Scandalous. Donna Hill
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Название: Scandalous

Автор: Donna Hill

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Mills & Boon Kimani Arabesque

isbn: 9781472018830


СКАЧАТЬ long had it been since she’d seen him? Not long enough. She should have known he’d be here tonight. She couldn’t let the sight of him rattle her. Just because their relationship was over didn’t mean he’d drop off the face of the earth, as she’d prayed he would. There was no way Paul would miss the opportunity to rub elbows with the politicos who’d put him into the district attorney’s office…even if it meant they’d have to face each other again. Vaughn stood as still as stone, the old fury rising in her like molten lava.

      “I hope that’s champagne you’re drinking.”

      Vaughn’s tense expression was transformed into one of serenity, her outrage slipping off like discarded clothing. Slowly she turned toward the sound of the familiar voice, an easy smile of welcome deepening the dimples in her cheeks. “Daddy.”

      Elliott Hamilton embraced his daughter in a tight hug. But her attention was swiftly diverted to the figure that stood behind his broad frame. It took all the social training, she’d endured over the years for her to keep from staring.

      Elliott released his daughter and stepped to her left, possessively slipping his arm around her waist. The movement steadied her and gave her a perfect full-figured view. Her mouth was suddenly dry, Paul all but forgotten.

      “Justin, I’d like you to meet my daughter, the next congresswoman from Virginia. Vaughn, this is Justin Montgomery.”

      It seemed as though everything happened in slow motion. First, there was that smile of his, which made his dark eyes sparkle and crinkle at the edges. Then, the strong arm that reached out, his large hand open and welcoming, waiting to envelop hers.

      When Vaughn mindlessly slipped her hand into his, her brain seemed to short-circuit. A rush of electric energy raced through her arm, exploding in a wave of heat that radiated throughout her body.

      “It’s a pleasure, Ms. Hamilton,” he was saying, in a voice that vaguely reminded her of the ocean, deep and soothing.

      The sudden explosion of heat that erupted in Justin’s gut stunned him with its intensity. He felt himself being helplessly pulled into the depths of her brown eyes. He’d seen her before. Countless times—glimpses in restaurants and at public meetings, and in newspaper photos and television ads. But he’d never had the opportunity until now to meet her face to face. She had a natural charisma that was impossible to resist. Before tonight, she’d been but an image that he’d admired. The real thing was an entirely different story, one that left the usually unflappable Justin Montgomery totally off center.

      Vaughn found her voice and quickly recovered her manners.

      “Pleased to meet you, Mr. Montgomery.” The name struck a familiar chord in her brain, but she couldn’t seem to get her thoughts to focus with him staring at her as if he could peer beyond her facade of calm.

      The corner of his full mouth, traced by a fine mustache, inched upward in a grin. “I’ve heard a lot of good things about you, Ms. Hamilton.”

      “I’m sure my father’s been exaggerating again.” She gave her father a feigned glance of reprimand.

      Elliott Hamilton held up his palms in defense. “Honestly, sweetheart, I wish I could take the credit.” He smiled benevolently. “But since Mr. Montgomery just arrived, I haven’t had a chance to launch into my repertoire of accolades.”

      Vaughn’s eyebrow arched in question. Her gaze swung back to Justin.

      He shrugged nonchalantly, his dark eyes flickering over her. “Word gets around.”

      They both realized then that they still held hands and self-consciously released their hold.

      Elliott gently patted Justin’s back. “If you’ll excuse us, Justin, Senator Willis and his wife have arrived. And my wife is waving to me frantically.”

      Vaughn peeked over the heads of the incoming guests and caught a glimpse of the stately Senator Willis. Her stomach clenched and a cold rush of unforgotten hurt suddenly overwhelmed her with poignant memories. A wistful smile of reminiscence lifted her mouth as she saw Brian’s young face in his father’s.

      “Vaughn.” The intonation of her name snapped her out of her reverie.

      “Nice to meet you, Mr. Montgomery,” she said with a brilliant smile. “I hope you enjoy the party. Excuse me…” She turned to leave, following closely behind her father’s footsteps, when that voice reached out and caught her in mid-stride.

      “Justin,” he said, with that smile that could make a woman do the kinds of things she’d only fantasized about.

      Glancing at him over her shoulder, she smiled in acknowledgment, then quickly turned away to begin the ritual of smiling, greeting, and playing the role to the line of guests waiting to meet her.

      Justin kept a subtle eye on the guest of honor for the early part of the evening—over the rim of his champagne glass, throughout the six-course meal, from a corner shaded by a blooming potted tree, and from the center of the dance floor, where he glided effortlessly with an array of faceless beauties.

      Her every movement was fluid and almost choreographed in its perfection, Justin thought. Her shimmering spaghetti-strap black gown dotted with countless black sequins and tiny rhinestones, fit that lithe body like a glove. Damn! Every time he looked at her, his thoughts ran off in dangerous directions and his body threatened to let everyone know exactly what was on his mind.

      He continued to watch Vaughn closely, waiting for his opportunity to approach her, when he saw District Attorney Paul Lawrence go up to her, accompanied by a woman who hung onto his arm. Justin had paid such close attention to Vaughn for the better part of the evening that he instantly sensed her tension upon the arrival of Paul Lawrence. He waited for the flash of dimples, but the smile never came, and Justin cautiously waited with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

      “Vaughn, it’s good to see you again,” Paul greeted her, showing her his famous campaign smile.

      “Paul. It’s been awhile,” Vaughn replied in a monotone.

      “This is Victoria Fleming. Vikki, Vaughn Hamilton, our guest of honor.”

      Victoria stuck out her pale porcelain hand and smiled effusively, her shimmering red hair glistening in the light. “This is a wonderful party,” Vikki said, apparently oblivious to the tension that sparked like electricity between Paul and Vaughn. “I wish you the best of luck with your campaign.”

      “Thank you. I appreciate that.”

      Paul tightened his hold on Victoria’s waist. “Vaughn doesn’t need luck. She has a judge for a father,” Paul taunted, the smile never leaving his face.

      Vaughn felt as if she’d been slapped, but she didn’t miss a beat. “You would know,” she tossed back coolly.

      Paul’s hazel eyes darkened and his honey-toned skin flushed. “If there’s anything my office can do,” Paul said, “do give me a call. You know I’d be happy to help in any way that I can.”

      “I’m sure. Nice to meet you, Vikki.” She inclined her head to Paul, turned, and walked away, her fury barely contained as she headed for the terrace, her heels beating a vicious rhythm against the marble floor.

      She gripped the rail СКАЧАТЬ