Australia: Bundles of Joy. Nicola Marsh
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Название: Australia: Bundles of Joy

Автор: Nicola Marsh

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781472016201


СКАЧАТЬ but I’m not about to do anything stupid.’ Like fall in love.

      No, this relationship would be light-hearted, casual, fun. They were dating, not on trial for potential marriage, and in that case her secret wouldn’t even come into play.

      ‘If you want my opinion, I think it’s about time you lost it over a guy. All this realism garbage you spout gets a bit boring after a while.’

      Keely smiled at Tahlia, knowing she could count on her for an honest update of the situation.

      ‘On that note, I think we should get back to business. Flirt magazine should be our number one priority right now.’

      At least during business hours.

      She would have to make a conscious effort to concentrate on work for the rest of the week and banish the thought of her weekend away with Lachlan. Having him interstate and not popping up on her doorstep would certainly help, though her insomnia had taken a turn for the worse lately, and all she could think about while lying in bed at night was how far she was willing to take this dating business—and the possible repercussions—if the unthinkable happened.

      By the way her emotions had been careening out of control around him she knew she had to tread carefully.

      Dating Lachlan would be fine, loving him disastrous.

      Though for the life of her she couldn’t back away now. She deserved some happiness, however fleeting, and dating Lachlan promised to deliver in that department. In spades.

      If anything, this weekend would be fun, and it had been too long since she’d had any with a man. Sure, her life as a city girl was rewarding, but she’d be lying if she didn’t admit to a certain emptiness, a yearning for something more. And, right now, she knew Lachlan could fill that void—and how!

      Keely jumped as Tahlia clicked her fingers in front of her face. ‘Snap out of it, dating girl. Focus.’

      Keely sent a sheepish smile her friends’ way, banished thoughts of Lachlan from her mind and tried to do exactly that.

      ‘You don’t do things by halves, do you?’ Keely glanced around the mud-brick cottage, admiring the antique furniture, the plump throw-cushions and a fireplace that just beckoned to be laid in front of. ‘This place is beautiful.’

      Lachlan deposited their overnight bags inside the door and looked up, his stare doing strange things to her insides even at a distance. ‘You’re beautiful.’

      Though she knew his compliments were part of his charisma, as natural to him as breathing, a small part of her couldn’t help but wish he truly meant them. Before a larger part told her to wake up! She looked in the mirror every morning, certain that her peculiar hazel eyes, brown hair and curvaceous body were nothing special. And far from beautiful.

      She stood there, transfixed, as he crossed the room. Her brain—not to mention her body—had gone haywire the minute he’d picked her up from her apartment, his sizzling kiss a greeting she wouldn’t forget in a hurry.

      He’d said he’d missed her, but not half as much as she’d missed him. Was she insane? She’d known him less than two weeks. She’d recited ‘don’t fall in love … don’t fall in love …’ enough times over the last few days in the hope it would make a lasting impression. It hadn’t, and she was at serious risk of losing her heart to this man.

      If she hadn’t lost it already.

      ‘Nothing to say?’ He tilted her chin up with his index finger while his thumb created havoc by brushing gently over her bottom lip. ‘That would be a first.’

      She stared into his eyes, knowing that whatever happened between them she’d never forget that unique shade of blue. ‘Are you suggesting I have a big mouth?’

      His gaze dropped to her lips. ‘There’s nothing wrong with the size of it from where I’m standing. Nor the rest of you, for that matter.’

      Oh-oh. There he went again. Another throwaway comment about her body. Sheesh, what was she thinking, losing her heart to a guy who was probably only interested in a svelte figure?

      The minute his arms slipped around her she had her answer. She wasn’t thinking. And it could prove her biggest downfall yet.

      Just shut up and kiss me, she wanted to yell. Anything to distract from her doubts.

      ‘Why don’t you show me how much you missed me?’ she said, sending him a coy smile designed to tempt.

      ‘Again? There’s no pleasing some women.’

      She snuggled into him, inhaling his scent and allowing it to wash over her in welcome waves. She had to discover the soap he used and buy a cake of the stuff to keep next to her pillow. Maybe if she didn’t have his body near her at night, his smell would be the next best thing to help her drift off to sleep?

      ‘On the contrary, I’m very easy to please.’

      He stroked her back, his hand burning a scorching trail through the thin fabric of her top. ‘Tell me how.’

      ‘Well, seeing as we’re in Hepburn Springs, aka spa country, why don’t you start with drawing me a mineral bath, followed by a massage, topped off with a facial?’ She accompanied her words by burying her face in his neck and nipping a light trail to his jaw.

      ‘I hear the nearby spa facility offers all that and more.’

      His hand stilled in its exploration of her back as she planted a row of tiny kisses along his jaw and upwards, till she reached the outer corner of his mouth.

      ‘Who needs to go to a facility for all that pampering? I can offer you all that and more right here.’

      He turned his head ever so slightly, fusing his lips to hers with the lightest touch.

      The slow, burning kiss affected her more than any they’d shared before. As he deepened it, and she plastered her body against his, she wondered if this amazing toe-curling experience and its accompanying feelings indicated she’d already fallen for him, despite her vows to do anything but. Or could it just be plain old-fashioned lust?

      ‘Stop thinking and just feel,’ he murmured, caressing her body with skilled patience till she almost purred.

      ‘Feeling is scary,’ she said, arching against him despite herself, unable to stop the powerful surge of emotion that she didn’t dare label love that drew her to him.

      ‘I won’t let you down.’ He pulled away slightly, cupped her cheek and stared into her eyes, and for one endless moment, she almost believed him.

      ‘Can we slow things down a bit?’ As the words left her mouth, she wanted to take them back.

      She’d taken things slow her entire life, pulling away from people, sabotaging relationships with men, not willing to get too close. And where had it got her?

      Alone. Unable to sleep at night. And still hoping for the perfect man to walk into her life and rescue her from all the insecurities that plagued her as a result of knowing the one thing she couldn’t be in this lifetime—a mother.

      Now the man of СКАЧАТЬ