A Man to Believe In. Kathleen Pickering
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Название: A Man to Believe In

Автор: Kathleen Pickering

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Контркультура

Серия: Mills & Boon Superromance

isbn: 9781472055248


СКАЧАТЬ the experience fresh and two sets of eyes can observe more. Helps to double-check charting.”

      This all sounded routine to Peter. “I’m clear on that. A second observation helps prevents oversights. Important in today’s litigious world.”

      Doc grimaced. “My worst nightmare. We’ve been lucky so far in avoiding lawsuits. Let me show you our new CT scan.”

      Peter followed Doc to the tech room. Passing a treatment room, he saw Cassie dressing a patient’s wound. She must have heard their voices in the hall because she glanced up as they passed. Doc stuck his head in. “All good here?”

      The patient, a young woman who was watching Cassie’s ministrations with concern, pouted when she saw John. “It still hurts.”

      “We’re almost finished,” Cassie added.

      “Sue scalded herself with boiling water. Second-degree burn,” Doc explained to Peter. He returned his attention to the patient. “If you don’t want to change the dressing yourself, come back in. We’ll help. Don’t get it wet. You have to treat this wound gently.”

      She smiled. “Okay.”

      Doc waved. Peter followed suit. Cassie’s smile when their eyes met hit like a punch to his heart, which cinched his decision. He’d ask her out before leaving. Made no sense to wait. Just thinking about being one-on-one with her again made his pulse race while his mind settled into liking the idea. So much for backing off.

      Luckily, tech-geek that he was, he became distracted by Doc’s new toy. They weren’t five minutes into checking out all the features of the CT scan when Doc got called for patient aid. When he took his leave, Peter went in search of Cassie.

      He retraced his steps to the last spot he saw her. The patient room was empty. Next step would be to document Sue’s treatment. He made a mental note to recall the woman’s name should she show up next week. Nothing like fostering good patient-hospital relations with name recall. He liked doing that. Remembering names to faces was like a game to him. And, folks always seemed to appreciate being recognized. He headed for the nurse’s station in the back. Cassie glanced from the computer as he walked up before returning to her task.

      “My goodness. I already recognize the sound of your steps,” Cassie said as she typed in a sentence.

      “That’s impressive.”

      She shrugged. “You start to use all your senses around here. Matter of survival.”

      He leaned both elbows on the high counter to watch her work. “I understand.”

      She raised a brow. “Do you?”

      Of course he did. Not only from working the E.R. in Los Angeles, but also from listening to cars pulling into his driveway as a kid, or the footsteps on the walkway up to the door announcing friend or foe. He’d know the sound of the social worker’s footsteps in his sleep. He grinned. “Sure. I’ll tell you all about it sometime.”

      She stopped what she was doing to meet his gaze. “Okay.”

      “How about tonight. Dinner?”

      She shook her head, an odd look in her eye. “Sorry. Working ’til midnight.”

      He shrugged. “I don’t mind eating late.”

      She laughed. “Thanks, but I’ll pass. Another time. Okay?”

      Damn. Shot down. He gave her what he hoped was a careless smile. “I’ll hold you to it.”

      The sinking feeling disappeared once he noticed the rising color in her cheeks. What did that mean? She certainly wasn’t shy. Hmmm. Maybe he had a chance here, but didn’t want to spook her. He’d play on his need for help since she’d chided him about that the other day.

      “I spoke to Mike before coming here.”

      Bingo. She seemed to relax once more. “I’m guessing you’ll need a ride to work on Monday.”

      “Actually, the entire week.” When she looked at him again, he wasn’t sure what the look on her face meant. Surprise? Satisfaction? He held up a hand. “But, I can walk if that’s too much.”

      She frowned. “It’s almost a half hour to get here on foot from the Oceanside.”


      “I don’t know about you but a half hour extra sleep is like gold around here.”

      He jumped at her reasoning. He wanted the ride. “True.”

      “Give me a second to finish logging this chart. We can see if we can coordinate our schedules.”

      He couldn’t keep the grin from his face. “Thanks. That works for me. I’ll wait for as long as it takes.”


      CASSIE AND ELLEN herded the girls onto the beach around eight o’clock on Friday morning. The beach was quiet since the tourist season hadn’t yet begun. But in a few weeks, the Hither Hills campground would swell with campers and families. Kids from all over would fill the beach to compete with the local residents for the children’s sand-castle competition. Right now, it was easy to scout out a spot to sit. When the competition started in June, getting a strategic corner of sand close to the high-tide line would be tricky. The right spot gave the competitors quick access to the water, but also ensured the tide wouldn’t wash away their hard work.

      Ellen had learned a few years ago, that if they made one or two outings before the competition, the twins learned two valuable lessons: one, how to prepare for testing or performing; and two, how to relax and have fun achieving goals by being prepared ahead of time.

      While Cassie and Ellen set up the blankets and umbrella, the twins with half-eaten donuts and bags in hand, searched along the tidewater lines and dunes for shells, driftwood and seaweed—mermaid accessories. Everything used to build the sand sculptures had to be from nature and found on the beach.

      Since competition rules stated that only children alone could create the sculptures, Cassie and Ellen enjoyed stealing these few hours together while the kids were distracted. There was nothing Cassie liked more than to pass time with her friends on the beach. A good dose of sun, salt water and fresh sea air worked wonders to renew the spirit. It was still too cool to swim or boogie-board without a wet suit, but today was for the girls, so Cassie hadn’t brought any gear. She’d worn a new blue bikini, but unless it warmed up, she’d keep her shorts and sweatshirt on.

      She realized she’d left her beach chair in her Jeep and headed back to the parking area. Reaching into the trunk, she heard a low, appreciative whistle. Expecting to turn around, insulted, she found herself staring at Peter Chapman with a Cheshire grin, seated in the passenger side of an SUV. He was wearing sunglasses, but that look said he was ready to start bantering anytime she was.

      “Bet you get whistled at all the time,” he said. “Thought I’d join the ranks.”

      He was so damned cute, she couldn’t resist. Planting her fists on her hips, she said, “Hey, that’s no way for a coworker to behave.”

      “I’m not working yet. So consider СКАЧАТЬ