Australia: Bundles of Joy. Nicola Marsh
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Название: Australia: Bundles of Joy

Автор: Nicola Marsh

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781472016201


СКАЧАТЬ been a pale shade of green she would’ve turned it anyway. Her friend wasn’t just dressed to impress, she had the perfect hair and make-up to match. Little wonder the Rottie rarely picked on Tahlia; her professional look would intimidate the scariest of bosses.

      Tahlia sniggered as she grabbed a coffee and sat opposite. ‘Because that’s the preggers chair.’


      ‘Every woman who sits in that chair falls pregnant.’ Tahlia counted the list off on her fingers. ‘Nadia was the latest, then there was Shelby before her, Annie from Accounts, Maggie in Animation and Sue from Marketing.’

      Tahlia paused, smug grin in place. ‘So you see, it must be the chair. And, seeing as you’re now engaging in activities that would make that chair a danger to you, I’d be very careful if I was you.’

      Keely managed a weak laugh as her mind started jumping to all sorts of impossible conclusions.

      ‘Leave her alone; she isn’t feeling well.’ Emma placed a jug of water in front of her before taking a seat.

      ‘See? It’s worked already.’ Tahlia laughed at what Keely knew must be the bemused expression on her face.

      Her friends didn’t know about her past; she’d been too ashamed, and, though they would understand, she’d rather relegate that sad time in her life to past memories where they belonged.

      Therefore, Tahlia had no idea that the one thing she teased her about could never happen. Then why did she keep thinking that there could be more to this bout of food poisoning?

      She’d skipped a period but that was nothing new. Her periods had never been regular and she’d put it down to work stress. It had happened in the past, thanks to her erratic hormones. But now, combined with the other symptoms she’d been having, a tiny seed of hope had been planted in her brain.

      Could the doctor have been wrong all those years ago?

      Sure, Lachlan used protection, but that method had never been foolproof. Just ask Nadia, her immediate superior and career woman, who had sworn to never have kids. She’d threatened to blow up the local rubber factory that produced condoms when she’d first found out the news.

      Despite her stomach continuing to dance the Macarena, Keely managed a small smile. If there was even the slightest chance she was pregnant, she wouldn’t blow up the factory—she’d personally kiss each and every employee who worked there.

      ‘What are you grinning at?’ Tahlia asked, holding her hand out for the Flirt file.

      ‘Nothing,’ Keely said, trying to ignore the urge to leap out of her chair and rush to the nearest pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test.

      Emma stared at Keely. She’d always been the more perceptive of her two friends and Keely knew that her confusion must show on her face, besides the fact that she’d gone from puking her guts up to grinning like a madwoman in less than a minute.

      ‘Are we still on for drinks this Friday night?’

      Keely met Tahlia’s gaze for an instant before looking away. Otherwise she’d probably burst out laughing and give the game away. They’d planned Emma’s surprise birthday party for the end of this week and had everything arranged. Now all they had to do was get her there.

      ‘Well?’ Emma looked at Tahlia, obviously giving up on Keely.

      Tahlia nodded. ‘Yep. Are you still interested in that makeover before your birthday next week?’

      Emma wrinkled her nose. ‘Don’t mention the B word. This year I’m not interested in celebrating.’

      ‘Is it the age thing? After all, twenty-four is ancient,’ Tahlia teased, and though Emma laughed, Keely knew there was more to it than that.

      With every year that passed Emma continued to pine for Harry Buchanan, and the fact that he wouldn’t be around this year was probably the cause of her friend’s reluctance to celebrate.

      ‘I don’t care what you say, you’re getting that makeover on Thursday night.’ Tahlia rubbed her hands together in glee. ‘Leave everything to me.’

      ‘What do you think?’ Emma glanced across at Keely and she gave her a thumbs up.

      ‘It’s a great idea. A change is as good as a holiday, some wise person once said.’ And, if that was the case, she’d be in for the equivalent of an around the world trip if her wild suspicions were confirmed.

      ‘Okay,’ Emma said, running her hands through her long blonde hair as if already ruing the fact that it would probably be the first to go. ‘Now, can we get down to business?’

      Keely nodded and clutched her stomach under the conference table, silently praying for a tiny miracle.

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