Чжун Куй – хранитель ворот. Народное творчество
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СКАЧАТЬ ignored Sam’s attempt to be playful. She’d asked far too many questions already. Definitely avoiding something. Textbook behaviour.

      ‘So, my little jet-setter, is everything hunky-dory with you?’

      ‘Yup. It’s fine.’



      ‘So why did you call?’



      This total understanding was why, at the tender age of seven, Sam had handpicked Sophie to be the sister she’d never had. It was one of the best choices she’d ever made.

      ‘Well, Gemma’s driving me mad, Richard made a pass at me in New York and I’ve lost my diary.’ There, she’d said it out loud now.

      ‘No way?’


      ‘Oh, my God. Where do you want to start?’

      ‘I thought I’d left it at the hotel, but they’ve checked my room and nothing. Unless…’

      Sam felt her pulse-rate double. Had she seen it since?

      ‘What was in it?’



      ‘I think Richard might have it.’ Sam’s stomach plummeted to her ankles. Her life was over.

      ‘Are you sure?’

      She took a deep breath. But she’d only been in the bathroom for a couple of minutes…

      ‘What was in it?’

      ‘The last three months of my life. Plenty of unprofessional whingeing. Potentially libellous statements. Quite a few personal titbits I’d rather not think about. And worst of all…’ Sam’s thoughts interrupted her flow. ‘Yes, I definitely wrote in it after he left my room.’ The relief was quite overwhelming.

      ‘He was in your room?’

      ‘Forget it. I shouldn’t have said anything. Even to you.’

      ‘Sam, for God’s sake.’ Sam knew she could trust Sophie implicitly. Yet telling her meant that it was no longer a possible figment of her imagination. ‘And worst of all…?’


      ‘You said “And worst of all…”’

      ‘I did?’ It wasn’t her secret to tell. ‘I have no idea what I was going to say.’

      ‘So, did the entries include the night of that Valentine’s dinner party?’


      ‘You didn’t do anything wrong…’

      ‘Being caught snogging the younger brother of the host in the coat pile wasn’t my greatest moment. Maybe if my skirt hadn’t been round my waist when Tim turned the light on…’

      ‘And the wine-tasting?’

      Perfect example of alcohol-impaired judgement. It had taken her nearly three weeks to shake Steve off completely. He hadn’t outwardly displayed any signs of being a telephone stalker. Sometimes she wished Sophie’s memory could be a little less effective.

      ‘All the stuff about Richard?’

      Sam felt her stomach tighten. ‘Yup, and I was in a bit of state. One minute he was collecting documents—the next thing I knew he was under my duvet.’

      Sophie squealed. ‘And where were you?’

      ‘In the bathroom.’

      ‘Your life is so much more exciting than mine.’

      ‘I’m not sure “exciting” is the word I’d use.’

      ‘Anything else incriminating?’

      ‘You could at least try and sound a bit less gleeful.’

      ‘Sorry. And I’m not even remotely…it’s just, well, there’s a lot to take in.’ Sophie racked her brains. ‘Not…?’


      ‘The thing I’m not really supposed to know about.’

      ‘Did I tell you?’ Sam was almost relieved.

      ‘About EJ? Don’t worry. I haven’t told a soul—nor will I.’

      ‘It’s in there.’ Sam’s tones were hushed. ‘Well, most of it.’

      ‘His name?’

      ‘Initials only, I think. But there are probably enough clues. Of course now I can’t really remember, and it’s not like I can check.’

      Sophie paused. ‘And your name?’

      ‘Just an address.’

      ‘Well, that’s something. Have you told her?’

      ‘What’s the point?’


      ‘It’s like I’d be confessing to her and asking for her forgiveness. And if I was her I’m not sure I’d be doing a lot of forgiving. Meanwhile she thinks I’m all jumpy because of the Richard malarkey.’

      ‘Which you are. I know this probably sounds impossible, but try not to worry and think positive. Maybe someone will post it back when they find it. Anyway, who on earth would want to read a total stranger’s diary?’ The pause that ensued should have come with a ‘mind the gap’ warning. ‘Well, fingers crossed it’ll turn up in safe non-contentious hands.’

      ‘Maybe.’ Sam wasn’t convinced.

      ‘At least you lost it abroad.’

      ‘And of course no one reads English in New York.’

      ‘Hey, maybe it’s just been thrown away. Maybe it’s being pulped or dumped in a landfill site as we speak.’

      ‘I hope so.’ Sam could have kissed Sophie for her irrepressible optimism. And it certainly helped to have her rooting for her.

      ‘And, face it, the bottom line is there is nothing you can do.’

      ‘That’s the worst part…’ Sam sighed.

      ‘Just for the record, I think you need to give EJ the heads-up…’