Scandalous. Donna Hill
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Название: Scandalous

Автор: Donna Hill

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Kimani Arabesque

isbn: 9781472018830


СКАЧАТЬ arm for emphasis.

      Crystal turned to look at Sheila, the faint hint of warning in her voice sending a shudder of alarm skimming up her spine. “I’m sure we can handle any mud that gets slung,” Crystal assured. “Vaughn is tough.”

      “She’ll have to be tougher,” Elliott interjected, joining the two women. “There’s no room in politics for the weak of heart.” He put his hand around his wife’s waist. “I’ve paved the way for that girl. I know she’s not going to let me down.”

      Sheila straightened her shoulders and fixed a smile on her face. “Of course she won’t, sugar,” Sheila assured her husband, even as a sense of foreboding found a haven in her heart.

      The room erupted into thunderous applause as Vaughn concluded her speech. She joined her parents on the sidelines.

      “Whew. That’s that,” Vaughn breathed with relief.

      “You did good, girl,” Crystal said giving her a brief hug.

      “Thanks.” Vaughn grinned. Crystal Porter was the only person she knew who could turn girl into a three-syllable word.

      “This is only the beginning, princess,” Elliott said. “So you’d best be prepared.” He clamped his lips around the unlit pipe that was his trademark.

      “I will, Daddy. I will,” she said wearily. “Mama, I’m going to be heading home. I’m beat.”

      “I know you are, sugar. You must have shaken a thousand hands tonight.”

      “Not to mention the countless wet kisses,” Crystal chimed in.

      Vaughn switched her gaze to Crystal, her eyes flashing in annoyance.

      “What?” Crystal asked innocently.

      Vaughn shook her head. “Never mind. I’m getting out of here. Mama, Daddy, I’ll speak to you both tomorrow.”

      “If you’re that tired, Vaughn,” her father said, “I think it best you stay here tonight. You don’t need to be driving home half asleep.”

      She heard the beginnings of an order in his voice but she wasn’t having it. Not tonight. “I’ll be fine.” She kissed his cheek and then her mother’s. “I promise. I’ll call as soon as I get in.”

      Elliott frowned and gnawed on his pipe, not at all pleased. But there was no point in getting his shorts twisted in a knot on such an auspicious night. This one time he’d let her rebellious streak go. “You just make sure you do that.”

      “Goodnight, everyone,” Vaughn said wearily. “Chris, do you need a ride?”

      “No. I have my car. I’ll see you on Monday. Be safe.”

      Vaughn waved and swept out the door, deeply relieved to be out from under the supervision of her father. She couldn’t wait to get home and hop into bed.

      As she slowly pulled out of the drive and onto the street, the sound of a honking horn caught her attention. She peered through the darkness and saw the headlights of a parked car at the edge of the six-foot iron gate. Cautiously, she eased the car down the lane. Quickly she checked that her windows were up and the doors were locked. Just because you paid a lot of money to live someplace didn’t protect you from crime, she thought nervously. Norfolk’s crime statistics could attest to that. She pressed her foot on the gas, intent on speeding past the waiting auto before the driver had a chance to know what was happening.

      Her black Jaguar jetted forward, but not before the driver stepped in front of her car. “Holy….” she screeched, as she slammed on the brakes. The momentum threw her against the steering wheel. For several long moments she sat shivering in her seat, her head pressed against hands that couldn’t seem to release the wheel.

      The sharp tapping on her window caused her to gasp in alarm. Her head snapped up. Her eyes, wide with fright, darkened into two dangerous slits. She bit down on her lip to keep from expelling a spew of expletives. Like a flash of lightning she unfastened her seatbelt, popped the locks on the door, and flung it open, nearly knocking down the unfortunate soul who was about to wish he hadn’t gotten up that morning.

      She jumped out of the car, hands on hips, eyes blazing. “Are you totally out of your mind? I could have killed you, you damned idiot!”

      Justin leaned casually against the hood of the Jaguar. He folded his arms across his chest. “Now, it wouldn’t have looked very good for your campaign image if you’d run me over.”

      “What?” she sputtered. “You are out of your mind!” Her chest heaved in and out, enticingly, Justin noted, as she tried to get her breathing under control.

      Justin stepped around in front of her. “I just felt this was a good way to get your attention. And to let you know that I was very serious about what I said earlier.”

      Now, she really couldn’t breathe. Not with him standing close enough for her to see the sparkle in his eyes. Oh, God. “What is it that you want, Mr. Montgomery?” she asked, completely exasperated and totally at a loss as to how to deal with this unpredictable, gorgeous man.

      “I thought I made myself clear earlier,” he said in a rough whisper. “Obviously, I didn’t do a very good job.” He stepped even closer, allowing only a breath to separate them. “Maybe this will help.”

      Vaughn felt hypnotized, immobilized, as his steady gaze held her in place. By degrees he lowered his head until his lips gently touched down on hers. Ever so slowly, Justin’s mouth grazed over her own, commanding her to yield to him.

      She felt her head spin, her stomach flutter, her heart race with blinding speed. She felt as if a whirlpool had taken up residence within her. Unwillingly, her body began to unwind as Justin’s hand cupped the back of her head, pulling her deeper into the kiss. Without thought, her fingers reached up and stroked his smooth cheeks. His arms wound down around her, welding them together.

      She heard his low groan mix with her sigh as the tip of his tongue flicked across her lips. Then, without warning, the tantalizing sensations that ripped through her ceased. Justin eased back without totally releasing her, once again stunned by the sudden impact of the emotions that heated every fiber of his body.

      “How about if I follow you home to make sure you get there safely?” he whispered, drawing in a deep breath to calm himself.

      Wordlessly she nodded and stepped back out of his embrace. Like an automaton, she slipped into the driver’s seat of her car, fastened her seatbelt, and put the car in gear. She shook her head to clear her thoughts, wondering if what had just transpired was real, or if she’d just imagined the whole erotic episode. But when she looked up and saw his headlights cut a path through the pitch black night, she knew it was all too real.

      Slowly, she pulled out ahead, and as promised, Justin followed her for the full two-hour drive to her townhouse. It took all her concentration to get home in one piece. Her thoughts kept shifting between the road ahead and the man behind the wheel of the midnight blue BMW.

      Mercifully, Vaughn parked the car in her driveway, fully expecting Justin to get out of his car. He didn’t, and she found herself acutely disappointed. Instead, he waited for her to put her key in the door, turn on the hall light, and lock the door behind her. On shaky legs, Vaughn momentarily leaned against the locked door. СКАЧАТЬ