She’d mentioned yesterday she was working the late shift. He remembered how mornings were after a long night. She’d probably welcome an offer of breakfast. A nurse builds up a powerful hunger after working all night.

      Carmen smiled at him through the window in triage as he approached. He motioned to the door into the E.R. She nodded. When he heard the buzzer, he slipped into the treatment area.

      Doc, Rachel, Brenda and—thank you, God—Cassie stood around the nurse’s station. It looked as if Cassie and Rachel were filling in Brenda and Doc about the patients from last night.

      Doc waved him over. “You’re just in time for the morning shift.”

      “Not yet, but I’m looking forward to Monday, for sure.”

      “What brings you in?”

      He gestured to Cassie. “Wanted to catch Cassie before she left.”

      Doc raised a brow. Peter didn’t quite get what his look meant, so he said to Cassie, “I was hoping to get your friend’s number on that apartment.”

      She slapped her forehead. “That’s right. I’m sorry. I’d forgotten.”

      “No СКАЧАТЬ